CQC National In Patient Survey Results 2009
Survey Methodology Annual survey for all acute & specialty Trusts – 162 Trusts 850 random sample from patients admitted in August – national response rate 52% CQC coordinates & publishes results in following May: Trust results & national results: Publicly available via CQC website. CQC no longer produces a “league” table of results Becoming a key patient experience measure. Forms part of CQC quality & risk profile (QRP) for each Trust.
Survey Results 65 indicator questions in 10 sections Each question is scored out of 100 & assigned a rating: ◙ Best performing 20% of trusts ◙ Intermediate 60% of trusts ◙ Worst performing 20% of trusts
Survey Sections 10 sections cover the patient journey Admission: emergency or planned Waiting to get a bed on ward Hospital and ward Questions about doctors Questions about nurses Operation and procedure Questions about leaving hospital Overall views and experiences
Historical Comparison: 2007, 2008 and 2009 Benchmark rating 2007 No. of questions 2008 2009 Best performing 20% 25 23 Intermediate 60% 34 48 38 Worst performing 20% ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Total no. of questions 1 ▬▬▬▬▬ 60 14 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 62 4 65
Best Performing Areas Doctor questions Nurse questions have all improved Involvement in discharge decisions Family having enough opportunity to talk to a doctor Hospital staff giving family all the information they needed when you were leaving hospital Were you asked your views on the quality of your care Overall rating of care received
Low scoring questions A&E: did you get the right amount of information about your condition Did you see posters or leaflets on ward asking patients/visitors to wash their hands – new question Explanation of anaesthetic & pain control Discharge delay
Ranking against London peers 2009 Peer London teaching hospitals Ranking against peers 2009 Score out of 100 UCLH 1 78.0 Chelsea & Westminster 2 77.4 Guy’s and St Thomas’ 3 76.6 Barts and the London 4 75.4 Imperial 5 74.5 King’s College Hospital 6 74.3 Royal Free 7 73.4 St George’s 8 73.1
Ranking against London peers and ‘all’ London trusts in 2008 and 2009 Peer London teaching hospitals Ranking against peers 2009 Ranking against peers 2008 All London ranking 2009 All London ranking 2008 National ranking 2009 National ranking 2008 UCLH 1 5 3 10 21 73 Chelsea & Westminster 2 33 65 Guy’s and St Thomas’ 6 53 31 Barts and the London 4 7 17 81 134 Imperial 9 12 105 82 King’s College Hospital 109 61 Royal Free 8 26 128 155 St George’s 19 136 71
National rankings – all hospitals
Priorities for 2010 Embedding the improvements Low scoring questions CQUIN “personal needs” questions