Directorate of Technical Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh Skills for the Future World and Work and TVET for Global Competitiveness Presented By Md. Rezaul Karim Vice Principal (Polytechnic Institute) Directorate of Technical Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh Date: 28/07/2017
Rationale: Total Population- 164 million Area-147570 square kilometer Workable people-66% of total population Projected workable people within 2030- 70% of total population. Literacy rate-71% Per capita income-US$ 1602
Rationale Cont.. TVET enrollment-14% Workforce in informal sector-88% Target enrollment in TVET within 2020- 20% 15 million new job projected to created next 10 years in 7 thrust sectors Export contribution from RMG- 80% of total export Employee in RMG sector directly- 4 million Dependent in RMG sector indirectly-40 million
7th Five Year Plan Targets Sl no; Targets Base year 2010 Vision 2021 Progress under 6th FYP 2015 7th FYP 2020 1 Real GDP Growth(%) 6.1 10 6.5 8 2 Reduction of extreme poverty (%) 17.6 12.9 8.9 3 Share of manufacturing in GDP 16.89 27 17.78 25.1 4 Share of manufacturing employment 12.4 20 1504 5 Gross National income per capita (in US$) 843 2000 1314 2009 6 Growth in Agriculture(%) 6.15 3.04 3.34 7 Growth in industry 7.03 9.6 10.9 Growth in services 5.53 5.83 6.49 9 Exports(US$ billions) 16.2 82 31.7 54.1 Remittances(US$ billions) 15.6 25.4
Global Economic Outlook and Bangladesh GDP at constant prices(% change) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 World 3.3 3.8 4 4.1 Advanced Economies 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.4 Euro Zone -0.4 0.8 1.3 1.7 1.6 Bangladesh 6.0 6.1 6.5 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 8.0 India 5.0 5.9 7.5 8.1 8.5 9 9.5 10.0 China 7.7 7.1 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.3
Global Population Prospects Population in millions Country 1950 2017 2030 2050 2100 Australia 8.17 24.45 28.23 33.18 41.83 Bangladesh 37.8 164.67 185.5 201.92 173.54 Canada 13.73 36.62 40.61 44.94 51.62 China 554.41 1409.51 1441.18 1364.45 1020.66 Denmark 4.26 5.73 6.02 6.31 6.81 France 41.88 64.98 67.89 70.60 74.24 Germany 69.96 82.11 82.18 79.23 71.03 India 376.32 1339.18 1512.98 1658.97 1516.59 Indonesia 69.54 263.99 295.59 321.55 306.02 Japan 82.80 127.48 121.58 108.79 84.53 Pakistan 37.54 197.01 244.24 306.94 351.94 Russia 102.79 143.99 140.54 132.73 124.01 USA 158.80 324.45 354.71 389.59 447.48
Population by Broad age group Population millions Country Population (million) Population by broad age group ( %) 0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ Australia 24.45 19 13 47 21 Bangladesh 164.67 28 45 7 Germany 82.11 10 49 India 1339.18 18 9 Japan 127.48 44 33 Saudi Arabia 32.93 25 15 54 6 Singapore 5.71 53 20 USA 324.46 14 46 22
Top ten hosting countries of Int’l Migrants(2000 and 2015) Sl no; Countries(Population) in 2000 Countries( population) in 2015 1 USA(35) USA(47) 2 Russia(12) Germany(12) 3 Germany(9) 4 India(6) Soudi Arabia(10) 5 France(6) UK(9) 6 Ukraine(6) UAE(8) 7 Canada(6) Canada((8) 8 Soudi Arabia(5) France(8) 9 UK(5) Australia(7) 10 Australia(4) Spain(6)
Our Preparation based on Poverty Reduction Strategy Seventh 5 Year Plan (FY2016 - FY2020) Bangladesh Perspective Plan (2010-2021) Education Policy 2010 Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) National Skills Development Policy-2011
Reformed TVET system based on Demand Driven Human Capital Modified TVET legislation National skill development policy NTVQF Bangladesh TVET QA system TVET data system RPL CS development . Training program for TVET teacher and Principals Enhanced work based learning including apprenticeships. Strengthened role of Industry sectors Effective & Flexible Institution Management Access for Under-privileged groups Accurate labor market information
Competency Base Assessment for: Qualification Recruitment Education and TNA Employee Classification Assurance of progress RPL
National Technical & Vocational Qualifications Framework NTVQF Levels Pre-Vocation Education Vocational Education Technical Education Job Classification NTVQF6 Diploma in engineering or equivalent Middle Level Manager/sub Assistant Engr, etc. NTVQF5 National Skill Certificate 5 (NSC 5) Highly Skilled Worker/Supervisor NTVQF 4 National Skill Certificate 4 (NSC 4) Skilled Worker NTVQF 3 National Skill Certificate 3 (NSC 3) Semi- Skilled Worker NTVQF 2 National Skill Certificate 2 (NSC 2) Basic-SkilledWorker NTVQF 1 National Skill Certificate 1 (NSC 1) Basic Worker Pre-Voc 2 National Pre-Vocation Certificate, NPVC 2 Pre-Vocation Trainee Pre-Voc 1 National Pre- Vocation Certificate 1, NPVC 1
TVET Institutions at a glance: Institute Category No. Technical Teachers Training College (TTTC) 01 Engineering College 04 Vocational Teachers Training Institute (VTTI) Polytechnic Institute 49 Technical School and College (TSC) 64 SSC Vocational with MPO 860 HSC Business Management (BM) with MPO 743 Dakhil (Voc.) & Alim (BM) with MPO (13+10) 23 Non Government Diploma Institute 1161 Non-Government TVET Institutes 5019 Total 7,925
Enrollment Information (2016-17) Courses Male Student Female Student % of Female Total Student SSC Vocational 207279 97543 32% 304822 Dakhil Vocational 28600 8000 21.85% 36600 HSC Business Management 182000 78000 30% 260000 HSC Vocational 17526 3093 15% 20619 Diploma in Engineering 315770 31230 9% 347000 Basic Trade (360 Hr) 170411 80193 250604 921616 298029 24.45 1219645
Projected Enrollment under DTE purview Year Projected Enrollment % of BTEB Projected Enrollment General & Madrasha Boards (assuming 6% Incremental rate) BTEB (assuming 14% Incremental rate) Total (10 Boards) 2014 53,61,016 8,09,435 61,70,451 13.11 2015 56,82,677 10,38,820 67,21,497 15.46 2016 60,23,638 11,84,255 72,07,892 16.43 2017 63,85,056 13,50,050 77,35,106 17.45 2018 67,68,159 15,39,058 83,07,217 18.53 2019 71,74,249 17,54,526 89,28,774 19.65 2020 76,04,704 20,00,159 96,04,863 20.82
Available Basic Trade Courses Agro based food Audio Video System Carpentry Computer Drafting Civil Dress Making & Tailoring Farm Machinery Food processing & preservation General Electrical Mechanics Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Refrigeration & Air- conditioning General Mechanics Machinist Weaving Welding etc.
Emerging Technologies to be Introduced in Diploma level institutions Animation and Film making Data comm. and networking Food Processing and Preservation Footwear Leather Products Kiln and Furnace Landscape Engg. and Architecture Media and Journalism Motion Graphics and Broad casting Multimedia & Information Comm. Oceanography Plastic and Polymer Simulation 13.Software Design & Development 14. Solar 15. Structural Ceramic 16. Tourism and Hospitality management 17. Transportation 18. Web Designing 19. Audio & Sound 20. Automotive & Robotic 21. Information Security( 22. Digital Media Design 23. Boat Building and Restoration
Enhancement of Skills & Policy TVET Enrollment rate increased from 1% to 14% in 2015 National Strategy for Gender Equity Formation of 12 Industry skills council Transport equipment, Agro-food, Information Technology, Leather & Leather goods, Construction, Ready Made Garments (RMG), Informal Economy, Light Engineering, Tourism & Hospitality, Furniture, Ceramic, Pharmaceutical sector.
Enhancement of Skills & Policy Increased Female Quota from 10% to 20% for Admission Introduced 5% Quota for PWD both in Polytechnic and TSC admission 1613 private institutions are under MPO including 18,190 Teachers & Staffs Introduced online admission in all Govt. Polytechnic Institute 2nd Shift started in all Govt. Polytechnic & TSC to maximize the existing resources
Innovation for effective Implementation of NTVQF Online Admission System Online Monitoring System (Students, Teachers & Staffs) Online Transfer application Advance Increment Job Portal Training Information Digital Library Online MPO Database Online recruitment system E-filing and E-GP
Ongoing Projects Total BDT 45945.1 Million Proposed Projects Total BDT 350000 Million
Challenges to TVET In Bangladesh Massive collaboration with Industries Women friendly academic environment Full operation of CBT&A rather than piloting Increase girls enrollment Continuous support and mode of finance. Infrastructure development World wide accreditation Increasing number of TVET seats available which implies more investment
Challenges (Con’t) Quality Assurance Recruitment Procedure Enhancing capacity of TVET institutions Improvement of Teaching-Learning System Introducing Interactive E-Book in TVET System Create Digital Classroom Environment Trained teacher with Hands-on Skills Quality Assurance Recruitment Procedure Coordination and Integration
Recommendations (Strongly) Return Back to Industry for Teachers training Establishment of effective /Employment support/placement cell. Creation of job and transform or migrant of skill Introduced Result based management(RBM). Industry Skill Council(ISC) for all occupation.
Recommendations (Moderately) Flexible and change up to date curriculum for the NTVQF program. Comprehensive Training Conducted for trainers and assessor. Special Motivation needed for Teacher and Trainers at the transform stage. Universal Management Information System. Extended stipend program. Decentralized of Bangladesh Technical Education Board activities.
Recommendations (Slowly) Long term planning should incorporate for Product/ Service. Old some technology should obsolete or rename as global nomenclature. Flexible Technology should introducing according as individual demand. Institute Geographical development should be done, this due any one feel attraction for admission in TVET institution.
Long Live DTE, CPSC & IDEB
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