The Life of Gautama User: Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, or “enlightened one,” was born into the warrior caste . His father ruled over a small region of northern India. Siddhartha led a pampered life, but the Four Passing Sights ( an old man, a diseased man, a corpse, and a mendicant), caught his attention and disturbed him. Siddhartha discovered the Middle Way, the central teaching of Buddhism. This way rejects both extremes of sensual indulgence and asceticism. He and his followers formed the sangha, or Buddhist community.
Key Buddhist Terms Samsara - because of a lack of self, rebirth consists of the transference of a bundle of energy, which is patterned according to one’s karma. Four Noble Truths are the central teachings of Buddhism. Tanha - word that describes selfish desire Noble Eightfold Path sets forth a life of moderation. Nirvana – the state of perfect peace. The final death of the body Arhat - precedes nirvana and is a person who is awakened, transformed and characterized by compassion.
Dalai Lama
Map of Tibet
Dalai Lama Born Lhamo Thondup on July 6, l935 in a small village in Tibet to farmer parents, the fifth of seven children. He is the fourteenth Dalai Lama - the name meaning “Oceans of Wisdom.” He has lived more than twice his life in exile in India. China invaded Tibet in l950. The thirteenth Dalai Lama died in 1933, so a search began for his reincarnation.
The embalmed body of the previous Dalai Lama turned from south to northeast, so the search party headed in that direction; meanwhile a monk had a vision of a monastery much like the one near the Dalai Lama’s village. When the search party arrived at Lhamo’s village, they came to his mud and stone house where he passed a series of tests. He named the monk leading the search and he picked out several objects that had belonged to his predecessor.’ The young boy was proclaimed the Dalai Lama and brought to the monastery in Lhasa, Tibet’s Holy City.
Patala Palace
The Dalai Lama was three years old so a regent ruled Tibet until he was old enough to take over. He began a spiritual education which still continues. He studied by himself in a 1000 room palace. He found his life mission at the age of 15 when Tibet was invaded by the Chinese. The Dalai Lama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. He is a very popular figure. He has been a world renown speaker and the plight of the Tibetans has been the subject of Hollywood movies. He is also a respected author - ex - The Art of Happiness.
What is the fundamental cause of all suffering? Desire! Therefore, extinguish the self, don’t obsess about oneself.
What are the Four Noble Truths? The first was that life is suffering You can’t live without death, frustration, etc. The second is that suffering is caused by craving and aversion Getting what you want doesn’t guarantee happiness, it deprives you of it The third is that suffering can be overcome, and true happiness attained If we stop craving useless things, and live each day at a time (not living in the future) we will be happy and free. The fourth is that the Noble eight fold path leads to the end of all suffering
Four Noble Truths To reach nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path.
The Noble Eightfold Path It taught 8 simple rules: To have a right understanding To have right thoughts To use right speech To do right actions To deal with right livelihood To give a right effort To have a right mindfulness To use the right meditation
Tibetan Monks
Buddhist Monks
Mahayana Buddhism
Buddhist Monasteries