The Evolution of Slasher Films and the Role Women Play in Them. By: Ashley Rouse 1
Interest -I love horror films, but I enjoy slasher films the most. -Always thought the women's role wasn't justified and wanted to know why women where portrayed as inferior. 2
My Paper 3
Topic My topic was the evolution of slasher films and how women are portrayed in those movies. 4
What is the relevance between women and slasher films over the years? Driving Question What is the relevance between women and slasher films over the years? What is the relevance between women and slasher films over the years? 5
Thesis Statement Over the years, the slasher genre has involved focusing more on the killings, as well as the role of women, which has evolved by overcoming the stereotypical, damsel-in-distress type of character. What is the relevance between women and slasher films over the years? 6
Important Facts Horror genre is the least respected genre in the film world. Slasher films focus on a male murderer who stalks then kills teenagers/young adults. Vagina dentata. This led to the reason why we have the masculine man saving the damsel in distress in most movies we have today. Rise in feminism in the 1970’s created a new role called the “final girl” 7
What Have I Learned? -Almost each slasher film have similar plot lines. There is a male serial killer murdering sex-crazed teens except for the final girl who turns out to survive. 9
My Product 10
I did have a mentor, but she was more of a checker of my final posts I did have a mentor, but she was more of a checker of my final posts. For the most part, I worked on it by myself. By having a mentor, she assisted me by periodically making sure I was completing my posts. My product is a blog. 11
How? When? When ever I got the chance to work on my product, I would spend up to 2 hours writing/filming and editing my blog post. I used this website called to create my web-blog. I picked that site because it was easier to post different ways of reviewing a movie. 12
Connections 14
Connection Between my Paper and Product Description of what happens in a slasher film They both incorporate the role of women in the films. My product talks about the final girl, murder weapons, and lineup of who the murderer kills in the movie. Just like I refer to in my paper. 15
Successes and Challenges of the NCGP Finishing my paper and product on time Learning more about slasher films I enjoyed doing my project because I liked my topic Challenges: Get my hours done on my G.P. in an orderly time Staying focused. 16
Future Applications I don’t plan on joining the cinematography field. It will help me with future time management Blog will give me experience with deadlines and doing reports. 17
Work Cited Page Pictures in slideshow: Lang, Maureen. Books & Writing Life. Digital image. : Screen Size. Blogspot, n/a. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. N/a. Film Strip. Digital image. Designs for Me. Designs for ME, n/a. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. N/a. Wallpaper #165226. Digital image. Background, Christmas, Cinema, Uploads, Images. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. -165226.html Kolizin. Download Movies. Digital image. : Halloween Movies. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. <>. Ford, Allan. A Nightmare On Elm Street Trailer #2. Digital image. Movie Trailers, New Movies, Upcoming Movies, 2012 Movies, Films, Videos, Clips. 25 Feb. 2010. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. <>. "Scream Knife." : Toys & Games., 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <>. Nick. The Pool. Digital image. Horror Film Wiki. Wiki, n/a. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <>. Facts Slide: Cassie. (2008, August 28). Women in horror [Web log message]. Retrieved from Creed, B. (1993). The monstrous-feminine, film, feminism, psychoanalysis. (pp. 1-3). London, England: Routledge. Blakeley, K. (2010, August 26). Women in horror films. Forbes, 1-2. Retrieved from le-audiences.html 18
Education Exempt from Copyright: This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use. Any Questions? 19