TELPAS Reading Test Administration District –Wide Conference Call Training Wednesday, February 15, 2017 1:00-4:00 p.m. Spring 2017
Disclaimer This presentation does not take the place of reading the manuals Campus test coordinators, raters, verifiers, and reading test administrators are responsible for reading the appropriate manual(s) and complying with all the instructions
District and Campus Coordinator Manual (DCCM, PAGE T-11)
Principal’s Role in TELPAS DCCM, Page T-4
Test Security And Confidentiality Must secure and account for all secure materials and confidential student information before, during, and after each test administration Writing samples Rating rosters Student authorization letters Paper-based tests (if applicable) Access must be limited to personnel who meet the requirements to participate in the testing, have been trained, and have signed the appropriate oath Holistic raters Writing collection verifier(s) Reading test administrator(s) Reading test monitor(s) Technology staff Test Admin Manual, pg. 3
Test Security and Confidentiality Test Admin Manual, pg. 3-4 Confidentiality Before handling secure materials, testing personnel must be trained and sign the appropriate oath Personnel working in the TAMS must read and accept a statement of confidentiality No person may view, reveal, or discuss the contents of an online assessment before, during, or after a test administration unless specifically authorized by TEA If circumstances necessitate that an online assessment be examined, permission must first be obtained from TEA No person may duplicate, print, record, write notes about, or capture by electronic means any portion of a secure assessment without prior approval from TEA Only students may respond to test questions No person may review or discuss student responses or performance data during or after a test administration unless specifically authorized to do so by the procedures outlined in the test administration materials No person may receive or provide answers to student profiles during TELPAS calibration activities.
Test Security and Confidentiality Test Admin Manual, pg. 4 Two categories of irregularities: Serious Procedural Serious irregularities constitute severe violations of test security and/or confidentiality and can result in the individual(s) responsible being referred to the TEA Educator Standards and Certification Legal Division for consideration of disciplinary action including: Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently
Test Security and Confidentiality Testing Irregularities (Serious) Directly or indirectly assisting students with responses to reading test questions or holistic writing samples Tampering with student responses or writing samples Falsifying TELPAS holistic rating or writing samples Using answer sheets or notes that contain answer to complete TELPAS calibration activities Viewing secures test content during or after an assessment without permission Discussing secure test content, student responses, or student performance Scoring student reading tests, either formally or informally Duplicating, recording, or electronically capturing secure test content (online reading test) without permission from TEA Fraudulently exempting or preventing a student from the administration of a required state assessment Receiving or providing answers to student profiles during TELPAS calibration Test Admin Manual, pg. 5-6
Test Security and Confidentiality Testing Irregularities (Procedural) Eligibility errors Eligible students were not rated in one or more domains Eligible students were not administered the grades 2-12 reading test Ineligible students were assessed IEP Implementation Errors Failure to provide a prescribed accommodation A student receiving special education services was administered the wrong test Improper accounting for secure materials A rater, test administrator, campus coordinator, or district coordinator lost or misplaced writing Collections or other confidential or secure materials Test Admin Manual, pg. 6
Test Security and Confidentiality Test Admin Manual, pg. 6 Testing Irregularities (Procedural) Monitoring errors CTC did not require raters to return confidential materials Test administrator left a room unattended when students or secure materials were present or when secure online tests were visible Secure online tests were left open and visible during a lunch break, short break in room, or restroom break Testing personnel did not monitor students during a break Testing personnel did not ensure that students worked independently during the online reading test Students were not prevented from using cell phones or other electronic devices to take pictures or send messages A student was allowed to remove secure materials
Test Security and Confidentiality Testing Irregularities Procedural errors Test administrator failed to issue the correct materials or non-allowed materials were provided to students Testing personnel who were not properly trained werer allowed to rate students, administer tests, or handle secure materials. Test administrator failed to use the test administrator manual or failed to read the bolded test administration directions as outlined in the manual. A test administrator failed to remove or cover all instructional display that might aid students by providing direct answers during testing. TELPAS writing collection was not submitted in accordance with the required assembly criteria. Test administrator failed to provide a student with the correct student test ticket to access the TELPAS reading test.
Test Security and Confidentiality Test Admin Manual, pg. 7 Reporting Testing Irregularities and Students cheating on State Assessments Contact Monica Saldana (District DTC) immediately upon discovery
TELPAS Assessment Eligibility Requirements Campuses are required to assess all K-12 ELLs enrolled during the TELPAS testing window*: Currently identified as LEP LEP code = 1 in PEIMS Includes parent denials Includes homebound students Does NOT include students who have been exited from the program and who are in their 1st or 2nd year of monitoring LEP codes F, S in PEIMS are NOT tested DCCM, page T-3 * In rare instances due to ARD specifications or other unusual circumstances, a student may not be required to participate in one or more TELPAS domains--see DCCM Page T-4
Identifying Eligible ELLs CTC Responsibility Use the Six Weeks Verification List from PEIMS to find currently identified LEP students, Including PDs M1 & M2 do not test TELPAS
TELPAS Student Withdraw/Entry Date Responsibility for assessing students who enroll or withdraw before the testing window Student withdraws/enrolls March 6th If an ELL enrolls in the Texas public school BEFORE March 6 (the start of the TELPAS Assessment window), the receiving campus is responsible for all TELPAS assessment domains. If an ELL enrolls ON or AFTER March 6, the receiving campus is responsible only for the grades 2-12 Reading Test (If test was not already administered).* *This is true whether the student enrolls from another Texas school or from another state or country.
TELPAS Trainings –Important Dates Assembling & Verifying Online Training Deadline: February 10, 2017 Verifier Window: March 20-24 Online Basic Training Monitored Calibration Sessions(next slide) Deadline to Complete Calibrations: February 28th TELPAS Raters cannot rate any student until calibration is completed Rating Window: March 6- 10, 2017 (week before Spring Break)
Calibration Monitored Sessions DCCM; pages T17-19 District-Wide Calibration Monitored Sessions: Athlos (PLA) – Day 1 -February 16th / Day 2 – February 17th HPGT – Day 1 -February 15th / Day 2 – February 16th Alamo: Day 1 -February 13th / Day 2 – February 14th Athlos (SA): Day 1 -February 13th / Day 2 – February 16th Athlos –(BRO). : Day 1 -February 17th / Day 2 – February 23rd LLA: Day 1 -February 17th / Day 2 – February 20th HLA/DLA: Day 1 -February 17th / Day 2 – February 22nd Athlos (ATX): Day 1 -February 16th/ Day 2 – February 20th WBLA: Day 1 -February 15th/ Day 2 – February 22nd Coastal Bend: Day 1 -February 16th / Day 2 – February 17th Calibration Certificates of Completion & Sign in Sheets: scan & email to Mrs. Morales right after monitored session occurs
Important Dates TELPAS Timeline TELPAS Writing Collection Window February 13th – March 3th Holistic Raters complete the rating/Writing folder turned-over to Verifier Due Date: 3/10/2017 Assembling & verifying writing collections completion (Grades K-1, 2-12) Due Date: 3/24/2017 Assembling & Verifier enter rating on TAMS April 27-31, 2017; CTC Verification/Confirm-- *April 3-4th Reading Online TELPAS Testing Schedule Athlos (SA) March 7-10 Athlos (RGV) March 7-10, if needed March 20-24 LLA March 7-10 Athlos (ATX) March 21-24 DLA, HLA, KLA, ATL, HPGT, Alamo, & PLA March 21-24 * JAC window closes on April 4th to provide adequate time for District verification of completion
Online Reading Test Grades 2–12
TELPAS Reading Standards New 2014 standards were set for TELPAS reading** Standards were adjusted to meet the new definition of “grade level-appropriate” that accompanies the increased rigor of STAAR Domain weights have been shifted in the composite score calculations: Reading: 50% Previously 75% Writing: 30% Previously 15% Listening: 10% Previously 5% Speaking: 10% Previously 5%
Testing Manual; page 9 and Accommodations Testing Accommodations: Designated supports approved locally: Individualized structured reminders Amplification devices Projection devices Manipulating test materials Basic transcribing Large print Designated supports that require TEA approval: Photocopying test materials Extra day Other Testing Manual; page 9 and DCCM; page T-8 NOTE – In rare circumstances, a paper administration of a reading test for grade 2 or above may be authorized by TEA. Refer to the 2012 District and Campus Coordinator Manual for more information about submitting a formal request for a paper administration.
General information Test Admin Manual, pg. 3 Multiple-choice online reading tests in six grade clusters: 2, 3, 4–5, 6–7, 8–9, 10–12 (T-3) Administered in the TestNav 8 format Accessed from the Texas Assessment Management System NOTE – In rare circumstances, a paper administration of a reading test for grade 2 or above may be authorized by TEA. Refer to the 2012 District and Campus Coordinator Manual for more information about submitting a formal request for a paper administration. In rare circumstances (juvenile detention centers, homebound), a paper administration of a reading test for grade 2 or above may be authorized by TEA. Refer to the 2017 District and Campus Coordinator Manual for more information about submitting a formal request for a paper administration.
TELPAS Test Administrators Test Admin Manual, pg. 14 must become familiar with the test administration directions: Sentences are shorter, language is simple TA’s may adjust the language and specificity of the administration directions to the level of English proficiency of the students TA’s must NOT change the substance of the information contained in the directions TA’s may translate into the native language the administrative directions that they read aloud to the students before the test. TA’s must NOT translate test items or reading selections
Ensure proper testing environment Test Admin Manual, pg. 18 LATE ARRIVAL/MAKE-UP TEST A student who arrives after a test session has begun may be tested if sufficient time remain in the day to provide the student with the allowed time for testing. Make up testing show be completed within the TELPAS testing window. TESTING ENVIRONMENT No element of the testing room’s environment should hinder any student’s performance. A “Testing –Do Not Disturb” sign should be posted outside the testing room Bulletin boards and instruction displays that could aid student during testing must be covered or removed. Clocks in the testing room do not have to be covered or removed.
Testing Procedures (1) Test Admin Manual, pg. 19 Cell phones and all personal electronic devices during test administration must be picked up before entering testing room. Students are NOT permitted internet access during testing. Test administrators must complete seating charts for each test administration Seating chart must include the name of students testing, the location of each student while testing, and the name of all test administrators/monitors involved in the session. Additional seating charts must be completed if students are moved to another room during testing.
Testing Procedures (2) Test Admin Manual, pg. 19 Test administrators may not view or discuss individual test questions or responses unless specifically directed to by the test procedures Test administrators should ensure that students’ responses remain confidential Students are not allowed to talk to one another while testing is in progress Each student must be allowed to work at this or her individual speed, because the reading test is untimed. Districts are not required to test beyond the regular school hours, but they are free to do so if they choose. (JAC will only be scheduling morning sessions.
Testing Procedures (3) Students must not use reference materials. Test Admin Manual, pg. 19 Students must not use reference materials. Students are allowed to use scratch paper. All scratch paper must be turned in to the CTCs after testing. Test administrators must actively monitor the testing room while students are working. Test administrator should confirm that students do not have access to non-allowable materials. After they submit their test online, students may be allowed to quietly read books or leave the testing room. Before a student who has finished testing leaves the room, the test administrator must ensure that the student’s test is in “completed” status.
Testing Procedures(4) Answering Questions: Test Admin Manual, pg. 19 Answering Questions: You may answer questions about test directions or procedures. You are NOT allowed to answer any question related to the content of the test itself. If a student ask a question that you are not permitted to answer, you may respond: “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.” You CANNOT: Translate or reading selections Rephrase or add information to test questions or selections Discuss test content with anyone before, during, or after testing. Score test questions or discuss with student show they performed.
Administration Procedures (5) Test Admin Manual, pg. 20-21 Campus Testing Coordinators/Principals must be available to assist test administrators during testing and observe as many testing rooms as possible. If a situation arises that you do not know how to resolve, CTCs must contact the District Testing Coordinator (DTC). CTCs/Principals/Test administrators are responsible for ensuring that all eligible ELLs on the campus are assessed and that test security is maintained. CTCs/Principal must setup schedule for testing, to include: Selection of Test Administrators and Monitors Testing room(s) Morning Sessions ONLY Dates and what grade level will be testing (based on computer available and number of ELLs to be tested) Email the schedule with all information to Director of Special Programs CTCs, Principals, and Test Administrator refer to TELPAS manual pages 20 and 21 for the following situations: Computer Monitor Glare, Breaks, Lunch, School Emergencies, and Changing Testing Rooms
Enter Code Code and Accommodations Test Admin Manual, pg. 26-27 In most cases, a score code designation should be entered when the test is marked complete. However, if a student submitted a test and a score code needs to be chosen, or if accommodations information needs to be entered, you will need to make these selection from the Edit Student Tests screen. Score Codes: Test is automatically scored when student click Submit Final Answers button. A – Absent X – ARD Decision O- Other –Student not to be scored.
Accommodations Codes Test Admin Manual, pg. 28 If a student was allowed an accommodation, or designated support, it must be indicated on the Edit Student Details screen. The following accommodations are included for TELPAS: General Accommodation (GA) If an applicable designated support accommodation was made available to the student. Extra Day (XD) – if this accommodation was approved by TEA and made available to the student. An ARF must be submitted to and approved by T$EA before a student receives this accommodation.
Final Data Verification Window Assessment window closes Wednesday, April 5 Verification window closes Friday, April 6 & 7 Allows districts time to verify completeness and accuracy of student data before scoring begins If during verification process it is discovered a student was not tested, the student must be tested during the verification window Reminder: JACs TELPAS Deadline to enter TELPAS Rating into TAMS is Tuesday, April 4th.
Gather Materials for Testing Test Admin Manual, pg. 17 TELPAS Manual for Raters and Test Administrators Seating chart – must use a TEA chart Session roster of students to be tested Student authorizations (will be provided to you) Secure documents Keep in locked storage before the test Scratch paper for each student Pencils for use with the scratch paper Note: All scratch paper and student authorization letters must be returned to the CTC and destroyed at the completion of the test session.
Checklist of Required Documentation Please assure the following originals are in your TELPAS Testing Binder and a copy was scanned and sent to Director of Special Programs: TELPAS Rater Oaths (for all raters) TELPAS Verifier Oath(s) TELPAS Reading Test Administrator Oath(s) Technology Staff Oaths Online Basic Training Oath of Completion Online Calibration Certificates TELPAS Student Rating Roster TELPAS testing schedule (room #, date and grade level testing). Refer to Reading Online Testing Calendar for testing dates assign to your school. Seating Charts for online reading test Session rosters for online reading test Scan per grade level the TELPAS Writing Collection Cover Sheet (both sides) with writing samples for every student assessed
The END Questions Concerns Comments Thanks for being such a great audience.