Modules and Terminology Campus Solutions Modules and Terminology
Welcome to… Modules and Terminology
Objectives Upon completion of this module, you will be able to: Understand the basic functions and structure of Campus Solutions Understand Campus Solutions terms for Illinois State University’s academic structure, calendar, courses, and more.
Activities To enable you to do this, you will: Learn basic info about the six main Campus Solutions modules See the differences between several current Illinois State terms and new Campus Solutions terms Learn about service indicators Practice identifying programs, plans, and sub-plans
Campus Solutions Student Information System (SIS) that will replace the current mainframe Web-based – accessed online Oracle PeopleSoft product - same software that powers iPeople
C.S. Modules Six different modules make up Campus Solutions: Campus Community Recruiting and Admissions Student Records Financial Aid Student Financials Academic Advising
Stores bio/demo information for students, faculty, and staff. Campus Community Stores bio/demo information for students, faculty, and staff. Names, addresses, phone numbers, national IDs, etc. Central hub of system. Campus Community
Accepts student applications Processes app fees and documents Admissions Accepts student applications Processes app fees and documents Evaluates applicants Accepts applicants into programs and plans Admissions Campus Community
Transcripts and degrees Registrar’s Office Student Records Academic information Course catalog Schedule of classes Grading Transcripts and degrees Registrar’s Office Student Records Admissions Campus Community
Evaluates award eligibility Disburses loans, scholarships, and grants Financial Aid Evaluates award eligibility Disburses loans, scholarships, and grants Awards waivers Maintains compliance data for reporting Student Records Admissions Campus Community Financial Aid
Charges tuition and fees Bills students Issues refunds Student Financials Charges tuition and fees Bills students Issues refunds Processes collections Prints tax forms Student Accounts Office Student Records Admissions Campus Community Financial Aid Student Financials
Tracks progress toward the degree Creates advisement reports Student Records Academic Advisement Tracks progress toward the degree Creates advisement reports Generates “What if?” analyses Admissions Campus Community Academic Advisement Financial Aid Student Financials
Institutional Structure We have one institution at Illinois State - ILSTU Group Highest level division of institution Equivalent to Colleges – College of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, etc Organization Usually departments. Used to track financial responsibility and work credit
Academic Structure + = MCN Undergrad MCN Undergrad Career – All academic activities undertaken by a student. Undergraduate, Graduate, and Continuing Education Program – The entity to which the student applies, is admitted, graduates from. Combination of College and career. COB Undergrad, CAS Grad, CFA Continuing Ed + = MCN Undergrad MCN Undergrad
Academic Structure Plan – Course of study; Degree is issued at the plan level Majors, minors, and certificates Sub-plan – Areas of specialization within a plan Sequences and concentrations
Math B.S. Statistics General Math Actuarial Science Math Ed.
Academic Structure Graduate College of Arts & Sciences: Graduate Creative Writing English M.S. Career Program Plan Sub-plan
Student Groups Category of students that the University defines: Examples: Honors Program ROTC First Generation Students Fall 2015 Admits Used both for reporting and processing.
Academic Calendar Term – Period of time containing one or more sessions. Basically a semester. Fall, Spring, Summer Session – Period of time during which the University holds classes. 1st eight weeks of fall term All of spring term Last four weeks of summer term, etc.
Ex. Fall 2015 Term Full fall session 1st four weeks Last twelve weeks
Academic Calendar Term code – A four-digit code associated with an academic term. Format: 2BBC BB – last two digits of the second-half of the academic year. C – term number (2 for fall, 5 for spring, 8 for summer) Examples: 2152 – Fall term of the 2014-2015 academic year 2155 – Spring term of the 2014-2015 academic year 2158 – Summer term of the 2014-2015 academic year 2162 – Fall term of the 2015-2016 academic year, etc.
Courses Course Catalog – the list of courses, descriptions, subjects, etc. Not equivalent to the ISU Catalog, which also has academic policies and requirements. Course – structured, instructor-led study on a topic. COM 101 Class – a specific instance of a course. Section 1 of COM 101 in Fall 2015
Service Indicators Flags that either restrict or provide services to people. Negative – restricts a service No course registration No library privileges Cannot pay with checks Positive – provides a special service to someone who qualifies Priority registration Priority processing
Empl ID UID Empl ID User ID 456-23-1098 000-139-733 rredbird The ID number of people in Campus Solutions. Not the same as UID or User ID UID Empl ID User ID 456-23-1098 000-139-733 rredbird
Program, Plan, or Sub-plan? I’m going to show you a part of Illinois State’s academic structure. You tell me whether it is a program, plan, or sub-plan. Cheating is encouraged.
Creative Writing Sub-plan This is a concentration with the English MS plan.
Arts and Sciences Undergrad Program Combination of college and career.
Minors are plans, not sub-plans Biology Minor Plan Minors are plans, not sub-plans
If you see a degree name (BA, MS, MFA, PhD, etc.), it’s a plan. Art MFA Plan If you see a degree name (BA, MS, MFA, PhD, etc.), it’s a plan.
Sounds like a major, but it’s a sub-plan of Geography BS General Geography Sub-plan Sounds like a major, but it’s a sub-plan of Geography BS
Office of the Provost Undergrad Program Contains Undeclared, University Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, and pre-professional plans
School Psychology SSP Plan SSP = Specialist in School Psychology; Post Master’s degree but different from a PhD. Note the degree name is still listed.