Iran National and Domestic DMS’s Analyses Research About 10 Touristic Province Hotel’s Websites - Evidences From Web - Nov/Dec 2006 By : J.Khalilzadeh
Content Abstract ( slides 3-4 ) . Introduction ( slides 5-12 ) . Methodology ( slides 13-14 ) . Findings ( slides 15-28 ) . Conclusion ( slide 29 ) .
Abstract The latest wonderful developments in field of information and communication technology and extended uses of web in all societies , ICT’s vast experience in leading and planning of tourism systems and communication facilitating between industry elements ; all of them cause that countries and companies don’t behave neutralized and look for opportunities to use most of this technology . It is impossible not to notice to influences of information technology in travel and tourism industry . Developing virtual atmosphere , new competitions on market share and extended uses of IT in governmental and private organizations , emphasize analyzing Iran’s ICT situation .
Abstract ICT’s role on cost of starting a business and new job descriptions and it’s affect on travelers decision making , turning to diversification strategy and etc , are some other influences of IT on pioneer industries such as tourism . Iran touristy provinces hotel’s websites analyzing and Iranian touristy websites on internet popular search engines and at all ,ICT in three main tourism promotion levels in DMS’s are the main aims of this article .
Introduction Consideration of ICT in tourism . General affects of IT . Examples . Influences on businesses and jobs . Revolutions on Supplies . Affects on Demand . It’s importance .
ICT’s Experiences in Tourism : ICT as a Tool for Developing Tourism Infrastructure OR as an Infrastructure ICT’s Experiences in Tourism : Tourism Infrastructure Improves . Economic Growth by Creating New Job Opportunities for Destination societies and Enterprises . Organic Organization Empowerments . Educational Empowerments in Industry . Tourism Demand studies and Forecast. Tourism Development and Planning Strategies. New Horizons in Management , Marketing and etc for Organizations .
ICT ‘s Influence in Public Environments and it’s Importance Scince Produce (Technology) Demand Market Suppliers Other factors
Comparison In Britain : 23.5% of 2 and 3 star Hotels in Country-side use IT for On-line Reservation In Iran : 10.9% of 2 and 3 star Hotels have website that 62.5% of them have On-line Reservation Link that 53.3% Works. And this means Only 3.64% of all .
Examples 54% of Italian internet users get their tourist information from web . 90% of U.S. people use video-on-demand systems for choosing their destinations . 50% of people in Developed countries use internet for travel decisions . Using Mobile cells for Hotel Reservation in Japan . Using Internet by notebook , Lufthansa . Using virtual environments like Museum Websites .
With IT Development in Businesses : 1 Reengineering in Starting Costs in Business Plans . 2 Changes of Job Descriptions .
For Demand Side ICT is : More buying alternatives Low prices More relation With destination Easy decision making Convenience
For customers behavior For Suppliers ICT is : Opportunity of Being at global Level with less prices Omission of intermediates Decrease in producing costs More simple adaptation With customer behavior Rapid reaction For customers behavior Turning from Product orient To market orient
For Hotels Choosing 10 province by CPM matrix . Some important factors : No. of travelers , population , natural and historical attractions , geographical diversifications , competitive advantages , etc . Using most popular search engines such as google , yahoo and national databases Selecting 403 hotels of all rates . Analyzing by Microsoft Office Excel 2003 . Pilot provinces are : ardebil , esfahan ,tehran , khorasan , kerman , fars , mazandaran , hormozgan , hamadan , yazd .
Definitions Global Distribution systems ( GDS ) . Global Reservation systems ( GRS ) . Central or Computer Res. sys. ( CRS ) . Destination Management systems ( DMS ) .
DMS’s : A new channel for selling and marketing . Good design = a competitive advantage . Fast , comfort , careful and exact market researches . Today this is not true : “ It is impossible to experience (use) tourism product before buying It “ .
DMS using
Tourism promotion activities Tourism promotion activities based on ICT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT Enterprises ( Firms ) level Tour operator , travel agencies , hotels , airlines , restaurants , museums , . . . Main ( Central ) level Different countries websites ( national or international ) Domestic level Province/state websites
Iran Internet Users in Global Glance Different statistics variation between 7.2 to 16 percent of users (years between 2004 to 2006 ) , ( 5milion-11milion user ) . Rating 20 . Also in digital opportunities measurement Iran rate 94 . three main indexes for measurement are: 1. Opportunity , 2. Infrastructure , 3. Use
Digital opportunities Indexes digital opportunities measurement TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT Opportunity Coverage . Financial ability . Iran score : 0.99 Use Amount of uses . Connection quantity . Iran score : 0.03 Infrastructure Network . Network connection tools. Iran score : 0.16 Iran total score : 0.36
Country official website Iran Turkey France Web address Provincial links 33% doesn't work All of them works Services 3-4 useful More than 14 More than 26 Language 2 More than 40 Search engines N At the top of first page Up to date 32 month ago By week By day
Tehran Travel agencies : 274 of 438 (62.5%) have E-mail . 50 of 438 (11.4%) have Website .
Indexes in Hotel Websites Measurements About us . Services . Reservation . Prices . Information about city . Contact with manager . News . Hotel virtual tour . Site map . Poll 11. Members area . Tour selling . Conferences . Photo gallery . Location . Contact us . Language . Links . Design and accesses .
Iran Hotels (10 touristy province) 65 of 403 have website (16.1%) .
Which Rate works better
Websites by province
Other statistics Website design and accesses : average 3.55 ( 1-5 scale ; 1:bad , 5:best ) Only 3 up to date : A) 7 day before ; B) 6 month ago ; C) 9 years ago . Language : 1.6 Groups : 14 > Parsian ; 8 >Aria ; 4 > Homa ; 1 > Sabet .