A Portal for the Future Warren Holder Electronic Information Resources Co-ordinator Information Technology Services November 19, 2003
CONCERT (CONsortium on Core Electronic Resources in Taiwan). “ There Is Something About Electronic Resources”
Electronic Journal Services Background Evolution of Services Systems Collections Users Use and Impact of Electronic Journals Ontario Scholars Portal
Use of electronic journals The University of Toronto Largest university in Canada — 55,000 students St. George campus + 2 suburban campuses University of Toronto Library Largest library in Canada — Ranks in top 5 in ARL Central Library + 35 college, faculty & department libraries 13,000,000 volumes (books & microforms) 30,000 current print serials
Background – U of T Libraries Largest library in Canada 9,000,000 books & microforms 60,000 current serials Central Libraries + 40 College & Faculty Libraries In top 5 in ARL ranking
Electronic Resources at the U of T Licensed Public Total Journals 13,931 1,870 15,801 Books 7,259 53 7,312 Newspapers 2,529 16 2,545 Indexes 413 43 456 Reference 179 74 253 ——— ——— ——— Total 24,311 2,056 26,367 (As of September 12, 2002)
Electronic Holdings Increase in holdings in past year Newspapers 2% Indexes & Abstracts 7% Journals 14% Reference Sources 29% Books 1,917%
Evolution of E-journal Services Local Systems 1996 OCLC SiteSearch 1997 ScienceServer 2002 ENCOMPASS
Evolution of E-journal Services Local Collections 1996 Elsevier (pilot study) 1997 Elsevier (full collection) 1998 Academic Press 1999 Kluwer 2001 Wiley + Springer 2002 Harcourt + ACS Metadata
Number of Local E-journals
Evolution of E-journal Services Users Served 1997 University of Toronto 1998 + University of New Brunswick 1999 + 5 Ontario universities 2000 + University of British Columbia + 5 Hospitals 2001 + 1 Ontario university 2002 +12 Ontario universities
Size of User Community
Use and Impact of E-journals Number of Downloads Location of Use Time of Use Faculty Comments User Values Impact on Collections
Articles Downloaded – U of T
Articles Downloaded – U of T
Use ScienceServer – All Users
Use of E-journals – Downloads
Location of Use 2000/2001
Time of Day 25% of use Closed Open
Impact on Users Comments from Faculty I have found the use of electronic journals is now an indispensable part of my work. I used this extensively in preparing my recent grant applications. Comments from Faculty I am going to be brief and to the point: the online journal service is GREAT!!! To date, I haven’t been all that excited about the library services on this campus; however, this has really changed my opinion. The value of electronic journals must be measured by more than just the content — the public relations value is inestimable The addition of access to full text journal articles via your web site is terrific; the most positive step in handling of library materials since computerized catalogs.
User Values Top Five Items Valued by Users The Library’s print collections are the most valued resources Top Five Items Valued by Users Graduate Faculty User Group Undergraduate Books & other items in the stacks Journals (current & bound) Electronic Journals Catalogue of library resources - UTCat Internet & email account support Public computer workstations Item Electronic indexes, abstracts & other resources Study space: closed carrels Collections 4 1 2 All users place a high value electronic resources Electronic journals are the Faculty’s 3rd most highly valued resource 5 3 Study space is very highly valued by graduate students
Impact on Collections
Ontario Scholars Portal Grew out of a proposal for An Information Infrastructure for an Ontario Digital Library Based on systems and services of the University of Toronto Library
Ontario Scholars Portal Funding Content Canadian National Site Licensing Program Ontario University Libraries Infrastructure Ontario Information Infrastructure Staff Ontario Council of University Libraries
Goals ensure rapid and reliable response time for information services and resources provide for the long term, secure archiving of resources to ensure continued availability create a network of intellectual resources by linking ideas, materials, documents and resources provide an environment that fosters additional innovation in response to the needs of the users
Anticipated Impact Desktop access to electronic resources Higher productivity for students, faculty and researchers Equal and reliable access in the Ontario university system Development of new forms of information delivery, dissemination and communication Allow Ontario universities to become globally competitive suppliers of advanced teaching and research information resources
Key Outcome Creation of a provincial gateway to electronic resources A portal that provides a common mode of access to information resources for all faculty and students throughout Ontario
Components Ontario Scholars Portal Content Service/Support Infrastructure
Content Journals Indexes & abstracts Books Other 18 publishers 4,000 titles (75% on the Scholars Portal server) Indexes & abstracts 80,000,000 citations (50% on the Scholars Portal server) Books 6,000 titles Other 1,600,000 pages of full-text
Infrastructure Resource Sharing Scholarly Information Hardware 2 web servers 2 application servers 1 terminal server Software Fretwell-Downing VDX Scholarly Information Hardware 4 SUN 6800s Data Storage (4TB) Archival storage Software ScienceServer ENCompass Web of Knowledge Operated by the University of Toronto Library on behalf of the Ontario Council of University Libraries
Services Scholarly Information Resource Sharing Access to CNSLP & OCUL licensed content Current awareness services Personalized services User support Resource Sharing Support for interlibrary loan & document delivery
Integration of Resources The aim of the Ontario Scholars Portal: Never leave the user at a dead-end Any citation should have a link to: An electronic article Local paper holdings Document request form Wiley Academic Elsevier Kluwer Ovid Springer IOP Catchword Highwire NRC Ingenta JSTOR Blackwell’s IAC SWETS ACM Links to articles
Integration of Resources Into research “my.alerts” current awareness services Into the curriculum “my.library” personalized workspace Into the library’s services Electronic resources database
Benefit to the Scholar Convenient access to electronic resources Greater range of electronic resources Equal access in all Ontario universities
Benefit to OCUL Libraries Access to electronic resources with low per institution costs for Hardware System management & operation Integration of electronic resources Control over hardware resources Secure archiving of content
Key URLs University of Toronto University of Toronto Libraries http://www.utoronto.ca University of Toronto Libraries http://www.library.utoronto.ca
Contact Information Warren Holder Electronic Information Resources Co-ordinator Information Technology Services University of Toronto Library 130 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A5 CANADA Phone: (416) 978-2286 Fax: (416) 978-1668 E-mail: warren.holder@utoronto.ca