Veterans and Military Family Engagement Honor, Thank, Serve
CNCS Priority Serving those who served us, as well as engaging the talents of our veterans and military families is a strategic priority for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Across the country, CNCS regularly commit millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours to this mission.
Priorities Services and Support to Military Families Volunteer Opportunities for Veterans Education and Certifications Employment Access to Benefits Military Children Wounded Warriors Wellness and Other Support Services
Impact Recruited more than 27,000 veterans to serve as AmeriCorps and Senior Corps members across 200 communities. More than 500 Senior Corps projects and 8000 Senior Corps volunteers serve at Veterans Affairs facilities each year. AmeriCorps NCCC provided service to over 76,000 veterans through more than 101,000 hours of project service.
AmeriCorps Florida: Veteran Service Spotlight Duval Reads: Vet Success NWF Environmental Stewards: Veteran/Military Family Engagement
Service and Engagement Strategies Service project ideas Letters to Servicemen Wounded Warrior Project- Speakers VA Medical Center VA Homeless Veteran’s Program Send care kits to military overseas. Volunteer at American Legion 11 a.m. or 11:11 a.m. on Veteran’s Day moments of silence for those who’ve fought and died while in service to the country Pick-up trash at a veteran’s cemetery Calendars/post cards (Home Front Hugs)
Service and Engagement Strategies Become an AmeriCorps Member One-time service projects
National Veteran Corps CNCS Initiative that recognizes veterans serving in AmeriCorps or programs that have a primary focus on the veteran and military family community on 11/11. Toolkit Pin