Creating your Social Image
Let’s start with Facebook Create Your First Nonprofit Facebook Page Before you begin, there are a few resources you will need to gather: Your organization’s logo in digital format (try to find the largest size you have) A large image you can use as a cover photo (more details later) Your organization’s contact information, mission, and a short description of what your organization does Once you have all these things, it’s time to create your Facebook Page.
Login to your Facebook account and click “Page” located in the lower left of the screen
This will take you to the next screen, which will show six quadrants This will take you to the next screen, which will show six quadrants. Each indicates a different type of Page you can create. Select “Company, Organization or Institution” to create a nonprofit Page. Note: Select “Cause or Community” if you’re creating a charity.
Once you click the quadrant, you’ll be asked to choose a category Once you click the quadrant, you’ll be asked to choose a category. Scroll down until you find, “Non-Profit Organization” and select it.
After that, enter your organization’s name and click “Get Started”.
Guess What? Congratulations, you’ve just created a Facebook Page for your nonprofit. There are just four more steps to make your new Page complete. I’ve highlighted each step in the image below:
Upload a Display Image (A) Dimensions: 170 x 170 pixels If the image you upload isn’t a perfect square, it’s okay, Facebook will help you crop it. Your display image is the best place to use your organization’s logo, because this is the image that will appear in people’s Facebook feeds whenever you post something. To upload your image, simply click the box in the upper left hand corner. Upload a Cover Image (B) Dimensions: 820 x 312 pixels The higher quality and size of the picture you upload here, the better. This image is only seen if someone comes to your Facebook Page. Use this image to help give your Page some extra branding and display the culture of your organization.
Update Your About Us Page (C) Once you’re happy with how your display and cover photos look, next edit the “About” information on your Page to give people more information about who you are. To do this, click “About” on the left hand side of the screen. You’ll be taken to a Page where you can enter all the information you like about your organization.
SO IMPORTANT that THESE ARE CORRECT While there are many fields in this area, here are the most important ones to add: Address: this is your nonprofit’s mailing address Short & Long Description: here you can write more information about your nonprofit, board, members, and goals Mission Phone Email Website
Get Your First Followers (D) After finishing steps one through four, you’ll have a basic Facebook Page setup for your nonprofit. Now it’s time to start getting followers who will like your Page (don’t forget to like the Page yourself). Followers who like your Facebook Page will see your photos and posts in their Facebook feed whenever you have a new update. Here are four simple things you can do to get more followers: Use Facebook search to invite your Facebook friends to like the Page. This is located on the bottom right of your Page. Simply type a friend’s name and click “Invite”. These friends will receive a notification inviting them to like your Page. Email your current subscribers/friends/parents and members with a link to your Facebook Page and ask them to like it. You can find the link to your Facebook Page in the URL as shown below. Simple copy and paste this text into an email. Add a Facebook link to your website. It’s a good idea to place this link where your contact information is located. The most visually engaging way to do this is to make the link an image of Facebook’s logo, like how it’s shown below.
Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy Once you’ve completed these simple steps, your nonprofit’s Facebook Page is ready to go. People will be able to search for your organization on Facebook and you can start engaging with your new followers right away.