New Year’s resolutions Personal Eat healthier food Stop eating crisps Drink water rather than fizzy drinks Become fitter by walking or cycling to school Argue less with my friends Speak politely Take responsibility for my actions Control my behaviour/temper Communicate more effectively Do not exclude others Consider the views of others Reduce my salt intake Eat five fruits or vegetables a day Respect people from diverse backgrounds Value friendship Help others These are examples of resolutions your class might choose to make, but there are lots of other great resolutions your class might end up with. Do let us know what your class vows to change in The new year! Email and tell us, and we might feature your class’s resolutions online. Classroom and School Respect other people’s possessions Respect other classmates’ first languages Co-operate more with others Share classroom resources more fairly Listen to others in class Do not interrupt others Help others within the class and school Look after school equipment Show consideration towards others Recycle classroom rubbish Report bullying incidents Help newcomers to the school Use less paper Introduce fair trade products to school Set up a school council Improve school links with the community Tackle racism and racist incidents Improve access for disabled people around school Improve litter problems in school and on the routes to school Save water Don’t waste energy – turn off lights Work more collaboratively Overcome problems together New Year’s resolutions How can I effect change? Global Find out about basic human needs and rights – UN Rights of the Child Help develop a Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development week at school Examine media coverage and detect stereotype and bias Learn about fair trade and how it can help people get out of poverty Eat fair trade products or run fair trade evenings Contact a charitable organisation and find out about its work in the UK and overseas Research a campaign. What are its aims? Do I agree? What can I do? Contribute to the school web site Contact my local Development Education Centre for materials about global issues Establish a link with a community in the developing world Raise money for my favourite charity Research the impact of climate change and what I can do about it Lobby and/or write to my local MP Produce posters, fliers, videos, artwork or presentations to inform others about an issue I care about Local Community Reduce pollution: cycle or walk, rather than drive, to school Get the community to recycle rubbish Contact a charity working locally to find out more about issues that affect my locality Have a say in community projects Learn about ‘urban regeneration’ Improve links with local community groups Set up recycling groups