LTRA Annual Meeting 06-Dec-2016 Agenda Welcome PID Discussion/Q&A with Larimer County Folks Treasurer’s Report Secretary’s Report Road Maintenance Update Election of Board Members Adjourn, because it’s late! 1
PID Discussion Welcome Larimer County Employees!!! 2
PID Review Short for Public Improvement District PIDs are available to Colorado residents under state statutes, through the counties A proposed PID would replace our current funding system for road maintenance Why a PID All property owners in the district will pay for road maintenance Public roads help us unify with FEMA PA through Larimer County (LC), if needed The LTRA would have the final say with the level of maintenance needed (advisory) The bidding power of LC would eliminate the Board’s need to scramble for completing work…finding a contractor Higher property value with a consistent source of maintenance funds PID taxes are deductible for those that itemize…a tax you can see working Steps toward a PID Pubic dedication of all roads (donations @ $4,263) Application Joint-effort LTRA/LC Engineering project planning Project Meeting to further educate all those affected Public Hearing for comments and feedback Proposed PID is voted upon in November state election (residency required) Implementation on January 1st of the following year…inauguration 3
Road Status A good portion of our roads are already dedicated public Ponderosa Hill only needs to be accepted public by the BoCC A unified public road system only changes our status with any future funding opportunities… losing nothing Yellow roads are the concern. Survey costs are between $5,000 and $7,000 Only need signed Deed of Dedication from these property owners
PID Q&A Session 5
LTRA Intention in 1984 The intent was for all of our roads to be dedicated public according to the LTRA Declaration of Covenants. For whatever reason, our roads were not completely recorded in LC as public. 6
Current PID Status All roads within any PID must be dedicated public All but 3 of our 13 miles are already dedicated public A surveyor will be needed Paying for a survey: Donations accepted (currently @ $4,263) A centerline of said road will be established and recorded along with a formal Deed of Dedication from the property owner. We are getting ready to move forward with surveying work in early 2017. We are also studying what areas get included within this PID. Ongoing discussions should shed light on what this will look like in 2017. 7
What Will This PID Cost Me? Amounts are based on assessed property values as property taxes, which is not an exact number today based on the fact that we do not know where the boundaries of this proposed PID will end. The LTRA and LC Engineers would determine the proper mill levy needed to maintain the roads within this PID with ultimate control coming from us. Let’s think about the future…we should NOT just go with our current annual budget with all the problems and increased cost incurred over the last three years. The LTRA is reasonable…let’s use $50,000 annual road budget as the example. Example Calculation: The Spencer property is currently assessed at $43,534 (via LC website). With input from LC, the LTRA sets a 16 mill levy as sufficient based on the total assessed value in this PID (estimated @ $3,123,000). The Spencer Family will pay $697 per year, or $1.91/day. The LTRA collects about $28-30K annually without currently meeting our needs. If approved, the mill levy is never >16…but could be less after feedback. 8
Example PID Questions What is the difference between Ownership and Dedication? What areas are currently claimed – tentatively – in this PID? As currently planned, the BMRRA residents would not be taxed, so what does that mean for this proposed PID? How will my LTRA dues change considering this PID? How will the LTRA operate on an administrative basis? Will LC make any changes to a section of road within my property parcel to meet “County Specification” requirements? Does the County now have control over my section of road if I dedicate the use to public? Do I lose anything? I feel like something is being decided right now (Dec 6th)…do I really have control over this PID decision? What happens if the PID is voted down? 9
Treasurer’s Report for 2016
Secretary’s Report for 2016
Road Maintenance Update for 2016
The LTRA Mission Your LTRA Funds Speed , Time & Mother Nature
Total 2016 Funds Available/Collected = $29,380 (Jan-Dec) 67 Ratified Members during 2016 Separate Emergency Fund CD = $4,107
LTRA Road Map
2016 Road Work = $27,649 out of $30,579 total cost (90%, 89% in 2015) Administrative = PO Box, postage, insurance, printing, office supplies…etc. Contract Labor = grading, road base, watering, dust control & backhoe Professional Fees = Tax preparation
History of LTRA Annual Dues Source: Currently dues are inflation-corrected However, contractor rates are still very competitive
Lot 34 – Our Recovery Partners Through the LTWC, the LTRA applied for an infrastructure grant through DHSEM-CDBG…haha! LTWC = Little Thompson Watershed Coalition DHSEM = Department of Homeland Security and Emergengy Management CDBG = Community Development Block Grant Awarded $800,000 for crossing improvements (new bridge) Lot 34 + Lewis property: An 80% study of Lot 34 has been funded but not completed This study includes the downstream lot of Lewis Both of these projects are gaining coordination support from LC Thanks to all our supporters that have made this effort a success in 2016! 18
2016-2017 Lone Star Update Bladeworks will directly receive funds twice per year to perform maintenance. The LTRA is working with our Lone Star neighbors to spearhead this effort in the future. Notices will go out to indicate when donations are needed with amount guidelines. Any funds remaining will be used as seed for the next round of road work. Any questions/concerns should be sent to Bladeworks when the next round of donations occur. Thanks for all your support over the years on Lone Star road!!!
2017 Board Elections 20