Art as a link between peoples
It is universally acknowledged that museums, international exhibitions of Fine Arts, various competitions (in literature, music, painting, ballet, theatre) serve as a kind of international communication. With the help of interaction between people and works of the world arts, the dialogue of cultures is possible. Judging by the quotation of Lichachev, as a researcher of the ancient literature “Culture unites a person from different aspects. You can not be cultured in one sphere and remain ignorant in the other. The more a person is surrounded by culture, immersed in it, the more interesting to live, their life obtains the rich content”.
The Hermitage, St Petersburg A museum is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities throughout the world and more local ones exist in smaller cities, towns and even the countryside. E.g. The Tretyakovskaya Gallery, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow), the Hermitage, the Kunstkamera, the Russian Museum (St Petersburg); the Louver, the Museum of Modern Art (France), the Prado Museum, the Dali Museum (Spain), the National Gallery, the British Museum (in Britain) The Louver, Paris The Hermitage, St Petersburg
The Prado, Madrid The Military Museum of Bundeswehr, Dresden
Музей (греч. museion — храм, музей) — учреждение, собирающее и выставляющее для всеобщего обозрения произведения искусства, предметы истории, науки, быта, которые располагаются в экспозиции по определенной системе.
In 2008 in Seoul (South Korea) on the basis of computer technology has created a virtual gallery of masterpieces in the hi-tech style(англ. high technology, high tech, hi-tech). This style, using new materials and compositions appeared in architecture and design in the 80s. XX century. Later, its features emerged in other movements of art. In this gallery people can interact with the characters of more than 20 paintings and sculptures, including "The Last Supper," "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, “The Last Day of Pompeii" by K. Briullov, “Discobolus" Myron, etc. The audience can ask questions to see what they had been doing for a moment before they were depicted by the painter or sculptor, watch their movements in space.
International competitions, festivals, projects are important means of communication. Concerts of outstanding performers (instrumentalists, orchestras, conductors, singers), festivals of folk, pop, jazz, rock bands often become cultural events in the life of nations and peoples. For more than 50 years (since 1957) International Tchaikovsky Competition attracts the attention of the whole world , which brings together hundreds of young musicians of various nationalities. Among the winners occur Russian, American, British, Chinese, Japanese, and French talented people. The audience covers almost all nationalities and cultures of the world. Performances of contestants are listened to in concert halls or they are broadcast on radio, television or in the Internet. This is a visual manifestation of the universal language of music communication, which has gained international significance.
The Golden Mask was established (1994) for people being rewarded in the sphere of theatre, ballet and opera. Эмблема театрального фестиваля «Золотая маска»
The Nutcracker International Television Contest for Young Musicians is an annual music competition, organized by "Russia K" (Rossia-Kultura) state TV channel established in 2000. Gifted children from all over the world have an opportunity not only to show themselves as serious musicians, but also to get acquainted, to change their experiences and to perform on the same stage with world-class musicians - the final round of the contest is accompanied by the best Russian orchestras.
The spreading of modern art has got international projects that combine the efforts of creative people around the world. The famous performances of three legendary tenors : итальянец Лучано Паваротти (an Italian), Пласидо Доминго и Хосе Каррерас (Spanish musicians) can be referred to such projects. They perform both classical music and modern version of pop music. П. Доминго, Х. Каррерас, Л. Паваротти
Nowadays one of the most popular competitions in music is “Eurovision” which requires the participation of different countries «El Divo». Квартет