Making Inferences: The Fall of Saigon Unit One Lesson One Making Inferences: The Fall of Saigon
Inference a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. If a student put a whoopee cushion on their teacher’s chair, you might INFER that they are the class clown. If a student walks into class with a smile on their face, you might INFER that they are having a good morning. If a character in a book breaks a cultural tradition, you might INFER that they are rebellious.
Photo Gallery Get a piece of paper and make a T chart. On the Left write “I notice” and on the right write “I wonder”. This is a completely SILENT ACTIVITY You will see a number of pictures on the screen, write one thing you notice and one thing you wonder about each picture. You have 45 seconds to do this then we will move to the next picture. Be ready to share, I will pull cards randomly.
Mix and Mingle Passer: Give everybody a sentence strip. Class: You will find classmates who don’t have the same sentence as you. Compare sentences, talk about what you think is going on. You will be timed so get to as many people as you can!
Guiding Questions What kinds of inferences have you made from the pictures and the sentences? How do Critical Incidents reveal people’s character? What is home?
Exit Ticket Write one inference that you made today either from the pictures, sentences, or both. Write one question that you hope will be answered as we move on with our lesson. Write this on a half sheet of paper with your name, class period, and date. Pass it up to the front when you are done.