Holy Cross High School Graduation 2017
School Prayer Almighty Father, thank You for being with us. Open our hearts and our minds to receive You as You reveal Yourself to us today. Thank You for the many gifts You have given us; help us to use them wisely. Thank You for the many challenges that help us grow. As we come before the Holy Cross of Your Son Jesus Christ, may we believe in the depth of Your love, and know the healing power of Your mercy and forgiveness.
School Prayer Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we may have the courage and strength to do Your will. Unite us and inspire us to be people of faith, hope and love, so that through us You may build Your kingdom of peace and justice on earth, and we may enjoy the fullness of Your kingdom forever in heaven. Amen.
Grade 12 Retreat Thursday, June 1 St. Thomas More College, U of S All Grade 12 students are required to attend the Retreat on: Thursday, June 1 St. Thomas More College, U of S Parents will be asked to provide a letter to their child on this day.
Graduation Activities Thursday, June 29, 2017 Graduation Mass and Ceremony TCU Place at 9:00 am (Grade 12’s need to arrive to line up at 8:15 am) Graduation Banquet Prairieland– 5:45 pm
Eligibility for Graduation To be eligible to participate in Graduation, a student must: Have at least 19 credits before entering the final semester. Be registered in Semester 2 for enough courses that total at least 24 credits. Have passed or be passing all required courses (including Cyber) at midterm of Semester 2. If not, the student will meet with Mrs. Hodson to make a plan and have 2 weeks to improve. Parents are informed. If no improvement has been made, Grad may be lost. Satisfy the requirements of Christian Ethics 30 and attend the Grade 12 Retreat.
Eligibility for Graduation May only participate in one Graduation. Complete and hand in the Application to Graduate package. Paid all school fees, returned all school materials.
The Application to Graduate Students will receive a copy of their transcripts on the Application to Graduate form, along with the graduation completion requirements statement. Both must be returned. They will make sure the list of credits is accurate from grade ten to now, including the ones they are currently taking. Include credits received from other schools like cyber. Also need to include height for Grad gown. If unable or not wanting to participate in grad please indicate on form.
Honour Roll Grade 12 Honour Roll is calculated differently than the other grades. It is based on your first semester final marks and your second semester mid-term marks. If you are taking a cyber school class like CET 30 or HIS 30, (required courses) you must be at mid-term in that course for it to be calculated. If you are not, you will not be eligible for Honour Roll.
English Honour Roll Required Courses for Honour Roll Calculation: English Language Arts A30 and B30 Christian Ethics 30 History 30 or Native Studies 30 Next 4 highest Level 30 classes
French Immersion Honour Roll Required Courses for Honour Roll Calculation: Éducation Chrétienne 30 Science Sociale 30 Français Immersion 30 English Language Arts A30 or B30 Next 4 highest level 30 classes
Second Semester Grad Photos will be done by Lifetouch January 18-27 All Grade 12’s are asked to sign up for Grad Photos on-line whether they are graduating or not. Purchase is optional, but we need photos for yearbook and composite. Application to Graduate (February). Student Grad Committee will form – at least one rep from every period 3 class. Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be chosen (May).
Graduation Mass and Exercises Must wear cap, gown and stole. Wear comfortable shoes. Shorts may not be worn under the gown. Don’t wear tux or gown during Exercises. Book hair appointments/photos after the exercises. Gown and stole must be returned immediately after the ceremony.
Graduation Banquet, Grand March and Dance Arrive early for the banquet to avoid traffic. Banquet will begin promptly at 5:45 pm. Sign boards in the entrance will direct you to your tables. Students bring a change of clothes for After Grad. Parents must bring clothes to you at end of the evening. If you (the Graduate), leave Prairieland you will not be allowed back in.
Graduation Banquet and Dance The Graduation Ceremony, Banquet and Dance are school sponsored activities We ask parents for their cooperation in keeping this a alcohol and drug free event
Graduation Costs $25.00 (Grad Retreat) and $70.00 (Other costs) - included with initial school fees: Gown and stole rental Grad cap and tassel (graduates keep these) Church set up (Mass and Ceremonies) Music for Dance Pictures Flowers Incidentals
Not included in $70.00 Graduation Banquet Tickets – last year tickets were $43.00. This cost is determined by caterer, and there could be an increase in price for this year’s grad. Graduation Dance Tickets – if not attending banquet - $5.00 per person. Limit of 8 people per graduate initially (including graduate). Once everyone has ordered tickets we will open sales up for additional ticket purchases. We will try our best to honour all requests.
After Grad Organized by parents and students Meeting put on by both school divisions to help you plan Parent lunch Wednesday, Oct. 26 at MG Team planning meeting Friday, Nov. 25 at EDF Winter Formal Needs parent and student volunteers!
Final Words Grad is still 8 ½ months away, make a plan, pace yourself. Remember Grad is one day, what you really need to plan for is life after grad. This term pass all your classes! If you are struggling, talk to someone! Pay attention to Student Services notices! Be Leaders. Have a great year! Questions?