“Inspiration is for amateurs - the rest of us just show up and do the work” – Chuck Close What are your studio habits? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5zXOSWRzwE
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind – Suzuki Roshi Developing a beginner’s mind "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind – Suzuki Roshi
Breaking through to the beginner’s Mind Make a list of studio habits. What do you usually do when you set up? How do you begin a drawing? As teachers, we often rely on these step by steps to teach students discrete techniques. We are going to work to counter this habit energy and develop a fresh way of approaching familiar media in order to discover a unique personal style.
WHY DO YOU DRAW??? 100 drawing exercise and other habit-breaking “play” drawings help us to reconnect with the essential qualities that drew us to art making to begin with. http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-learn-to-draw-stage-one-manual-skills--cms-23304
GOOD MORNING! How do artists build a body of work? Please prepare to share your artwork! As we review, consider what you find UNIQUE, COMPELLING, and ENGAGING with the other artists’ work How do artists build a body of work?
How is ART MAKING changing over time? Video tour: http://www.lascaux.culture.fr/?lng=en#/fr/00.xml Compare the cave paintings of Lascaux with the following two contemporary artworks, Analyzing for sequencing, How do, repetition, sequence, and time impact the meanings of the works?
MAKING MEANING: playing with time 21st century studio practices need to move beyond the still image. How are we keeping our studio practices relevant while still considering new media? Kseniya Simonova
Unity and Variety in Sequencing How does OK Go use unity, variety, and sequencing to create an engaging spectacle?
O Snap! Hello, 4th dimension Animation Principles by Lynn Tomlinson Android recommendation: www.roughanimator.com ($3.99) Or Stop Motion Studio (free)
Studio Time How can you integrate your existing art work (or elements of your work) into your animation? What speaks to you – are you most interested in technique demo? Are you interested in story telling? In creating promotional videos for your own artwork?
Day Three -Critical Response and Practice Good morning! Before we begin shooting, we are going to practice critical response and present our ideas for animation to the group. We will follow the critical response process adopted from Liz Lehrman – see next slide Take 8 minutes to prepare. Please be ready to discuss; Key idea/ key frames for your work; general story arc/action plan; plan for implementing movement.
Liz Lehrman’s Artist-Focused Critical Response process • The Artist/Teacher: offers a work-in-progress for review and asks questions that work in a dialogue with participants. • Responders: committed to the teacher’s intent to make excellent work — engages in the dialogue with the teacher. • Time Keeper: committed to the group moving through the entire process • Coach: committed to keeping the group on target with the core steps and making excellent work Responders state what is meaningful, evocative, interesting, exciting, striking in the work shared by the artist/teacher. Artist/Teacher asks questions about the work in progress that may assist in better understanding his/her own process/product. Responders may express opinions if they are in direct response to the question asked and do not contain suggestions for changes. Responders ask neutral questions about the work Responders state opinions, subject to permission from the teacher. “I had a thought about the Big Idea, would you like to hear it?” The teacher has the option to decline.
STUDIO TIME Experiment with ripping/ moving, layering, framing, perspective, pacing/lighting if expert Drawing multiples vs. varying angles or making it mobile. Identify working modalities –do you work best when you sequence/pace in advance? Do you work best when you start with a theme or idea? Do you prefer to work visually and let time-based elements emerge? SMALL GROUP DEMOS ON REQUEST!!!
Play with sequence, timing, repetition Discuss approaches Select from your drawings and begin to sequence. Is the purpose of the art to tell a story, to explore a concept, to emote? How can you begin to make it 4D? Remember, you can shift scale with zoom and use the same image multiple times. What short stories can you tell?
The answer is in the room . . . Participant - technique question and answer Share an animation you enjoy!
What internet presence are you establishing for yourself as an artist? CONSIDER PUBLISHING PART OF YOUR PROCESS What speaks to you – are you most interested in technique demo? Are you interested in story telling? In creating promotional videos for your own artwork? Choose a format that serves YOUR goals!
PUBLISHING FORMATS BLOGIT: Wordpress.com, blogspot http://cassiestephens.blogspot.com/ https://teachpeaceblog.wordpress.com/ WYSIWIG editors (ie, otherpeople’s pixels, squarespace (many per fee) www.elisabethgambino.com http://www.sharonmcpeake.com/ Build it yourself and host with a site such as Oneandone.com http://toddconwayarts.com/ Padlet.com https://padlet.com/egambino/wcqh6feaiih4 What do you use to publish?