Basic facts Chimpanzees are vertebrates, they do have a backbone. Chimpanzees can be found living in the African rain forests, woodlands and grasslands. Chimpanzees are omnivores, which means they eat a mixture of fruit, plants and also eat meat and eggs. Chimpanzees are mammals which means they are a warm blooded animal.
Interesting facts Chimpanzees move through the forest by swinging from branch to branch in the trees. Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives sharing 98 per cent of our genetic blueprint. Chimpanzees are social animals living in communities of several dozen animals. Female Chimps can have babies any time of year. The babies cling to their mums fur until old enough to ride on their backs. Although chimps and humans are the closest mammals on earth the chimps are an endangered species due to humans hunting them for meat and destroying their habitats.
By Hayden Baker L T K