£ £ Your Details (BLOCK CAPITALS please) Standing Order I/We wish to be a part of Planned Giving Parish Bank: HSBC Bank plc, 1 High Street, Harpenden, AL5 2RS (40-23-11) Name(s) Address Post Code Email Tel Parish Account: St Nicholas PCC – Planned Giving (31530860) To the Manager: Bank Address As part of Planned Giving, I/we will regularly give as follows: £ Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Post Code Please pay to HSBC for the credit of “St Nicholas PCC – Planned Giving” (details as above) the sum of: My/our giving will be by: Standing Order Pre-numbered envelopes Payroll Giving Charity account £ Monthly Quarterly Annually (Please tick the appropriate box.) My/our links with the Parish are through: St Nicholas’ Church St Mary’s Church All Saints’ Church Amount in words: and continuing until I give written notice. / / . Starting on: (Please tick the appropriate boxes.) This Standing Order is to replace, from the date of the first payment shown above, any existing Standing Order to “St Nicholas PCC – Planned Giving”. Please debit my account: Gift Aid Declaration (to be completed by tax payer) Sort Code: Account No: Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made from the date of this declaration and in the past 4 years. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6th April to 5th April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give. Name(s) Address Post Code From: Signed Date / / . Name Signed Date / / . When making each payment please quote my name as printed above as reference. Notes: Please notify the Parish Giving Recorder if you: change your name or home address; want to cancel this declaration; no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. Gift Aid is linked to basic rate tax. Basic rate tax is currently 20%, which allows charities to reclaim 25p on the pound. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. Alternatively, feel free to use the Parish bank account details above to set up regular giving yourself and return this form having ticked the appropriate box: Standing Order online Payroll Giving Charity account
The Parish of St Nicholas Harpenden Explanatory Notes The Parish of St Nicholas Harpenden Your Details We would appreciate you completing information about yourself and your giving so that it can be acknowledged and recorded. The Parish holds the amount of an individual’s giving as confidential to the Parish Giving Recorder. Standing Order: You set an amount to be debited from your bank account on a regular basis. Pre-numbered envelopes: Please contact the Parish Giving Recorder if you would like a supply of weekly or monthly pre-numbered envelopes which you can then use for cash, cheques or charity account vouchers to put in the offertory during a service. If you regularly use white Gift Aid envelopes please consider using these envelopes instead which you will find quicker and which help the Parish. Pre-numbered envelopes are for tax and non-tax payers alike. Payroll Giving: You set an amount to be regularly debited from your pre-tax income by your employer. Charity account: You set an amount to be debited from your Charity account on a regular basis. St Nicholas’ Church Green St Mary’s Kinsbourne Green All Saints’ Station Road Planned Giving Thank you very much for considering Planned Giving. By joining the Planned Giving scheme you can simply and easily provide continuing regular support for the ministry and mission of the Parish which is greatly appreciated. Planned Giving means the Parish has advance notification of amounts to be pledged, enabling it to plan for the future with greater confidence. Details of how to complete the form can be found on the back of this leaflet. Please complete the form and return it to: The Parish Giving Recorder, The Parish Office, St Nicholas’ Church, Church Green, Harpenden, AL5 2TP. For more information (or assistance completing the form), please contact: Parish Giving Recorder: All Districts Claire Petevinos 01582 768721 giving.recorder@parishofharpenden.org Giving Advisers: St Nicholas’ Nick Sunderland 07876 476406 nick@whyprojects.com St Mary’s Fred Pointon 01582 762628 fred.pointon@ntlworld.com Nina Featherstone 01582 821248 nina.pearson@ntlworld.com All Saints’ Tony Gilbert 01582 762052 tony.gilbert60@tiscali.co.uk Gift Aid Declaration If you pay enough tax to make use of the government’s Gift Aid scheme you can significantly increase the value of all your giving to the Parish by completing the Gift Aid Declaration. Standing Order If you wish to donate by Standing Order, please complete this section to instruct your own bank to set up regular payments to the Parish. Alternatively, you can use the Parish bank account information in this section to set up a Standing Order online yourself, or to set up Payroll Giving or Charity account payments. Notes for Parish Giving Recorder: