SUNDAY 21th May 2017 Church Scientific Cafe Evening "HOW could a Christian worldview enhance science?" writes Dr Richard Gunton, a research scientist who worships at Blenheim Baptist Church in Leeds. The May Church Scientific café evening will feature a final set of short talks by Leeds-based researchers. Come along to Blenheim Baptist Church, Leeds, on Monday 22nd May from 7.15pm to hear talks about scientific work in the light of Christian faith, with time for discussion over coffee. Entry and refreshments are free. The n on Saturday 24th June, "Church Scientific: the Big Conversation" is a science conference like no other. Scientists, students, church leaders, thinkers - all are invited to a day of fresh perspectives on ordinary scientific research. How could a Christian worldview enhance the sciences as we worship our Creator, Redeemer and Lord through investigation and discovery? Prof. David Watts from Manchester will be our keynote speaker, with contributions from local researchers. Adventurers – Leaders needed Adventurers are looking for a leader to join our creative, playful group. All of our current leaders also help with Messy Church on the 3rd Sunday of the month, so we are hoping to find someone to lead Adventurers on the 3rd Sunday Morning of the month. Any offers of help are gratefully received. If you would like more information please speak to Hannah Ford or Mark Riches. Thanks, Hannah Please note that we are not allowed to use the equipment in the lower playground and that any children playing there must be supervised by an adult. Thank you! Set up in May - Dave Herringshaw’s housegroup Set up in June – Viv and Harland’s housegroup Today Rick Walker will be leading our worship. After the break Simon will be continuing our new series on Galatians and will be speaking on with Gal.4:8-31. Welcome to Chapel A THIS COMING WEEK Tuesdays at 11am in the church office - a short prayer meeting with the staff and whoever would like to pray for Chapel A. Housegroups generally meet on Monday, Tuesday and alternate Thursday evenings. Please see notice board in corridor. Tuesdays - Totally Tuesday for Years 5-7, 6.30 - 8pm in Chapel All. Methodist Hall. Wednesday – WOW youth group for Years 8+ in Chapel Allerton Methodist Hall. Please contact Hannah Dey on 0113 320 1350 or 07930 330389 about any of our usual groups for young people. The Chapel A Charity Cricket Match 2017! I thought it would be fun to try and organise a cricket match this summer, hopefully against another church. Lots of details still to be clarified - venue, equipment, date etc but for now I'm just trying to see if we can get enough players! So if you're interested in a fun, friendly, but fiercely competitive cricket match please get in touch with James Dey - 07731 865768 and Robin Away Please note that Robin will be on holiday between the 26th May and the 3rd June. Christian Aid Week This morning we are selling bacon sandwiches in aid of Christian Aid Week. Enjoy!. Send newsletter notices and news to or phone the church office on 0113 320 1350 . Thursday is the cut-off for any notices for that Sunday’s news-sheet. Our new office address is First Floor, 126 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4NZ. The ministers of the church are Simon Hall (0797 375 6440) and Robin Thomson (0798 035 6178).