Welcome to President Elect Training 2017/18


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to President Elect Training 2017/18

District 5580 Presidents-Elect Training Seminar Housekeeping Rules Cell Phones and Computers on silent Bathroom locations/scheduled breaks We welcome participation/interaction! There are NO bad ideas or questions Respect one person speaking at a time Speak to whole group when talking Two scheduled breaks – end by 4pm District 5580 Presidents-Elect Training Seminar

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District 5580 PETS 2017

Safeguarding our youth Provide environment for youth to grow and become productive adults Recognizing & addressing Abuse and Harassment Providing Role Models

“Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses and partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people they come into contact with and protect them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.” Adopted by the RI Board of Directors

All club and district leaders involved with Interact, RYLA, Rotary Youth Exchange and youth programs!

First – Yes, we have one. Second - Review your District policy and implementation process. Third– Clubs must adopt District Youth Protection Policy or a policy which meets or exceeds the District policy.

Certified Volunteer - Significant Interaction Volunteer – Adult involved in a Rotary Activity that includes Youth Significant Interaction - Significant Interaction may include multiple occurrences over the course of time, situations where the Volunteer has the ability to influence the circumstances in which the Volunteer has the interaction, the location of the interaction or the duration of the interaction.

All Club Youth Protection Officers and Youth Exchange Officers must be certified. Certification: Volunteer Application Background Check Training *If no Club Youth Protection Officer, you are it!

RULE OF 3 No 1 on 1 contact Exceptions: Certified Volunteers may transport Youth Exchange Students to Rotary activities Host Families

Group Course Date Completed All Rotarians & other adult volunteers who have any contact with youth in a Rotary Context. Awareness DG, DGE, DGN, Youth Exchange Officer, YPO & all Rotarians & other adult volunteers who have significant contact/involvement working with youth in a Rotary Context. Volunteer Affidavit Background Check Complete Certification

ROTARY LEADERSHIP Debra Warner, Blaine T. Johnson President Elect Training Seminar 2017

WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? Ask PE’s to define leadership first. What is the difference between leadership and management?

WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? Leadership involves: establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders. A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. Ask PE’s to define leadership first. What is the difference between leadership and management?

LEADERSHIP Leadership is when one person can handle all of the stuff that would normally overwhelm others. – Isaiah – age 10 How do leaders handle all of this stuff? Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action Cue Video

What is the first question people ask you about Rotary? (What is Rotary?) How does Rotary accomplish that? Why does Rotary do what it does? What is our purpose, our cause? The Why is about our contribution to impact and serve others. The Why inspires us. Why Rotary?

We started out PETS this morning by asking you “Why you joined Rotary How many of you fell into one of these categories? How many joined for community or friendship?

Another question one might ask is What value do you get out of Rotary?

Why is our Why important? Our Why impacts absolutely everything we do, from how we solve problems, to how we engage with others, to how we attract membership, raise funds, and have meetings. People naturally communicate from the outside-in; they typically go from what is easiest to understand to what is hardest to understand and explain. They tell people What they do, tell them How they are different or better, and then they expect a behavior like a purchase, a vote or support. The problem is that What and How do not inspire action. Facts and figures make rational sense, but people do not make decisions purely based on facts and figures. Starting with What is what commodities do. Starting with Why is what leaders do. Leaders inspire.

This is the reason we can say that people don’t buy What you do, they buy Why you do it and What you do simply serves as the tangible proof of what you believe. Why does this matter as President Elects? Fundraising – do people give because you are raising funds or do they give because you are raising funds for a purpose? Is giving of your time any different than giving of your money? (My time is more valuable)


The Relator The Socializer The Thinker The Director Open relationships Reserved relationships Indirect Slow-paced Direct Fast-paced The Relator Warm and friendly Slow and easy Shares feelings Good listener Cooperative The Socializer Relationships important Fast-paced Strong feelings of personal worth Enthusiastic and persuasive Not afraid of risks The Thinker An efficient perfectionist Slow and cautious Task-oriented Follows directions Works well alone The Director Emphasis on results Fast-paced and decisive Does not share feelings Little concern for relationships Seen as dominating Who are our Realtors? Etc. What characteristics can you utilize or emphasize to your benefit? But now look around the room. There are other leaders that you are going to have to work with. All with different skill sets and personalities. What will you have to work on to engage others?


Conflict Resolution: What do we do about Bob? Bob has been chairman of the membership committee for 15 years. Bob is the only member of the membership committee. Those that want to help grow membership are quickly informed that Bob knows more about membership than anyone in Rotary. The club’s membership has been in steady decline for the last three years.

Conflict Resolution Questions When you face a problem and don’t know what steps need to be taken to advance your team: Why do we have this problem? (Clarity) How do we solve this problem? (Discipline) What specific Steps must we take to solve this problem? (Consistency) Applying the golden circle to an individual problem.

Conflict Resolution Share your passion (Your WHY). Passion is contagious Passion explains the purpose of moving forward Passion makes others feel safe. You care about this organization; you will not let it fall. When a leader embraces their responsibility to care for people instead of caring for numbers, then people will follow, solve problems and see to it that that leader’s vision comes to life the right way, a stable way and not the expedient way. - Simon Sinek.


Have PE’s cross arms. Read Socrates quote. Now have the opposite way Have PE’s cross arms. Read Socrates quote. Now have the opposite way. How did that feel? Was it easy or difficult? Did you have to think about it? How did it feel when you were asked to cross your arms the other way? Did it come naturally or did you have to stop and think about it? Were you comfortable with doing this differently from your normal process? What are some things that make people resistant to change? Now, every one stand up. Leave your belongings at the table. I want you to move to a different chair and have a seat.

Why can’t we just stay the same? CHANGE Why can’t we just stay the same? What impedes change? Ask PE’s to change seats again after sharing.

How do we overcome roadblocks to change? What drives change? OK, back to your seats. How did it feel to be asked to change seats? Who moved across the room? Who stayed close to their original position? What did it feel like to leave your belongings behind? Did you view changing seats as an opportunity to sit with someone new or as an uncomfortable or undesirable change? What are some things that make people resistant to change? What can you do to make it easier for people in your organization to accept change? If participants move back to their old seating arrangements after the exercise is over, ask the following questions: Why is it difficult to maintain changes once they are made? What kind of support is necessary to maintain the change?

Albert Einstein once said that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” Do you want Rotary to grow? Do you want Rotary to exist into next century? presented by mitty chang september 2015

We achieve more when we chase the dream instead of the competition. Vision We achieve more when we chase the dream instead of the competition.

Your Club’s Vision How many have heard of club visioning? How many have completed club visioning? What were the benefits? What are the challenges? Were there any surprises? How does club visioning help you as a president elect? Why is a 3 to 5 year vision important?

Applying What We Have Learned… I have been a Rotarian for 37 years and we have never done it that way. Knowing what we know now, how do we respond? Why have we always done it that way? Why can’t we do it differently? How can it be improved? Get buy in from club rather than a specific individual. Make him or her feel safe. Show a vision, create a plan, and share how it will be achieved.