Aim: What does it mean to be a Buddhist?


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Presentation transcript:

Aim: What does it mean to be a Buddhist? Do Now: What do you know about Buddhism? What do you want to know? NY State Standard 2 Common Core RS 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and WS 1, 2

I How did Buddhism begin? A) Siddhartha Gautama, a Hindu, born in Nepal 6th century BCE. B) At 29 years old, he left his palace to find out why people suffer. C) When Siddhartha found enlightenment (knowledge), he became known as Buddha (the enlightened one).

Birth of Siddhartha

Buddhist Beliefs Continued… A) Our five senses are illusions. Only through enlightenment (knowledge) will we find truth. B) Like Hindus, Buddhists believe in reincarnation. UNLIKE HINDUS, Buddhists do not have a caste system. C) By following the 4 Noble Truths you can reach enlightenment. The Four Noble Truths: 1. Suffering exists 2. Suffering comes from desire 3. Suffering stops when desire stops 4. Freedom from suffering is possible by following the Eightfold Path D) Some Buddhists believe in God, but you do not have to.

Buddhist Beliefs Continued… D) You will find freedom from suffering if you follow the Eightfold Path: Right Understanding Right Intention Right Action Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration Right Livelihood (your career) Right Speech   NIRVANA: Freedom from the cycle of reincarnation, and from suffering (similar to the Hindu goal of moksha)

III Buddhist Practices A) Chanting a mantra (a word or sound that is repeated) is a common form of Buddhist meditation.

Buddhist Practices Continued… B) Like Hindus, Buddhists pray in temples and at shrines. Statues of Buddha are to help you meditate; you are NOT praying to Buddha. Red Buddhist Temple, Japan

Buddhist Practices Continued… C) Buddhists can become monks or nuns at a young age. They usually live in monasteries, and devote their time to meditation and charity. Buddhist Prayer Beads Tibetan Buddhist Monastery

V Buddhist Sacred Texts Sutras are believed to be the wisdom of Buddha. “Sutra” = a thread that holds things together “…if there are people who are kind-hearted, gentle, and charitable, all these living beings have already attained Buddhahood.” - Lotus Sutra 2: 5.39

VI Buddhist Symbols Hindu symbols are also used by Buddhists, including the mandala, ohm and swastika. Additionally, Buddhists use the… Dharmachakra: The 8 spokes represent the eightfold path. Lotus: Represents the progress of the human soul.

VII Buddhist Holidays Vesak celebrates the birth and enlightenment of Buddha.

Fill in your religion chart for Buddhism. HW Fill in your religion chart for Buddhism. Extra Credit: The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibet. At the age of two, he was recognized as the reincarnation of the last Dalai Lama. Dalai Lamas are enlightened beings who postpone their own nirvana to help humanity. However, the government of China has banned the Dalai Lama from returning to Tibet, which today is controlled by China; China believes that the Dalai Lama has been encouraging Tibetans to rebel against China. Task: Find an article about the Dalai Lama and China. Summarize the article in your own words and state your opinion. Back up your opinion with evidence! *You must cite the article including the source, author, and date.

Key Vocabulary Buddha Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism Lotus Buddhist Monks & Nuns Mantra Meditation Dharmachakra Monasteries Eightfold Path Nirvana Enlightenment Reincarnation Festival of Floating Bowls Sutras Vesak Four Noble Truths