Governments Without Boundaries Serving Citizens in a Digital World Presentation to e-Governance Task Force June 6, 2001 Michelle d’Auray Chief Information Officer Government of Canada
Government Services in Canada -- an overview The Government of Canada is a large and complex organization 126 federal departments and agencies responsible for over 1,600 programs and services All levels provide services that touch the lives of Canadians on a daily basis, for example Federal -- Income Security, Business Services, Passports Provincial -- Health, Education, Permits (driver’s licence, hunting & fishing) Municipal -- Water, Utilities, Libraries, Community Services
The Government of Canada’s commitment... “The Government will continue to work toward putting its services on-line by 2004, to better connect with citizens.” Speech from the Throne January 30, 2001 “This goal sends a clear signal that we mean to ... harness the potential of the Internet.” Prime Minister Jean Chrétien February 2, 2001 …to smart government
Quality and Satisfaction Government On-Line supports... Accessibility Service Canada In-Person Telephone Internet Quality and Satisfaction Improvement Service Enabling Platform Government On-Line …service delivery transformation across all channels
Government On-Line means... Better service to Canadians -- anywhere, anytime Giving Canadian businesses a competitive advantage Supporting public service renewal Positioning Canada as an innovative, on-line country …using technology for the benefit of all Canadians
Government On-Line responds to... Internet Use in Canada Government and Internet In the last three months, 44% of Internet users visited a government web site Canada Information Office, January 2001 72% of Canadians support the move to electronic government Ekos, Fall 2000 87% believe greater use of Internet / e-mail will improve access to government information and services Environics, January 2001 63% of Canadians (84.5% of youth) recently used the Internet Canada Information Office, January 2001 Statistics Canada, 2000 Canadians spend the most time on-line in the world (5.1 hours per week) PricewaterhouseCoopers, Fall 2000 69% of SMEs and almost 100% of larger enterprises use the Internet CFIB, August 2000 …growing Internet use in Canada
We need to make it easier for Canadians... Canadians must visit more than one level of government to get services on-line 69% say knowing where to start is the biggest challenge in getting government services 67% of Internet users say they should be able to apply for services from different levels of government through one website 78% believe that the Internet will have a positive impact on the coordination of services between levels of government 72% believe the Internet will give Canadians a greater say in decision-making …to access services regardless of jurisdiction
Jurisdictions are at different stages of e-government... Key factors for success: Leadership Targets Governance Common infrastructure & standards Updated legislative and policy framework Communications & engagement Strategic investment ….but are all focused on common priorities
A corporate approach is essential... Clear political and senior administrative accountabilities for government-wide targets Corporate co-ordination of government action plan Departmental leads assigned to develop government-wide business processes Departmental GOL leads to deliver on departmental accountabilities Common framework and metrics and centralized monitoring Consultation, collaboration and partnerships with key stakeholders Timely, transparent, proactive communications …to ensure success
A sound governance approach with clear accountabilities... Committee of Ministers (Treasury Board) acts as the management board Responsible Minister to appoint External Advisory Committee Committee of department heads provides oversight function CIO co-ordinates government plans, provides common framework & metrics and monitors progress Department heads accountable for delivering through accountability accords (28 core departments) GOL leads to ensure horizontal approaches within departments …will ensure that GOL objectives are met
Governments across Canada... …are moving toward e-government
How do we coordinate across jurisdictions? Through forums like the Public Sector Chief Information Officer Council and the Public Sector Service Delivery Council, seize opportunities to work together across levels of government in Canada to: test innovative service delivery options build common solutions to key policy issues (security, privacy) share experiences and best practices develop common measurement tool for service delivery Establish joint websites to feature best practices and lessons learned Participate in cross-jurisdictional / multi-sectoral events to foster collaboration
Common strategies across jurisdictions - information sharing Connectedness Electronic commerce Critical mass of services on-line Common business processes Common IM/IT Infrastructure Human resources Public/private sector partnerships
Interjurisdictional GOL initiatives / pilots under way Health Information Network Partnership between three levels of government, community associations, health organizations Canada-Ontario Business Registration Authentication Pilot to test public key infrastructure Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Joint individual tax returns (with 9 provinces, 3 territories) Corporate income tax (2 provinces) Business registration (4 provinces)
Emerging GOL opportunities across Canadian jurisdictions Common business processes (i.e. lost wallet, change of address, business registration, business start-up) Information Management framework Authentification framework (including technical interoperability) Critical information and infrastructure protection Common measurement tool for service standards and benchmarking on-line progress Common tool kits (i.e. privacy impact assessment, best practices for ESD on shared web site) On-line procurement (opportunities for shared service)
Emerging GOL opportunities internationally Exchange of information and best practices Interjurisdictional interoperability Trilateral (Canada-US-Mexico) PKI forum Private sector (i.e. ITAC-ITAA) North America as geographic basis for cross-border service initiatives
Governments Without Boundaries Serving Citizens in a Digital World Presentation to e-Governance Task Force June 6, 2001 Michelle d’Auray Chief Information Officer Government of Canada