SAUL DISOBEYS THE LORD TEXT:1Samuel 13:1-23 Memory Verse: And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. (1 Samuel 15:22)
Introduction Saul was the first king of Israel. God chose him to be a captain over His people Israel that he might save them from the hand of the Philistines. Saul was a brave soldier who successfully led the Israelites into battles against their enemies. Saul became a failure, because he constantly disobeyed the word of God and did things according to his own way. God eventually rejected him as king. Some children oftentimes, prefer to go their own way rather than follow the way of God. This will always end in being rejected and punished as it happened in the case of Saul.
1. Saul’s Deliberate disobedience to god’s command 1 Samuel 13:1-10; 10:8; 15:8-11 Immediately Saul was crowned king, war broke out between Israel and their long-time enemy, the Philistines. Saul set out to perform his duty of defending Israel. He gathered the armies of Israel together for battle. The Philistine armies were very many. They also had weapons of war whereas the children of Israel were very few and had no weapon with which to fight. They became afraid of the Philistine Saul decided to go against God and offered sacrifice to God instead of waiting for prophet Samuel. King Saul felt he could manage his life alone without the assistant of God who made him king over His people Israel. As children, you should know that there is nothing that you can do without the help of God.
Always call upon the Lord for help King Saul offered sacrifice to God instead of waiting for prophet Samuel. What is Disobedience? Disobedience means a deliberate refusal to do what you are told to do, either by God, parents or teachers. Lessons to learn from the life of Saul: a. We must be patient: If you know what God wants, don’t go against the word of God no matter the pressure from peers or society. God may sometimes test our obedience and patience through a little delay of answer to our prayer. b. Saul was a king and not a priest. It was only priest that as allowed to make sacrifice. c. Always call upon the Lord for help when we are in trouble or facing any challenge. d. God wanted to give Israel victory without using their sword in battle so that His name will be glorified. e.We ought to obey God rather than men. Saul listened to the voice of the people instead of obeying God’s word. Always call upon the Lord for help
2. Disobedience brings punishment 1 Samuel 13:11-23; 1 Samuel 12:24-25; Ezekiel 18:4 When People fail to obey simple instructions and have no fear of God in their heart, it can lead to very serious consequences which may affect the whole of their life and then throughout their generations if they fail to repent. God delighted in Saul and made him king over His people; but he ended up disappointing God. This made him to be rejected and replaced with David.
People in the bible who were punished because of Disobedience A. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden disobeyed God and brought curses upon themselves and the entire human race.(Genesis : 14-19) B. Achan was stoned to death for stealing a goodly Babylonish garment and some other things. (Joshua 7 :21) C. Eli the priest lost his life, his two children and priesthood because of the sins of his son. D. Jonah disobeyed God and was swallowed by a big fish. He spent three days and three nights in the fish’s belly. ( Jonah 1:17) E. The man of God who was sent by God to Bethel from Judah, disobeyed God and a lion met him on the way and slew him (1 king 13:21-24)
3. Call to repent 1 Samuel 15:21; Luke 13:3; Romans 3:23 Some children still finds it difficult to obey the word of God, despite the fact that they hear the word everyday. They continue to do what they like. God does not want sinners to perish. He wants them to repent and be saved. Saul sinned against God even when Samuel told him, he did not repent but rather gave excuses for his actions. The Lord is calling you to repent today because tomorrow may be too late What to Do Confess all your sins of disobedience and stubbornness unto God. Believe that God loves you. Surrender to Him and invite Jesus to come into your heart Read God’s word everyday, meditate on it and obey it.
Questions 1. what is disobedience? 2. Saul was the first ----------------------- in Israel from the tribe of -------- 3. Mention three lessons that you have learned form the action of Saul. 4. Mention the name of the prophet that was sent to Saul. 5. Disobedience brings punishment, mention five people in the Bible who disobeyed God. 6. How can a sinner be free from disobedience? Lesson: Obedience is the key to pleasing God. Thought: I will live to obey and Please god so as to enjoy his blessings.
Homework: Pray Daily for grace to Live an obedient life.
References: saul_1327683_inl.jpg library/manual/31118/31118_000_028_11.jpg https://s-media-cache- https://s-media-cache- 1024x526.jpg