Looking at their Reactions Economic Indicators Looking at their Reactions
GDP Economic Indicator When the indicator is: The Bond Reaction will be: The Stock Reaction will be: The Dollar Reaction will be: The Spot Gold Reaction will be: GDP
Interest Rate Economic Indicator When the indicator is: The Bond Reaction will be: The Stock Reaction will be: The Dollar Reaction will be: The Spot Gold Reaction will be: Interest Rate Little Change
Unemployment Rate Economic Indicator When the indicator is: The Bond Reaction will be: The Stock Reaction will be: The Dollar Reaction will be: The Spot Gold Reaction will be: Unemployment Rate
Producer Price Index Economic Indicator When the indicator is: The Bond Reaction will be: The Stock Reaction will be: The Dollar Reaction will be: The Spot Gold Reaction will be: Producer Price Index UNCERTAIN NO REACTION
Economic Indicator When the indicator is: The Bond Reaction will be: The Stock Reaction will be: The Dollar Reaction will be: The Spot Gold Reaction will be: Consumer Price Index NO REACTION
Interest Rate GDP Employment Rate Producer Price Index Review Interest Rate GDP Employment Rate Producer Price Index Consumer Price Index