What Buddha Discovered… Reaching Enlightenment: The Cure for Suffering
Date: 3/9/15 Topic: Buddhism Essential Questions: 1. How does geography help religion spread? 2.Is Buddhism monotheistic or polytheistic? Explain. 3. How might Buddhism change people’s views about the caste system? 4. Compare Hinduism and Buddhism. Interaction Notes:
Essential Questions 1. How does geography help religion spread? 2.Is Buddhism monotheistic or polytheistic? Explain. 3. How might Buddhism change people’s views about the caste system? 4. Compare Hinduism and Buddhism.
Who is Buddha? Buddha = “Enlightened One” Stop and Think: What does it mean to be enlightened?
Who is Buddha? Siddhartha Gautama – prince of India Wanted to find out why there was suffering in the world Death Sickness Old age He talked to many religious people but they could not help him answer his question
Don’t write this! Let’s try meditation To calm or clear the mind To focus on a single object Easy? Difficult? Explain
Buddha’s Journey He began to meditate: focus the mind inward in order to find spiritual awareness After 49 days of mediation he found his answer He became the Enlightened One – The Buddha
“This is my last advice to you. All… things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation. The Buddha (according to legend – his dying words)
Causes of suffering Selfish desires for … Buddha’s Journey Power Wealth Pleasure
Buddha’s Journey Accepted idea of karma Didn’t believe in any god Didn’t accept the idea of “permanent soul” A “self” might be reborn in a new body, but “self” is an illusion The “self” would disappear and cease to exist when a person achieved enlightenment Didn’t believe in any god Didn’t accept the caste system
Buddha's Journey As Ms. Carso would say “To Review…” MIDDLE WAY! Grew up in live of extreme pleasure Left for a life of extreme suffering Discovered the need to find a middle ground between the two … MIDDLE WAY!
The Middle Way Buddhism teaches people to follow the Eightfold Path or Middle Way It is a life balanced between extreme pleasure or extreme unhappiness It’s in the middle!
(Sub-heading)The Eightfold Path The Middle Way (Sub-heading)The Eightfold Path 1: Right Understanding – having faith in Buddhist view of the universe 2: Right Intention – making a commitment to practice Buddhism 3: Right Speech – avoiding lies and mean or abusive speech 4: Right Action – not taking life, not stealing and not hurting others
The Middle Way 5: Right Livelihood – rejecting jobs that conflict with Buddhist ideals 6: Right Effort – avoiding bad attitudes and developing good ones 7: Right Mindfulness – being aware of one’s own body, feelings, and thoughts 8: Right Concentration – thinking deeply to find answers to problems
Goal of Buddhism Life Death Rebirth Release If people can follow the Middle Way/Eightfold Path, their suffering can end They will have achieved nirvana – lasting peace They will be released from the cycle of reincarnation Life Death Rebirth Release (Nirvana)
Goal of Buddhism Buddhism spread around Asia Spread thru… Missionaries China Japan Koreas Tibet Vietnam Spread thru… Missionaries Traders
Appeal of Buddhism Anyone could follow the path to nirvana – regardless of social class Many people who lived under the caste system liked the sound of that!!
Hindus & Buddhists Are they similar or different? Nature Leader/Founder Monotheistic/Polytheistic Reincarnation Prayer Location Caste System Texts Others?