No bell work today! Read and follow the directions below: Do not touch any materials until you are asked. Take your backpack OFF and put it IN THE BACK OF THE ROOM AWAY FROM ANY TABLES. You will need something to write with today.
Today, we begin a new unit Today, we begin a new unit. Remember that the ultimate goal of any species is to reproduce. Many organisms do this through sexual reproduction. Biologically speaking, sexual reproduction is simply an exchange of bodily fluids. For today’s lab, we need to simulate this exchange of fluids.
LAB CHAMPS: C: About the LAB only H: Follow instructions carefully. Ask a teacher A: Maintain appropriate behavior and integrity for proper LAB results M: Movement is allowed as directed by teacher P: Participate in all parts of LAB as directed by teacher
Today’s Lab: Put on your protection (goggles). Choose one cup from MY table. These are your fluids to exchange. When you hear my signal, swap “body fluids” with as many or as few people as you’d like. Both people must agree to a swap. NO MEANS NO! You must wear protection at all times! When the signal ends, return to your seat.
the signal ;-)
Oh, no! I forgot to tell you… Someone in this room has HIV! Let’s test everyone to see if the virus has spread… Can you figure out where the infection started??
Return/Discard Lab Materials Goggles and Aprons returned to proper places “Fluids” are CAREFULLY POURED down the sink Cups are thrown in the trash can On your way back pick up a handout from me Begin working on your handout Small group CHAMPs
Now, for some real information… With your table group, mark each statement on your handout as TRUE or FALSE. We will discuss each statement as a class.
1. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. TRUE
2. AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) TRUE
3. HIV is caused by AIDS. FALSE – HIV (the virus) invades the body first, and can then develop into AIDS (the disease).
4. There are some people who are immune to HIV. TRUE…technically. Less than 1% of the population has a partial to complete immunity to HIV, due to a mutation in their white blood cells.
5. Apple juice is a body fluid. FALSE – Um, no.
6. A fluid is a liquid. FALSE – A fluid can be somewhere in between solid and liquid (like snot).
7. You can get HIV from someone who does not have HIV. FALSE – HIV cannot appear out of nowhere. But remember, you can’t tell if someone has HIV just by looking at them.
8. You can get AIDS without getting HIV. FALSE – AIDS is a disease that results specifically from the effects of the HIV virus.
9. No one is sure if people who get HIV always develop AIDS. TRUE – Some people who are HIV positive can live for years without developing AIDS. Others develop AIDS within a few months of contracting the virus. There is no way to predict whether one individual’s infection with HIV will lead to AIDS.
10. HIV makes you immune to AIDS. FALSE – HIV is the cause of AIDS.
11. AIDS damages the immune system. FALSE – AIDS results when the immune system is already severely damaged by the HIV virus.
12. The immune system helps the body fight off disease. TRUE – without a working immune system, your body is vulnerable to any pathogen that’s around to attack it.
FALSE – Unfortunately, no. 13. There is a cure for AIDS. FALSE – Unfortunately, no.
14. HIV has no symptoms. TRUE and FALSE – People can go for months or even years without knowing they are HIV positive, if they aren’t showing symptoms.
15. A person with HIV always feels sick. FALSE – People can go for months or even years without knowing they are HIV positive, if they aren’t showing symptoms.
16. A person with HIV may not know that they have it. TRUE – People can go for months or even years without knowing they are HIV positive, if they aren’t showing symptoms.
17. A person can have HIV for years without developing AIDS. TRUE – Former NBA player Magic Johnson is one example. He has been HIV positive for over 20 years without developing AIDS.
18. HIV is spread by sneezing. FALSE! You cannot spread HIV through “casual” contact like sneezing, coughing, sharing dishes, hugging, etc.
19. HIV is spread when body fluids mix. TRUE – HIV is spread through the mixing of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk.
20. AIDS and HIV are the same thing. FALSE – AIDS is a disease, HIV is a virus that causes AIDS.
21. The AIDS virus and HIV are the same thing. TRUE
22. There is no way to avoid getting AIDS. FALSE – There are many precautions you can take to avoid HIV/AIDS!
23. Sharing needles is one way to risk getting AIDS. TRUE – Sharing needles means you are sharing blood.
24. Having sex is one way to risk getting AIDS. TRUE – Sex is just an exchange of body fluids.
25. Condoms always protect sexual partners from getting AIDS. FALSE! Even when used correctly and consistently, condoms are only 98-99% effective against HIV and other STD’s.
26. I can get AIDS. This is up to you. While there can potentially be accidents that lead to infection by HIV, it is up to you to protect yourself against HIV and AIDS!
For the rest of today… With your table group, complete the back side of your handout. You may use your electronics to look up the answers, or you may borrow a laptop. Turn in your paper before you leave!