Drawing Master Contest (12 class days)
Mystery Drawing Contest Time ranges from 1 class period to several days Each drawing will test a different material and technique, while demanding great drawing skills Each drawing must be complete to receive a full grade and to be eligible to win the 1st Annual Drawing Master Contest… Winner will receive extra credit + mystery art supplies
Drawing # 1 You will have this class period and next class period to finish. The materials you will use are a pencil and colored pencils. The focus on this drawing is attention to detail. Be as specific with your observations as possible. You will use the computers, ipads, phones to find your inspiration. No background So what are you drawing….? In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Ancient Greek φοίνιξ phóinīx) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. Phoenix
Drawing # 3 So far so good, this next drawing will test your patience. Take your time. This drawing will take this class period, next class period, and will finish the 3rd period. You will use pencil to plan and WATERCOLOR for light, colorful washes. This drawing has an emphasis on COLOR, but be unique, creative, and have fun. What are you drawing….? FLAMINGOS
Drawing # 4 You thought last drawing tested your patience? Try using ONLY dots. Known as pointillism, this technique of shading takes precision and patience. Using only black pen, you will have 2 days to complete your drawing. This drawing needs to focus attention on different surface textures You will be drawing…
Celtic Design Drawing # 5 Think you have what it takes to be 100% symmetrical? Let’s see. This next drawing will test your ability to work in complete symmetry. The material is your choice. You may use black and white, color, or a mixture between both. Line quality must be excellent You have 3 class periods to finish You will be creating your own….
Anatomical Heart Final Drawing Let’s turn the difficulty up a little… This last drawing is going to demand patience and acute attention to detail. I want you to show off your drawing skills here – be proud to draw You can only use cross-hatching and line work for this drawing, and the medium is only drawing black pens. You will only have 2 class periods to finish You will need to choose wisely a…