Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) The Health & Housing Nexus Part 2: Using Medicaid in Supportive Housing September 26, 2016
Why is Supportive Housing Important for Medicaid Agencies? Medicaid may see a Return on Investment on services and supports Decreases in emergency department admissions Decreases and shorter lengths of stay for medical and behavioral health inpatient stays Access to care and quality of care improved after moving into housing Recent home and community-based services (HCBS) regulations from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that reinforces the focus on community integration State Olmstead cases that require states to create housing and housing supports to “classes” of individuals—many who are eligible for Medicaid
Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) Four year commitment by CMS to build state capacity and support ongoing innovation in Medicaid through targeted technical support Supports U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and states’ delivery system reform efforts The end goal for IAP is to increase the number of states moving towards delivery system reform across program priorities One area of focus for IAP is Community Integration-Long-Term Services and Supports (CI-LTSS). Goals include: Increase state adoption of individual tenancy sustaining services to assist Medicaid beneficiaries Expand housing development opportunities for Medicaid community-based LTSS beneficiaries through facilitation of partnerships with housing agencies
IAP CI-LTSS Program Support Related to Housing Supporting Housing Tenancy A three-part webinar series that provided innovative strategies to support housing tenancy services for community-based LTSS Medicaid beneficiaries Occurred February to April 2016 Thirty-one participating states
IAP CI-LTSS Program Support Related to Housing (cont) State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships An intensive track focused on building collaborations with key housing partners in their states, such as state housing finance agencies, public housing agencies, and others. May through October 2016 Eight states: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, New Jersey, and Oregon Federal partnership of CMS, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and the US Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships Target Populations Data compiled from Expression of Interest forms for IAP CI-LTSS HRSP, 2015
State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships Goals Data compiled from Expression of Interest forms for IAP CI-LTSS HRSP, 2015
Partnership States’ Key Strategies and Projected Accomplishments Cross-agency partnerships & policy alignment (e.g., of policies related to supportive housing, of IAP efforts with other initiatives) Develop/expand data matching (HMIS, Medicaid, etc.) to target resources, examine costs & outcomes Pursue Medicaid coverage of housing-related services Identify housing resources to create supportive housing opportunities Engagement /coordination with key stakeholders (e.g., CoCs, landlords, counties, MCOs, providers)
For More Information Contact the IAP mailbox at Use subject line “CI-LTSS”