Sam Hardy, Business Lead – Energy & Cities Working together: opportunities for universities a business 31st August 2016 Sam Hardy, Business Lead – Energy & Cities
Recent Developments
International Institute for Product & Service Innovation (IIPSI) Opened in 2012, £12.4m ERDF funded Supported by Coventry & Warwickshire LEP (inc. Governance) Focussed on Digital, Polymer and Experience Led Innovation with a drive towards a future of digitally connected user rich products Gave West Midlands SMEs access to world-leading technology Institute built on WMG's established principle of bridging the gap between universities and business Left to Right Simpact (Warwick) LED lighting development – product development Warwick Music (Coventry) – worlds leading manufacturer of plastic musical instruments – prototyping, testing Pashley Cycles (Stratford) – product development Automotive Insulations (Rugby) – Interns from Chemistry and Engineering, materials development
Automotive Composites Research Centre Co-funded by CWLEP Growing Places Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composites for high volume applications Substantial weight reduction for components and structures Projects on new vehicle body architectures with JLR, Fiat, Renault, Volvo, Volkswagen and institutions e.g. RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer
New Developments CWLEP Strategic Economic Plan (2016) Product Innovation Accelerator (2016) C&W SME Growth Programme (2016) Energy Research Accelerator (2016) National Automotive Innovation Centre (2017)
The SEP is the economic development plan for the C&W sub-region Defines how the C&W economy will be grown over the short, medium and long term (jobs, skills, housing, inward investment etc.) Support from UoW for the 2016 SEP Refresh
Product Innovation Accelerator (2016) Promoting Research and Innovation, ERDF Priority Axis 1, £2.4m Due to launch in 2016 Enabling manufacturing SMEs in Coventry & Warwickshire to: Collaborate to Compete and form complementary partnerships Develop new research led products and process Understand customers their better Move up the value and supply chain CW LEP Supported in collaboration with Coventry City Council, Coventry University, CW Growth Hub and High Value Manufacturing Catapult
C&W SME Growth Programme (2016) Led by Warwickshire County Council in partnership with UoW Science Park & CWLEP Provision of tailored growth programme and incubation space for innovative SMEs Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs; ERDF Priority Axis 3; c.£3m Due for launch in 2016
National Automotive Innovation Centre (2017) £150M investment - the biggest private sector investment in any university A 33,000m2 collaborative research environment Unique infrastructure and national focus for R&D addressing UK Automotive Council agenda Creating 1,000 and attracting 3,000 further R&D jobs Bringing global R&D of major Tier 1 suppliers to co-locate
Up to £250M hub to give the UK competitive advantage in energy R&D Aston – Birmingham – Leicester – Loughborough – Nottingham – Warwick – British Geological Survey Up to £250M hub to give the UK competitive advantage in energy R&D
Regional cluster “Place can make a difference – the clustering of resources and industries in specific locations can provide a conducive – and in some cases, essential – context for success” Government Science and Innovation Strategy. Midlands region is home to c.1000 energy related companies and c. 2240 transport related companies. ERA universities value to the Midlands - £3bn. Home to ETI, APC and ES Catapult. Above average employment in the energy sector. Manufacturing value to the Midlands - £12bn. MTC and WMG enable manufacturing solutions and are members of High Value Manufacturing Catapult. Transport value to the Midlands - >£30bn. Region’s cities have ambitious energy and climate change targets.
Future Opportunities
UK City of Culture 2021 “The City of Culture competition gives us the chance to bring together local government, the business community and the Universities to support the people of Coventry in building a more prosperous, vibrant and attractive city in which to live, work and study. This is a great opportunity to build lasting partnerships and to dream big for Coventry’s future.” Professor Jonothan Neelands, WBS - Creative Education & Research Lead for the Coventry City of Culture bid
C&W Video Gaming Sector
Collaborate to Train (proposed) Collaboration between the C&W HE and FE providers including UoW, Warwickshire College and Coventry University Support for local SMEs through student placements and internships Funding requested through the European Social Fund
Degree Apprenticeships Degree Apprenticeships “combine both higher and vocational education and fully test both the wider occupational competence and academic learning, either using a fully-integrated degree co-designed by employers and HEIs or using a degree plus separate end-test of professional competence”. A core part of a DA is a Bachelor’s (Apprenticeship Level 6) or Master’s (Level 7) degree qualification. Degree Apprenticeship Briefing, National Centre for Universities & Business