Examples of Good Practice concerning international mobility programmes PH Wien 11.10.2017 23.04.2015 Examples of Good Practice concerning international mobility programmes Activities at PH Wien Dr. Thomas Bauer International Office, PH Wien International Office | Bauer, 2015 Geschäftsstelle | Autor/in
Objectives of the study Erasmus and EHEA Student Mobility in Times of the European Economic Crisis 23.04.2015 Objectives of the study Motivation to go abroad Preparation, support Expectations Role of teaching practice Contact to national students Differentiation of problems Fields of improvement European Identity & crisis International Office | Bauer & Kreuz, 2015
Erasmus and EHEA Student Mobility in Times of the European Economic Crisis 23.04.2015 Summary & Conclusions The findings show that the majority of the current Erasmus teacher training generation studying in Austria thinks positively about being a European citizen. European identity in the case of Erasmus teacher training students is positively linked to the diversity of the European countries, to common European citizenship and human rights as well as to a better integration of European citizens and interrelated understanding although there is intercultural diversity. Around half of the mobile students state that they feel the effects of the crisis concerning their private life as well as their studies and more than three quarters of the participants are afraid of the crisis. Increasing unemployment, less salary and less money for living, fewer grants for students and more expensive studies are the most common reasons. International Office | Bauer & Kreuz, 2015
What we do to raise the employability of students… PH Wien 11.10.2017 23.04.2015 What we do to raise the employability of students… Student mobility (~ 90 partner universities) 5 – max. 6 months abroad language competences/skills intercultural competences/skills work in a different academic environment personal development self-confidence, self-esteem come back as adults who studied and taught in another country International Office | Dr. Thomas Bauer Geschäftsstelle | Autor/in
Traineeships for Graduates Mobility 23.04.2015 Traineeships for Graduates Mobility Since 2014: a good opportunity to use time before starting to work in Austria proactive and decision-making strategic and organisational skills start their career with a job abroad shows adaptability to a different employment market monitoring and evaluation plan gives feedback International Office | Dr. Thomas Bauer
23.04.2015 Findings from the Erasmus Impact Study (EIS) and the effects on employability 85% take part in order to improve their employability 64% of employers expect international experience 99% improve confidence and adaptability 50% reduced probability of later unemployment 44% increased probability to get a management position later International Office | Dr. Thomas Bauer
23.04.2015 Findings from the Erasmus Impact Study (EIS) and the effects on empoyability Effects at PH Wien: OLS service plus language courses improve their employability significant improvement of TEFL- teachers when return to Vienna Vienna Board of Education always looks for students/teachers with international experience (Vienna bilingual schools, Dual language programme, English in primary schools, CLIL-programmes) Outgoings come back with a different view on the education system Empathy with migrant students and their language needs (70 % !) International Office | Dr. Thomas Bauer
23.04.2015 Thank you for your attention / Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Meet you at the International Office ofWiedersehen im Internationalen Büro… International Office | Dr. Thomas Bauer