Shelton School District CTE Programs of Study Shelton School District
HS Programs of Study A Program of Study is a comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and CTE to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success
HS Programs of Study National and State perspectives Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 High Schools That Work Pathways to Prosperity OSPI: Statewide Strategic Plan for Secondary Career and Technical Education Reflect, Transform, Lead: A New Vision for Career Technical Education
Carl Perkins and POS Incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education elements Include academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non‐duplicative progression of courses Offer the opportunity, where appropriate, for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits Lead to an industry‐recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree
Pathways to Prosperity
Pathways to Prosperity 27 percent of people with post-secondary licenses or certificates—credentials short of an associate’s degree—earn more than the average bachelor’s degree recipient. 21st century America, education beyond high school is the passport to the American Dream. But how much and what kind of post-secondary is really needed to prosper in the new American economy?
College for All does not mean BA
Setting the Right Target 70 percent of high school graduates now go to college within two years of graduating. Only 4 in 10 Americans have obtained either an associate’s or bachelor’s degree by their mid-twenties. Given these dismal attainment numbers, a narrowly defined “college for all” goal—one that does not include a much stronger focus on career-oriented programs that lead to occupational credentials—seems doomed to fail.
Current US Reality
Current US Reality 9th Grade Cohort Benchmarks Workforce Credentials 100 enter 9th Grade 70% Complete HS 30% Enter as HS Dropouts 70 Complete HS 65% Start College Immediately 25% Enter as HS Grad 43 Start college 47% drop out (31% with 0 credits) 19% enter with some college and a lot of debt 57% complete with 6 years 18-24% enter with a college degree
Setting the Right Target What about the other 45 percent of young Americans?
POS – Longitudinal Study, Year 1 District 1 Status Treatment Control On track, % End of 9th Grade 92.9% 91.7% End of 10th Grade 70.6% 64.2%
POS – Longitudinal Study, Year 1 District 2 Status Treatment Control On track, % End of 9th Grade 82.7% 78.7% End of 10th Grade 90.9% 82.5%
Mature POS Post Secondary 4th Year of a 5-Year Study Student Survey Study Post-Secondary Involvement from High School Three High Schools
Mature POS Post Secondary Prior to POS Course Selection Influence Parents most helpful (53%) “No One” second most (21%) Counselors (17%) and Teachers (13%)
Mature POS Post Secondary After POS 84% of HS Students agreed being in a POS made them more engaged Parent/Teacher meetings about course scheduling rose from 38% to 61% Academic engagement rose from 24% to 42% 65% of Graduate Respondents still enrolled in their POS
Mature POS Post Secondary After POS Registration satisfaction rose from 42% to 67% Parents remained most influential but rates dropped, while rates of teachers and counselors rose; Parents 42% Counselors 21% Teachers 17%
SHS Program of Study Provides students with a course sequence Ties educational goals with career goals Outlines Washington post-secondary educational opportunities to achieve career goals
SHS Program of Study - Medical 9th Grade – Semester 1 Semester 2 English 9 Math Computer Apps Art Earth Sciences English 9 Math Art Earth Sciences Foods and Nutrition
SHS Program of Study - Medical 10th Grade – Semester 1 Semester 2 English 10 Math World Studies Health Biology English 10 Math World Studies PE Biology
SHS Program of Study - Medical 11th Grade – Semester 1 Semester 2 English 11 Math US History Chemistry Sports Medicine I English 11 Math US History Chemistry Sports Medicine I
SHS Program of Study - Medical 12th Grade – Semester 1 Semester 2 English Math Civics Anatomy and Physiology Sports Medicine II Sports Medicine Internship English Math Weight Training Anatomy and Physiology Sports Medicine II Sports Medicine Internship
SHS Programs of Study - Medical Student Leadership Opportunities (CTSO’s) WCTSMA – Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association Medical Terminology CPR Skills Anatomy and Physiology
SHS Programs of Study - Medical Years 13-14 Years 15-16 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant Clover Park Technical College Pierce College Shoreline Community College Wenatchee Valley College EMT (Paramedic) Bellingham Technical College Columbia Basin College Spokane Community College Tacoma Community College Medical/Clinical Assisting SPSCC Physical Therapy Assistants Green River Community College Spokane Falls Community College Watcom Community College Biochemistry and related sciences Eastern Washington University Gonzaga University Seattle Pacific University Biotechnology University of Washington Washington State University Medical Technology Seattle University EMT (PARAMEDIC) Central Washington University Pharmaceutical Sciences