HIST 151 Essay 5: “Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports”
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Washington’s Administrations Setting Precedents Executive Title Removal Power Treaty-making Executive Privilege
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Washington’s Administrations 2. The ____________ Department of State Department of Treasury Department of War Department of Justice
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Washington’s Administrations 3. Bill of Rights Congressman James Madison Protection of the individual from the abuse of power by the _____________ First 10 Amendments to the US Constitution
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” 5th Amendment – _____ ___________ of Law “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law” Law must follow established “formal procedures” Law must have “generality, regularity, fairness Law must conform to political principles and philosophy as stated in the Declaration Due Process of Law ensures that laws are just and that those implementing and enforcing them do not violate fundamental rights and liberties of all people
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” 4. Judiciary Act Established the first federal court system District courts ____________ (Appeals) Courts
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” 5. _______________ – Loose Construction The National Bank Protective Tariff Federal Taxation Strong ________government Favored the business/commerce class as the best way to make America a great nation “Implied Powers” in the Constitution ← Alexander Hamilton
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” 6. _______________ – Strict Construction Yeoman Farmer Suspicious of big business, big government, banks Weak central government Power should reside with the people at the ___________ level “That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.”
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” First American Party System 1. _____________-_____________ Jeffersonians Weak federal government 2. ______________ Hamiltonians Strong federal government
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Indian Problems ← General “Mad” Anthony __________ Battle of Fallen Timbers ___________ Rebellion Test of Federal Power
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” The French Revolution 1. European War 2. Washington: avoid __________entanglements ____’sTreaty (Great Britain) 1. Required British to evacuate the Northwest territory 2. Americans obliged to pay their pre-revolutionary debt Pinckney's Treaty (Spain) 1. Claims to ___________ 2. Free navigation of the Mississippi River
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Election of 1796 and the ___________’s Administration 1. First competitive presidential election under the Constitution 2. ← John Adams (Federalist) v. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republicans) ___, ___, ___ Affair 1. French refusal to meet with American representatives unless a bribe was paid 2. Quasi-war with France?
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Break with Hamilton 1. Hamilton sympathetic to the British; hated the _______________ 2. Sought war with France as a way to improve relations with Britain ← John Adams, Robert Morris, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” ________ and ___________ Acts 1. Prohibited criticism of the government or its officials 2. Tightened controls on immigration and the process of becoming a US citizen
“Religion and Morality Are Indispensable Supports” Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 1. Written secretly by _____________ ↑ (vice president) and ___________ ↓ 2. Established the philosophical framework for nullification of federal laws and ultimately state secession