Information, Advice, Help and Support for Any issues. Transition Officer Information, Advice, Help and Support for Any issues. Academic Module Leader Academic advice on modules. e.g. "I don’t understand variables" Pastoral Issues Personal Tutor Information and Advice e.g. "I have broken my leg and can’t get into uni" Programme Issues Stage Co-ordinator Advice on any programme problems. e.g. "I have clashing deadlines" Peer Mentor Advice from another student's perspective e.g. "What is the best time to look for 2nd year accommodation" Staff Student Representative Can give anonymous feedback back to the school e.g. "We want a new vending machine"
128 Respondents
Outreach Admissions Demonstrator Peer Mentors
Student wellbeing
“So far, so good. Student support is excellent at this university “So far, so good. Student support is excellent at this university! Glad to be here!” “I have no problem contacting any of them, depending on the problem” “Everyone made me feel welcome” “A lecture on progression in Welcome Week” “I would love to be able to attend more small group tutorials on difficult subjects like maths.” “More programming practical time for programming newcomers” “Maybe a lecture that formally teaches you how to style your essay and your coursework e.g. example from previous years or mistakes usually made.”