Global Multi-Asset Strategies Diversified Equity (100% EQ / Alts) Core Fixed Income (100% FI / Alts) Total Yield (S-T Bond) Real Balanced Growth & Income (60% FI / 40% EQ / Alts) Real Wealth Accumulation (40% FI / 60% EQ / Alts) Aggressive Real Growth (20% FI / 80% EQ / Alts) Income Plus (80% FI / 20% EQ / Alts) Diversified Liquid Alternatives (Inflation +) All “GMAS” strategies incorporate active tactical asset allocations in a +/- band FI = BAML Global aggregate bond index EQ = MSCI all country world index (ACWI) Alts = A diversified basket of liquid alternatives 1
Global Multi-Asset Strategies Diversified Equity (100% EQ) California Muni Total Yield (S-T Bond) Real Balanced Growth & Income (60% FI / 40% EQ) Real Wealth Accumulation (40% FI / 60% EQ) Aggressive Real Growth (20% FI / 80% EQ) Income Plus (80% FI / 20% EQ) Diversified Liquid Alternatives (Inflation +) National Muni Core Fixed Income (100% FI) FI = BAML Global aggregate bond index EQ = MSCI all country world index (ACWI) Alts = A diversified basket of liquid alternatives All “GMAS” strategies incorporate active tactical asset allocations in a +/- band 2