Starter: What city are we looking at today? What country is the city located in? Why are we looking at this city? Name 3 things you know about the city?
Mumbai – a growing megacity LO: To be able to describe the location and urban structure of Mumbai
Mumbai - images
Mumbai – A world city! Mumbai (formally Bombay is located in the state of Maharashatra It is India’s biggest city – the 4th largest in the world It is graded as ‘Alpha’ as a world city due to its economic importance In 2015 the population of Mumbai was 16 million (Metropolitan area was far bigger) It has a tropical climate and is suffers the effects of monsoon rains – first 3 mins
Mumbai’s urban structure - City Centre The oldest parts of the city are at the top of the peninsula The CBD is located here – centred around the former banking area Headquarters in this area include: Bank of America Walt Disney Microsoft India Volkswagen Cadbury India People live in slims – up to 25,000 Shopping malls are also located here
Inner suburbs The first area of suburbs developed to house workers in the old textile mill area Some of this area has now become characterised by squatter and slum settlement including Mumbai's largest – Dharavi
Outer suburbs Second suburbs and 1970’s suburbs were developed along Mumbai’s railway lines The railways allowed commuters to travel into the city each day New industrial sectors have also developed along the railway line New Mumbai was planned as a low- density suburb were lower land prices would create a better quality of life As it grew industries located in New Mumbai because of cheap land and available labour
Urban-rural fringe It is very hard to locate because it has spread out into a vast conurbation (merging of small towns / villages within a city) Including these area Mumbai has a population of 22 million Rural areas are generally found where land is not suitable for building The national park is full of swamp land and not suitable for development
Task: Using an Atlas and Face book Pg 106 -108 Fill in 4 facts about Mumbai Locate the capital of India and 5 other major cities Draw the main rail and road lines on you India map Using figure 11 (pg 108 ) shade in the key urban areas on your Mumbai map – 7 Colours needed First Suburbs 1900s – 1930s Second suburbs 1950s Post 1970’s New Industrial Areas Old textiles mills (now redeveloped) National Park Regeneration Areas Write a short paragraph that explains how Mumbai’s connectivity has fuelled the growth of its economy and population
Homework: Due Date: Using your photocopy of Pages 106 – 107 Face book Complete a 1 page (No more no less!) fact file on Mumbai The headings you must use are: Background to Mumbai Key facts (did you know box?) Industrial History Location problems Environmental factors On a separate page answer questions 1 -5 Pg 107 in full sentences Due Date:
Mumbai – a growing megacity LO: To be able to describe the location and urban structure of Mumbai