Feed up Feedback Feed forward ‘A clear understanding and acknowledgement on what works in my drafts in comparison to what doesn’t so that there is no misunderstanding of comments.’
Context: To identify structures that improve feedback processes to support students in how they engage and take agency of their learning through a more comprehensive understanding of the constructs being assessed and the feed up, feedback and feed forward concepts that underpin assessment and learning. What do students see as the most effective form of feedback? How do students use feedback to inform their learning?
Focus: A qualitative survey of students provided rich and constructive data in response to the key focus questions. ‘In depth examples of high quality work and detailed explanations of how to get that quality.’ ‘…gradual feedback, not just picking up on grammar but when I can have a 1 on 1 with my teacher and acknowledge that my writing is improving, then I can keep track of what I’m doing to improve.’
Hattie and Timperley, (2007) highlight the value of providing explicit understanding of both the task and feedback: ‘To take on this instructional purpose, feedback needs to provide information specifically relating to the task or process of learning that fills a gap between what is understood and what is aimed to be understood’. (Sadler, 1989)
Action Plan: Explicit teaching of the constructs demanded of in the task Developing an understanding of the cognitive demand as well as developing analysis skills of the sources (exemplars) Feed up was provided throughout the learning by talking with each student and also marking the responses during the process with the student involved in the discussion so that they could verbally clarify any thoughts Each student had 1 on 1 time with the teacher to question (feed up), affirm and challenge their responses (feedback) and to review and evaluate their answers (feed forward) This was followed up with another Sources Analysis task to ascertain if the balance of the process was beneficial to the students However, students were asked to plan what they needed to focus on more specifically to complete the task to a higher standard than the practice one Time was provided so that planning was incorporated, resulting in more direct reflection and identification of skills and understandings that needed to be achieved.
‘I like getting feedback and I like it when you talk to me instead of giving me a page of scribbles.’ (Stage 2) students identified that they use ‘feedback’ to ‘build skills’ and ‘improve’ because they see fresh ideas from a different perspective. (20% stated that they would like to re-do the task to implement the feedback to develop the skills.) The most consistent response indicated by the students is the one to one discussion with the teacher as they recognise this as being able to clarify and communicate the most effectively, and stated the value of doing this in the process of learning, not at the end.
Findings and Recommendations: Masters (2013, p51) states that ‘…rather than being a process that is separated from and comes after teaching and learning, assessment becomes an essential component of effective pedagogy and a vital part of successful learning.’ The key phrase is effective pedagogy because if all aspects of assessment and learning are valued, then the feed up, back and forward process is inherent in our practice of facilitating learning.
‘Formative assessment, therefore, is essentially feedback (Ramaprasad,1983) both to the teachers and to the pupil about present understanding and skill development in order to determine the way forward’ (Harlen & James,1997, p.369).’ (Stiggins, in Chappuis,2014) Therefore, if teachers embrace the concept of feed up in the initial learning phase of a specific concept and engage the students in developing this awareness, enabling self-regulation and self-monitoring, the consistency of how feedback processes are used in learning becomes an explicit process.
Figure 1: A Model for Effective Feedback by Hattie & Timperley (2007)
‘The culture of the student can influence the feedback effects: Feedback is not only differentially given but also differentially received.’ (Hattie, 2011) Significantly, Wiggins (2013) suggests that feedback [of any kind] needs to be ‘…stable, unvarying in its accuracy, and trustworthy…’ (ibid); teachers need to moderate student work together to build reliability and also ‘…formalizing their judgments in highly-descriptive rubrics supported by anchor products and performances.’ (ibid) Therefore, consistency in the language used to feed up, feedback and feed forward is an effective strategy to support the concept of self-regulation for students.
Expectations: Timely responses Neutral language Actionable processes embedded into everyday teaching practices Peers learning from peers Deeper understanding of each learning area
What research tells us: Teachers need to ensure that students clearly understand the meaning and application of the assessment standards prior to the commencement of the task. Sadler states that, ‘…this recognition is crucial for students who have not previously made connections between a task as it is specified, their submitted responses, and the feedback they subsequently receive.’ (2013, p.63) Sadler (ibid, p58) highlights the importance of developing the capacity of students to objectively determine the quality of learning that is provided for assessment, through both peer and self-assessment and to develop ‘know-to knowledge’ through the learning experiences; to become self-regulators. ‘The knowledge base of learners has to be appropriately organized and sufficiently extensive for learners to be able to convert feedback into deeper knowledge and, ultimately, improved proficiency.’ (ibid. p.56)
Evaluation: Students have the opportunity : The early use of effective reflective feed up and feedback processes will support students to develop a deeper understanding of how to self-regulate their learning. Students have the opportunity : To be aware of the cognitive demands of the task To understand and address the constructs within the performance standards To develop a greater understanding of know-to knowledge The depth of understanding and the growth of learning can then be measured through the learning process as student and teacher work together in a trusting environment to build agency and capacity.
However, the focus needs to shift away from the narrow issue of how assessment (rather than feedback) can enhance student learning. The problem can then be framed differently. Any assumption that feedback must remain the primary assessment related tool inhibits opening up the agenda. Sadler (2013, p.56) Therefore, feed up, feedback and feed forward are effective strategies to support the development of self-regulated learners in the 21st century.
2017 actions Students discuss and challenge feed up More drafts are being submitted Explicit discussion of feed forward is used when planning new tasks Discussions support the application of skills to other tasks and subjects areas Staff are expected to place indications against the performance standards on drafts so that students become more adept at addressing these
Bibliography Chappuis, J. (2014) Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning (2nd Edition), Assessment Training Institute, Inc. Black and Wiliams, (Chapter 1) (Available at: http://ati.pearson.com/downloads/chapters/7%20Strats%20Ch%201.pdf (viewed: 29/01/16) Hattie, J. (2011) (cf. John Hattie in Sutton, Hornsey, & Douglas (2011), Feedback: The communication of praise, criticism, and advice.) Feedback in schools by John Hattie, Available at: <http://visible-learning.org/2013/10/john-hattie-article-about-feedback-in-schools/> (Accessed: 24/03/2016) Hattie, J and Timperley, H. (2007) The Power of Feedback, Review of Educational Research 2007 77:81. Available at http://rer.sagepub.com/content/77/1/81 (accessed: 30/01/2011) Masters, G. 2013 Reforming Educational Assessment: Imperatives, principles and challenges, Australian Educational Review, Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia. n/a (n.d) Feedback 101, How to give feedback to students, The Advanced Guide, Available at: www.evidencebasedteaching.org.au (accessed: 14/08/2015) Sadler, D. (2013) ‘Opening up Feedback: Teaching learners to see’. In Merry, S., Price, M., Carless, D., &Taras, M. (eds) Recopnceptualising Feedback in Higher Education: developing dialogue with students. (Ch.5, 54-63) London: Routledge Sadler, R., Davies, L., & Buckridge, M. (n.d.) GIHE Good Practice Guide on Developing Effective Feedback for Learning, Griffith Institute for Higher Education. Available at: www.griffith.edu.au/gihe (Accessed: 4/08/2015) Spiller, D. (2009) Assessment: Feedback to promote student learning Teacher Development/Wāhanga Whakapakari Ako, Available at: www.waikato.ac.nz/tdu (accessed: 29/01/2016) Wiggins, G. (2013) 7 Key Characteristics of Better Learning Feedback, Authentic Education, Available at: http://www.teachthought.com/learning/7-key-characteristics-of-better-learning-feedback/ (Accessed: 4/08/2015)