Introductory Guide and Resources


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Presentation transcript:

Introductory Guide and Resources Welcome Pass out the three booklets: Initial Steps, Receive, Embody, and Share, and the Companion Guide.

Session 1: Overview and Opportunities Before Us Session 1: Overview and Opportunity Before Us (15 minutes) Share: We often take for granted our enduring principle Continuing Revelation. One tangible way this is expressed is through new sections in the Doctrine and Covenants. These sections and others continue to point us in the direction of our future.

Where do we start? Page 12: So where do we begin? The answer lies deep in our identity and calling. The answer is in our name—Community of Christ. We begin by returning to the two pillars of identity: Relationships = Sacred Community Encounter = Jesus Christ Put them together and you get Community of Christ—the essence of who we are and are called to become! Doctrine and Covenants 163:1 challenges us to go much deeper in discerning and embracing our identity and calling as Community of Christ. From this passage of scripture, we discover an essential question for our future: How will we discern, embrace, and risk living fully into our identity and calling as Community of Christ in a changing world? Where do we begin? We start with ourselves! Missional practices lead us into disruptive and transformative relationships with God, one another, and our neighbors. Missional practices are repetitive acts that help us awaken to God’s movement around us and lead us into new relationships of invitation, hospitality and healing. IN LCM we say Mission Begins with Encounter! This means God’s is moving, active, and present in the world. If we truly believe this then spiritual formation (i.e. missional practices) are about how we join in what God is already doing!! Let’s listen together the following passages:

Doctrine and Covenants 163: 1. “Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go.” Share:   Doctrine and Covenants 163: 1. “Community of Christ,” your name, given as a divine blessing, is your identity and calling. If you will discern and embrace its full meaning, you will not only discover your future, you will become a blessing to the whole creation. Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go.” Optional Question for Group Reflection: How is the Spirit inviting you to see glimpses of our future?

Doctrine and Covenants 165: 1c. “Lovingly invite others to experience the good news of new life in community with Christ. Opportunities abound in your daily lives if you choose to see them.“ Read slide: Doctrine and Covenants 165: 1c. “Lovingly invite others to experience the good news of new life in community with Christ. Opportunities abound in your daily lives if you choose to see them.“ Optional Question for Reflection: How is the Spirit inviting you to awaken to daily opportunities? We will explore missional practices as initial steps in a little while.

From Community of Christ President Veazey’s 6-22-16 Conference Challenge: “God sees Community of Christ regularly celebrating baptisms and confirmations of new disciples eagerly involved in the church’s fellowship and mission. Can you see that occurring in your congregation? The first step is to prayerfully picture it. “ Read: From President Veazey’s 6-22-16 Conference Challenge: “God sees Community of Christ regularly celebrating baptisms and confirmations of new disciples eagerly involved in the church’s fellowship and mission. Can you see that occurring in your congregation? The first step is to prayerfully picture it. “ Reflections: Amidst challenges and questions, we gather out of our deepest conviction that we have a divinely instilled call and vision. It seems the more challenging situations become, the more aware we become of God’s alternative vision waiting to be birthed in those places. It is as though we can almost hear God crying out for someone to be the hands and feet of Christ’s invitation, healing, and transformative love. The vision, mission, and enduring principles of Community of Christ bear powerful witness to God’s alternative vision. This vision is desperately needed in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, and world. Optional Question for Discussion: How, when, and where have you heard God crying out for you to be Christ’s presence of invitation, healing, and transforming love?

What is at stake is much more than congregational life but the possibility of new communities of invitation, love, reconciliation, and unity in diversity where all are welcome and discover God’s unfolding future!! Share: What is at stake is much more than congregational life but the possibility of new communities of invitation, love, reconciliation, and unity in diversity where all are welcome and discover God’s unfolding future! We gather because of the persistent impress of the Holy Spirit that continues to lift our sights above the reality of the present to the possibility of the future with God. It is disruptive and transforming as we are deeply impacted by the spiritual and physical suffering of others. It is exhilarating and unsettling as we begin to see ways we can join God in brining healing and transformation. This brings us to another important principle of LCM – Mission is Disruptive. If God is moving in the world then our lives will be disrupted as we respond to and join that movement all around us.

Share: In the time we have, we will explore two other resources that are designed to help us live into our identity and calling as Community of Christ in a changing world. Receive, Embody and Share the Invitation to Christ’s Peace and the Companion Study Guide for this resource. We will not cover these resources in detail but focus on specific topics so you can begin to envision how they might be utilized. We will then discuss what additional support would be helpful to you as leaders in utilizing these resources in congregations. These resources are being constantly revised and updated. Engaging in conversations with leaders across the fields in the U.S. continues to inform the development of these resources.

Session 2: Opportunities and Challenges Share: Before we move into specific explorations together, it would be helpful to hear where you see your greatest opportunities and challenges with respect to our mission. We want to focus on both opportunities and challenges.

Reflection Moment: “Where do you see your greatest opportunities and challenges with respect to our mission? Invite participants into a reflection by reading on the slide:   “Where do you see your greatest opportunities and challenges with respect to our mission?” We want to focus on both opportunities and challenges. Give enough time for people to reflect and share.

Session 3: Continuing Revelation in Christ and Essential Questions Refer to page 10 in your booklet about a quarter of the way down. Would someone be willing to read the passage from D&C 162:2e? On next slide. Encountering the living Christ is where this journey begins and is sustained!!

Doctrine and Covenants 162:2e Again you are reminded that this community was divinely called into being. The spirit of the Restoration is not locked in one moment of time, but is instead the call to every generation to witness to essential truths in its own language and form. Let the Spirit breathe. Would someone be willing to read the passage from D&C 162:2e? On slide. Again you are reminded that this community was divinely called into being. The spirit of the Restoration is not locked in one moment of time, but is instead the call to every generation to witness to essential truths in its own language and form. Let the Spirit breathe. Share: Encountering the living Christ is where this journey begins and is sustained!! Christ is more than a historical figure. We affirm that “through Christ something not fully explainable but utterly transforming” has been and is occurring! The Spirit Jesus promised his followers is continuing to shape us, prepare us, and lead us into the future if we are receptive.

Two Essential Questions What does it mean to me/us to be in relationship with the Living Christ? 2. How do I/we make room in our individual lives, congregations, or small groups to be totally shaped and sent by the Spirit? Let’s look at two essential questions toward the bottom of page 10 in your booklet. Why are these questions so important? These questions bring us back to both the foundation of Christianity and our movement. They are our “return to the grove” questions. The revelation of God in Christ is not just a single event in history. It continues through the Spirit to lead us into God’s unfolding future. What does it mean to me/us to be in relationship with the Living Christ? 2. How do I/we make room in our individual lives, congregations, or small groups to be totally shaped and sent by the Spirit?

Missio Dei. How has the Word been made flesh to you? Let’s take a moment to review a foundational video to LCM – Missio Dei. As you watch this video I would like to invite you to consider the following question: How has the Word been made flesh to you? What might this suggest about our approach to mission? Play Missio Dei video, disk one #6 How has the Word been made flesh to you? What might this suggest about our approach to mission?

How has the Word been made flesh to you? What might this suggest about our approach to mission? After viewing the video, provide a few moments for sharing on the questions above depending on time.

Encountering the living Word in Worship Simplify and Deepen Worship on page 17 Share in Practices of Spiritual Formation and Mission on page 13 Page 19 – Worship Outline Using Dwelling in the Word   Share: On Page 17 – Simplify and Deepen Worship and on Page 13 – Share in Practices of Spiritual Formation and Mission Together you will find ideas on how to encounter the Spirit in community in deeper and new ways. Spiritual formation is the foundation for everything we do. It continues to shape us as disciples and helps us see what we could not see before. Look specifically on page 19 half way down. Here is simple service outline using Dwelling in the Word as a missional practice. For smaller congregations that struggle with preaching ministry or even larger congregation this is an alternative to a traditional service. Walk through the worship outline on following slide. Spiritual formation is the foundation for everything we do. It continues to shape us as disciples and helps us see what we could not see before.

Dwelling in the Word Worship Outline Open with Sharing of Joys, Concern, and Prayer Gathering Song: Community of Christ Sings 96, “Now in this Moment” (consider having someone read the words before the congregation sings the words. Or ask someone to share a testimony or thoughts on how this hymn calls him or her into mission) A Disciple’s Generous Response Dwelling in the Word scripture and group sharing (see Twelve Months of Dwelling in the Word behind “Practices” in the Resources section of this guide. Read the scripture aloud, provide a few moments for reflection, and then ask the congregation to get into groups of three or four to share.) Brief Challenge or Reflection (based on Dwelling in the Word. This can be as simple as a statement that is prepared in advance, a poem, or the words of a hymn or song that leads us into mission.) Prayer of Sending Forth (Consider reciting the Lord’s Prayer or Mission Prayer together) Share: Walk through Simple Worship on Slide You can also use Hymns from Community of Christ Sings as the text instead of a scripture. The hymns provide inspired texts that are grounded in our identity, message, mission, and beliefs.

This is more than just providing an alternative worship experience for those who currently gather! This is about being thoughtful and intentional about the many how have walked away from traditional organized religion. How do we engage them in the process of exploration and being formed by the sacred story of scripture? Share: This is not just an issue of capacity or capability. This is more than just providing an alternative worship experience for those who currently gather! This is about being thoughtful and intentional about the many how have walked away from traditional organized religion. How do we engage them in the process of exploration and being formed by the sacred story of scripture? Dwelling in the Word is a powerful tool where everyone has a voice and can speak to how the scripture speaks to them. There is much more to explore here that can help us understand why congregations across the U.S. have been in decline in recent decades. Dwelling in the Word is a powerful tool where everyone has a voice and can speak to how the scripture speaks to them.

Further Exploration Share: If you want to go deeper consider reading Spiritual Friendship after Religion: Walking with People While the Rules are Changing by Bass and Sicking.

I would like to refer you now to Receive, Embody, and Share the Invitation to Christ’s Peace and the Companion Study Guide. Let’s look at the Companion Study Guide on page 13 – Risk New Encounters with Others. This is designed as a small group study resource. Each session is designed to take between 60 and 90 minutes depending on discussion. Each session includes a practice that challenges us to live lives of encounter and invitation. The booklet contains 12 sessions and explores in more depth the booklet Receive, Embody, and Share the Invitation to Christ’s Peace. This is about discovering a rhythm of life where we are always receiving, embodying, and sharing Christ’s peace in relationship with others. Let’s refer to that booklet for just a moment on page 7 half way down. Would someone read the paragraph beginning with the words “Our Invitation” Let’s look at the Companion Study Guide on page 13 – Risk New Encounters with Others.

Our invitation creates receptive and relational space where the Spirit can reveal what is deep within waiting to find tangible expression. It is in this most vulnerable and Holy space where invitation “to something not fully explainable but utterly transforming” becomes incredibly real. It is in this space where God, as fountain of generous and sending love, overwhelms us with glimpses of what could be. All this is from God. We simply help open the relational space for the Spirit to do its transformative work. Receive, Embody and Share Christ’s Peace, page 7 Let’s refer to Receive, Embody and share Christ’s Peace booklet for just a moment on page 7 half way down. Would someone read the paragraph beginning with “Our Invitation” on slide Our invitation creates receptive and relational space where the Spirit can reveal what is deep within waiting to find tangible expression. It is in this most vulnerable and Holy space where invitation “to something not fully explainable but utterly transforming” becomes incredibly real. It is in this space where God, as fountain of generous and sending love, overwhelms us with glimpses of what could be. All this is from God. We simply help open the relational space for the Spirit to do its transformative work. Share: It is amazing what the Spirit is already doing, creating opportunities for relationships of meaning and depth, if we are open.

Essential Questions for Disciples, Priesthood, and Congregations Sample from page 9 How have you encountered “something not fully explainable but utterly transforming” and how is it disrupting your daily life experience? 2. How is the Spirit inviting you to move beyond your fears of spiritual and relational transformation? Share: See the questions on page 9. These are good questions for small group reflection and study. If there is time, invite individuals in small group of 3 to 5 to reflect on these two questions. The questions on the slide are important question to discuss as small groups and congregations. They take us to place of becoming real with one another which is the essence of authentic Christian community. Finally, all the practices referenced in this book are in the back of the book. If you want to get serious about envisioning and beginning to live a life of invitation these booklets are a good place to start. They also reference videos which are available at

Sharing in Practices of Spiritual Formation and Mission Share: Let’s turn to page 13 in the initial steps booklet. Session 4: Sharing in Practices of Spiritual Formation and Mission

Page 13 – Exploration How do we discover and respond to what God is up to all around us? What are missional practices? Share: Let’s turn to page 13 in the initial steps booklet. Let’s briefly explore two questions: How do we discover and respond to what God is up to all around us? What are missional practices? Missional Practices are repetitive acts or behaviors that over time become a way of life if embraced. Missional Practices help us take incremental steps toward seeing, being, and doing new things in Christ. Share experience with the mission prayer as an example. This mission prayer leads to a new and deeper awareness when consistently prayed. If there is time, ask the large group if anyone has an experience with how a practice over time became a way of life.

Why do Practices matter? The practices invite us to live into an alternative vision for our world – a vision where strangers become friends and all are invited to the table of love, reconciliation, and abundance. Share: Why do they matter? The practices invite us to live into an alternative vision for our world – a vision where strangers become friends and all are invited to the table of love, reconciliation, and abundance. The practices may seem a bit unnatural at first. This is the nature of learning new behaviors. Over time the practices become a natural extension of who we are as disciples. They help us take incremental steps to follow the disruptive promptings of the Spirit that lead us into relationships with others.

How did the mission prayer result in changed behavior? Open Your Eyes Share:   Let’s explore the potential impact of missional practices a little further by looking at the video (included with your booklet) entitled “Open Your Eyes” Ask Question and play video, disk one #5. How did the mission prayer result in changed behavior? Time for short sharing. How did the mission prayer result in changed behavior?

Exploring Missional Practices – Page 13 Choose one Practice: Mission Prayer Sharing in the Round Dwelling in the Word Walking the Neighborhood Share: I would like to direct you to the bottom of page 13 of your Initial Steps booklet. There are four missional practices we are inviting congregations and individuals to commit to over time: Mission Prayer Sharing in the Round Dwelling in the Word Walking the Neighborhood In groups of 5, I would like to invite you take one of these practices and complete the following tasks: Find it in the back of the booklet, review it, and prepare to summarize the practice for the larger group. Consider this question: How could this practice be integrated into congregational life or even reshape what we do in our congregation when we come together? Be prepared to share your ideas. You have 15 minutes. Large Group Sharing - 10 minutes 1. Describe the Practice in Your Own Words 2. How could this practice be integrated into congregational life or even reshape what we do in our congregation when we come together?

Meeting as a Pastor Leadership Team Share: We are going to take just a moment to look at page 15 and 16 – Meeting as a Pastor Leadership Team. This is so critical to a congregation’s overall health and effectiveness in mission. Most important this is about being intentional in how we lead. There are so many reasons why shared leadership through a pastor leadership team makes sense. This is true in organizations outside the church and for the church as well. We have an entire resource that walks through the basics of setting up and facilitating shared leadership teams if you are interested. Just let me know and I will see that you receive it. Session 5: Meeting as a Pastor Leadership Team

MEETING AS A PASTOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Essential Question: How are we learning/modeling to care for one another, discern, develop consensus, and lead mission? Let’s look at four basic steps on page 15. Share: Let’s look at four basic steps on page 15. Before we do, it is essential the pastor leadership team commit to coming together once a month for at least two hours. You can’t lead effectively without a time commitment to bring your team together.

Four Basic Steps on page 15. Build relationships as a team Share in 20 to 30 minutes of Dwelling in the Word or another practice that centers you in God’s presence and vision. Establish a clear agenda, including essential questions that the team discerns are important to the future of the congregation’s mission. Share: Lets look at each step on page 15. Walk through these steps with the group: Sharing Joys and Concerns – building community. Sharing in a Missional Practice – connecting with the Spirit. Establish a Clear Agenda – Good facilitation and discerning essential questions. Work on one or two essential questions that you feel are important for your future. Establish clear questions to process through your agenda. Foster open conversation, make decisions together, be clear about follow up and who is responsible. 4. Share in conversation together, make decisions together, and determine next steps together.

What would be most helpful to you in utilizing these resources? Session 6: What would be most helpful to you in utilizing these resources? Session 6: What would be most helpful to you in utilizing these resources?

What would be most helpful to you in utilizing these resources? Share: What would be most helpful to you in utilizing these resources? Give time for sharing What would be most helpful to you in utilizing these resources?

Session 7: Potential Next Steps and Approaches to Support Self-directed Pastor Leadership Team Approach

Self-directed Approach: Work through the 9 Sessions as Pastor Leadership Team – Page 5   Assign a different member of the team to review the material for the session and prepare a summary. Ask all members of the team to reach the section so they are prepared for discussion. As a Pastor Leadership Team work through the 9 sessions together outlined on page 5. Assign a different member of the team to review the material for the session and prepare a summary. Ask all members of the team to reach the section so they are prepared for discussion. Continue on next slide  

Don’t rush through this but dwell in the passage together. Be sure to engage in a time of sharing and Dwelling in the Word on page 5. Don’t rush through this but dwell in the passage together. You may decide to use some scriptures from the resource section in the back of the book. Share: Be sure to engage in a time of sharing and Dwelling in the Word on page 5. Don’t rush through this but dwell in the passage together. You may decide also use some scriptures from the resource section in the back of the book. Continue on Next slide

Consider the two questions at the bottom of page 5 for each session Consider the two questions at the bottom of page 5 for each session. If you identify an idea or action you would like to take be sure to identify a project owner and timeline. Additional Possibilities: Invite an evangelist to journey with you. Ask the evangelist to lead you through your time of sharing joys and concerns, prayer, and Dwelling in the Word. Share: Consider the two questions at the bottom of page 5 for each session. If you identify an idea or action you would like to take be sure to identify a project owner and timeline. Additional Possibilities: Invite an evangelist to journey with you. Ask the evangelist to lead you through your time of sharing joys and concerns, prayer, and Dwelling in the Word.

Other Approaches: Support from Mission Center Congregational Partners Mission Center Retreat Follow up retreats could be scheduled to go deeper and explore specific challenges identified by congregations. Share: Support from Mission Center Consider the following steps above only request someone to lead your team through the sessions. This way everyone can participate and not be concerned about facilitating. Congregational Partners Consider partnering with another congregation’s pastor leadership team. Work through the material together, share ideas, and support one another on the journey. Mission Center Retreat Host a retreat where congregation pastor leadership teams are invited to come together for renewal, fellowship, and exploration of the material in this book. The retreat will focus on practical helps and discussion for congregations in becoming invitational communities that live out all the dimensions of Christ’s Peace. Much of the material will be from the book and the Receive, Embody, and Share booklets. In addition, material utilized in the Leading Congregations in Mission Pilot will also be explored. Follow up retreats could be scheduled to go deeper and explore specific challenges identified by congregations.

Make it your own and have fun with it. Specific Entry Points Depending on specific needs or interests a congregation may choose to begin to utilize a specific section of the Initial Steps resource. For example, there may be interest in exploring ways to simplify and deepen worship. This could be an entry point to begin utilizing the resource. Make it your own and have fun with it. Specific Entry Points Depending on specific needs or interests a congregation may choose to begin to utilize a specific section of the Initial Steps resource. For example, there may be interest in exploring ways to simplify and deepen worship. This could be an entry point to begin utilizing the resource. Make it your own and have fun with it.

Our Loving Challenge Doctrine and Covenants 163 10 a. Collectively and individually, you are loved with an everlasting love that delights in each faithful step taken. God yearns to draw you close so that wounds may be healed, emptiness filled, and hope strengthened. b. Do not turn away in pride, fear, or guilt from the One who seeks only the best for you and your loved ones. Come before your Eternal Creator with open minds and hearts and discover the blessings of the gospel anew. Be vulnerable to divine grace.

For more information please contact: Ron Harmon Rob Borkowski