Hinduism - Buddhism Religions of India and China
Early Hinduism Hinduism had no single founder and no single sacred text founded in India around 1500 bc Hinduism has many gods and goddesses and many forms of worship AUM: •the three worlds - earth, atmosphere, and heaven •the three major Hindu gods - Brahma,Vishnu, and Siva •the three sacred Vedic scriptures - Rg, Yajur, and Sama
Brahman vs Brahma Brahman is an unchanging spiritual force that controls the universe and resides in all things Brahma is creator god Vishnu is the Preserver god Shiva is destroyer god
Hindu Info Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world Whether Hinduism is polytheistic, what do you think? or is it Pantheistic! Hindu gods take many forms, sometimes as humans, but other times as animals This belief as well as other religious beliefs has made many Hindus vegetarians
Karma and Dharma Karma is what you do in the present life that affects you in your next life Hindus believe in reincarnation or the rebirth of the soul in another body form In each existence Hindus believe a person can achieve a union with brahman by obeying the law of Karma Dharma is the moral duties of each individual. They vary according to class, occupation, gender or age, which leads to Caste
Gautama Buddha Born in 566 BC to a high class family. His father raised him in seclusion in his palace. Venturing outside of his palace, he sees the suffering of the Indian people. He meditated for 48 days and became the enlightened one.
4 noble truths 1. All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow 2. The cause of suffering is the desire for things that are really illusions, such as riches, power and long life. 3. The only cure for suffering is to overcome desire. 4. THe way to overcome desire is to follow the eightfold path.
Eight Fold Path Guide to behavior, one step at a time 1) Right Views 2) Right Resolve 3) Right Speech 4) Right Conduct 5) Right Livelihood 6) Right Effort 7) Right Mindfulness 8) Right Concentration
Nirvana and comparison Ultimate goal is to reach nirvana, or union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth. Buddhism and Hinduism both stress non violence, belief in karma, dharma. Differ in Buddha rejects priests and formal rituals, and reach enlightenment through meditation. Buddhists also reject caste system of india