Votre INTERRO – ??? jeudi – le 1 décembre Grade Sheet Signed & Returned? Deen jeudi – le 1 décembre Make Up Listening Quiz Tuesday AM – 8:10 6e – Anna S, Banglue (premier) Votre INTERRO – Les Pronoms français, leur definitions, et leurs explications! J’aime bien les interros, et vous? Pensez! Pensez dur! Concentrez! Mais, ne paniquez pas! Étudiez vite en silence avant notre interro! ???
2) Qu’est-ce que c’est, < conjuger >? mardi – le 10 novembre Notre Question Essentielle: Qu’est-ce que c’est, une conjugaison? What’s a conjugation? mardi – le 10 novembre 1) Mais . . . Que veut dire les pronoms en anglais??? (kuh vurh deer lay ) Turn this slide into A warm up! 2014 Au singulier Au pluriel Je / J’ = I Nous = We To 1 adult Tu = You; to 1 friend … Vous = You To a group About an all-guy group Il = He or It (masc. noun) Ils = They About a guy & gal group Elle = She or It (fem. noun) Elles = They About an all-girl group On = People (in general) Ah, oui! Bien sûr! 2) Qu’est-ce que c’est, < conjuger >? To blow up an infinitive to find the verb inside so that you can speak and write correctly
X = % 31 Le Scoring Une Interro Les Pronoms français -0 = 100% = % 31 -0 = 100% -1 = 97% -2 = 94% -3 = 91% -4 = 88% -5 = 84% -6 = 81% -7 = 78% -8 = 75% -9 = 72% -10 = 69% -11 = 66% -12 = 63% -13 = 59% -14 = 56% -15 = 53% -16 = 50% -17 = 47% -18 = 44% -19 = 41% -20 = 38% -21 = 34% -22 = 31% -23 = 28% -24 = 25% -25 = 22% -26 = 19% -27 = 16% -28 = 13% -29 = 9% -30 = 6% -31 = 3% -32 = 0%
II. jouer au tennis parler français chanter mardi – le 10 novembre p.4 du paquet Maintenant, page 4 du paquet! II. Identifiez ces infinitifs! jouer au tennis parler français chanter Entourez les 2 lettres finale des infinitifs! That’s why they are called the –er verbs in French!
Instead look what happens when we conjugate < chanter >! Les infinitifs en -er ! parler français jouer au tennis chanter Since these infinitives end in –er, they are called the -er verbs! They are the most numerous infinitives in the French language and also the easiest for American students to learn to conjugate (to blow apart so that you can match the right form of the verb with the right subject pronoun - - therefore sounding intelligent!) You have already seen how silly it is to use the English infinitive incorrectly in sentences. You would never say “I to sing well.”, and you must never say < Je chanter bien. > Instead look what happens when we conjugate < chanter >!
Maintenant, we’re ready to conjugate < chanter > so that we can speak in sentences, questions, and commands that don’t have infinitives! To conjugate means to blow up an infinitive to find the verb within it! Watch how it’s done! Je m’appelle Elvis. J’aime chanter. Je chante bien.
Chanter = To sing chant The stem / La racine = Je Tu Il Elle On chant p.4 (A) 5 Chanter = To sing The stem / La racine = chant Je Tu Il Elle On chant e es Nous Vous Ils Elles chant ons ez ent The French Trap
So, the endings in order that you add à la racine sont: Je Tu Il Elle On ____e ____es Nous Vous Ils Elles ____ons ____ez ____ent * * The French Trap Be careful with your pronunciation, too. The stem is the correct pronunciation for the verbs associated with 7 out of the 9 pronouns. *Put a star by those 7!
Comprenez?! Maintenant – les règles!
Comment conjuger un infinitif en –er Let’s recap the rules on how to conjugate -er infinitives in French! p.5 Comment conjuger un infinitif en –er How to conjugate an -er infinitive Define the infinitive in English. 1) Cross off the –er thereby losing the A sound and underline the stem (every other letter left in the infinitive)! 2) Count the number of letters left in the stem and write it down. You must use all these letters in the verb or … 3)
List all the 9 French Pronouns in order. (Be sure to keep them across from their corresponding plural pronoun.) 4) Write the stem beside each pronoun. 5) Add the appropriate ending to each stem. Put a star beside the 7 which are pronounced just like the stem! 6) That’s all it is! That’s a conjugation! (Matching the subject with the right verb!) Quel facile!
Le temps présent de < CHANTER >
Now, turn back to page 4 of this packet. Voilà! Tu as les pronoms et les verbes. Tu as une phrase simple!!! Now, turn back to page 4 of this packet. What do all these things mean in English? I sing. Draw 3 prongs! Je chante. I am singing. I do sing.
You sing. Tu chantes. You are singing. You do sing. (to 1 friend, etc.) Tu chantes. You are singing. You do sing.
He or It (m) sings. Il chante. He or It (m) is singing. He or It (m) does sing. You could even say his name! Elvis chante.
She or It (f) sings. Elle chante. She or It (f) is singing. She or It (f) does sing. You could even say her name! Céline chante.
People sing. On chante. People are singing. People do sing. People in general!
We sing. Nous chantons. We are singing. We do sing. “We” means you are in the group!!! Mon ami et moi, nous chantons bien.
You sing. Vous chantez. You are singing. You do sing. to 1 adult OR to a group
about an all guy group or a group of guy and gals! They sing. They are singing. Ils chantent. (chãnt) They do sing. The French Trap about an all guy group or a group of guy and gals!
They sing. Elles chantent. They are singing. They do sing. (chãnt) They are singing. They do sing. The French Trap about an all girl group
danser = To dance Now, you try to conjugate Vos devoirs ce soir: Conjugez. . . Back to page 5! Now, you try to conjugate danser = To dance ________________________________________ Be sure to do the 3 prongs beside each subject/verb combination to explain what it means in English!
et leurs définitions en anglais. jeudi – le 12 novembre Vos devoirs ce soir: Finissez la conjugaison de < danser > à la page 5! 2) avec les traductions en anglais. 3) Mémorisez les 9 pronoms en ordre et leurs définitions en anglais. 4) Un examen lundi!