Club Secretary Student Org Academy 2016
Who is this guy? James Alexander, Assistant Director of Rec Sports I oversee the Club Sports program Email any questions-
What We’re Covering General Duties of position Secretary Paperwork and Forms Travel Campus Event Planning Advertising and Promotions Officer Transition
General Duties Record keeping Meeting Attendance Member roster Meeting minutes Club Communication (within as well as on behalf of) Groupme Social media Office of Student Involvement It’s important to document participation and record what happened this year because it can/will inform future groups on what went well and why certain decisions were made.
Secretary Paperwork and Forms Member Roster Fundraising Permit Form Travel Itinerary Meeting Minutes
Off-Campus Travel What is the club’s method for planning out your club’s travel logistics to ensure the best practices for safe travel on your organization's next trip. Must submit Travel Itinerary on OrgSync. Still have to follow Xavier Policies and Procedures when traveling Trips must have a chaperone (Xavier Faculty/Staff member) Travel Safety Checklist
Your position related to travel Submitting Travel Itinerary Found in Orgsync: Link connects you to the Student Travel Policy information as well as form to submit
Campus Event Planning What are the basics of event planning on Xavier’s campus? How do you reserve space, manage risk and divide tasks among members? How do you work with vendors?
Securing Space on Campus What is the name and contact information for the person to contact to schedule events/reserve space in the Academic Mall or the Xavier Yard? Office of Student Involvement- x3004 or Who do you contact to reserve a room on campus? Registrar Email Building Coordinator Canvas
Advertising and Promotions What are best practices for advertising events on campus and information? Outdoor Postings (chalk, signs, flags) – Form on OrgSync; MUST be removed within 24 hours of end of event Flyers/Digital Signs in buildings – Contact Building Coordinator Social Media Newswire
Changes to Xavier’s Logos How to properly use Xavier's brand and logo. In summer of 2015, Athletics became the exclusive users of the following logos the Xavier “X” the Small D’Artagnan Head “Xavier” with a Sword Underneath
Your Job Pertaining to Advertising Creating the signs? Figuring out where to put them… Know who to contact!!
Officer Transition What is the club’s process of transition from one year of officers to the next? How do you train your successor? Job description Create folders/binders to pass down Monthly calendar of responsibilities, tasks. Be available to answer questions and help Set goals
Fundraising Policy Fundraisers include: sales of any kind (including food or beverage), raffles, tickets, apparel, discount cards and other products. Fundraisers include events such as silent auctions, charity balls, donation collection boxes, concession sales, and letter writing campaigns.
Fundraising Policy MUST submit a Fundraising Permit Form on OrgSync 2 WEEKS prior to event Cannot include sales of alcohol or illegal substances Cannot do crowdfunding type activities (GoFundMe, etc) No gambling (includes split-the-pot, raffles, etc) If on campus, MUST get location approved If selling apparel, MUST get designed approved
Fundraising-Do Not Contact List 5/3 Bank AK Steel American Financial Chase Chiquita brands International Cincinnati Bell Cincinnati Reds Convergys Deloitte & Touche Duke Energy EW Scripps/ Foundation Fidelity Foundation / Fidelity Investments First Financial Bank Fort Washington Investments G.E. Aircraft Engines Grant Thornton Huntington Bank Key Bank KPMG Kroger La Salle Macy's Messer Construction National City Bank PNC Financial Proctor & Gamble PWC Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc. Union Savings bank US Bank Western & Southern
That’s All Folks!! Questions?