Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust Coming in from the Cold Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust
AIUET story AIURRRC founded 1998 AIUET founded 2001 The outreach arm of the RRRC focused on collecting local Black history, delivering Black history events, working with schools.
AIUET previous projects Long Way from Home Exploring Our Roots The Distance We Have Travelled Yemeni Roots, Salford Lives Legacy of Ahmed
Community projects supported Afro Solo GIFT LISAPO Nana Bonsu Voices of Kosovo in Manchester Nimba Tales Manchester Refugee Support Network
What support have we given? Early conversations & help with planning Partner letter Advice & training on oral history interviews and reminiscence Help with project management (e.g. steering group) Archiving project research and outputs Display at Manchester Central Library
Oral History work Created in 2014 by Jennie Vickers for AIUET and available on our website. Funded by NorthwestHLF
New project: Coming in from the Cold HLF Heritage Grant Stage 1 funding awarded – project now live Stage 2 grant application to go to HLF in August for decision in November Phase 1 project manager – Jennie Vickers Placement student – Daniella Carrington Research assistant –to be appointed Partner organisation GMBME network
Stage 1 tasks: Audit BME collections across GM institutions Identify BME groups that have delivered HLF projects and where they are archived Identify BME groups that want to develop HLF projects with future support at stage 2
Stage 2 vision To provide a more consistent service to a wider network of BME community groups interested in heritage projects To organise sharing and show-casing opportunities for BME heritage projects To increase the deposit of community histories into the AIURRRC, filling gaps in the current archives.
Staff at Stage 2 Project Manager focused on community engagement and providing practical support Digital Officer focused on digitising & uploading BME heritage projects to digital interactives in Archives + Archivist to catalogue and enable access to deposited BME heritage projects. Stage 2 (if successful) to start January 2018 for 3 years
Contacts www.racearchive.org.uk www.racearchive.manchester.ac.uk Tel: 0161 275 2920 Email: rrarchive@manchester.ac.uk facebook.com/AIUCentre @AIUCentre Flickr.com/photos/AIUCentre