Financial Procedures Guide Spring 2017
Checklist Be Chartered Attend an ASNMSU Financial Procedure Workshop Complete 4 Community Service for Every $3000 Appropriated. Be able to front the cost of the trip. Ask a Senator to Sponsor a Bill for you. Representative for Bill must be Present at All Committees.
Discuss With Senator Before Writing Your Bill When Where Number of days Number of people Number of hotel rooms Cost of rooms Transportation to Location Inner-city Transportation Supplies needed Equipment or uniforms that may be funded differently Renting fees Registration costs or entry fees Purpose Foreign travel outside North America
Community Service Requirements IF MORE THAN 2 MEMBERS PARTICIPATE IN THE TRIP At least 25% of the organization’s active members must complete 2 hours of on- campus and 2 of off-campus community service for every $3,000 appropriated. IF ONLY 1 OR 2 MEMBERS PARTICIPATE IN THE TRIP They may choose between (1) fulfilling the 25% requirement or (2) completing 5 individual hours wherever of community service for every $3,000 appropriated. The community service cannot directly benefit your organization. Graduate Students: ** You have the option of doing either (2) hours on/off campus or doing (5) hours wherever. This option is given due to the more demanding schedules. **COMMUNITY SERVICE MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE BILL IS PRESENTED TO SENATE
Bills For Travel Travel while in conference city Travel Other fees Airfare gas mileage vehicle rental checked bags Hotel Room (Male & Female cannot room together if not married) Advisors must get their own room Travel while in conference city Ground transportation (city bus, metro, taxi, uber, etc.) Other fees Registration fee performance fee tour fee etc.
REMINDER ASNMSU utilizes student fees to fund 40% of costs for students to do the following: Attend academic/professional conferences Compete in local, state, and national competitions if competing for recognition Some humanitarian aid and community service projects In addition, there are some other items ASNMSU will fund, for example, uniforms for competing teams; HOWEVER, there are stipulations.
Funding Restrictions ASNMSU does not provide funding for the following items: Insurance Visas/ Passports Study Abroad Classes/Tuition Admission tickets Food/Drinks
Bills for Purchases You may use these funds to purchase: Office supplies Rental of facilities Etc. **The University has a preferred purchase agreement with Staples, which allows student organizations to use the Staple Advantage Program to receive discounts.**
Reimbursement Process STEP 1: Bill is passed in senate & signed of by Senate Clerk, Vice President, and President STEP 2: After 5 business days contact Debbie Peel, Taylor Brown, or Shannon Doyle to schedule an appointment. STEP 3: Show up to appointment with reimbursement intake sheet filled out, the original receipts, and a proof of attendance.
Ways To Get Reimbursed INDIVIDUALS: Must be a member on the bill. Must have active Banner ID Travel Expense Report OR Direct Pay Form (Direct Deposit) (Check) ORGANIZATIONS/CLUBS: Check may be provided Must have an active Vendor Number Club Accounts Must have advisor that oversees this account.
Things To Know Expenses must have ORIGINAL receipts. We can only reimburse up to the line item listed on the senate bill. Reimbursement is done based on line item, not on total. You cannot have received reimbursement from any other NMSU source before we reimburse you the 40% per line item. Make sure the Department is in touch with Debbie Peel if you are being funded by another source. Anything not included on the bill cannot be reimbursed All receipts must be in the traveler’s name.
Things To Know The ASNMSU Comptroller DOES NOT have a check book. A check will not automatically be cut in the amount of your Senate Bill or Council Appropriation Simply turning in receipts does not trigger a reimbursement Do not give your receipts to your Senator Do not attach your receipts to your council bills Process can take up to three weeks after you meet with the Fiscal Advisor Bills must be submitted by the first senate meeting following your departure Bills for trips that take place during a break must be submitted by the first senate meeting after the break has ended.
Things To Know For trips before June 15th, receipts/reimbursement vouchers/check requests must be in no later than June 15th. For trips after June 15th, it is recommended to defer submission of a senate bill request until the next fall semester. Come in to fill out reimbursement paperwork within three days of returning from travel. Travel reimbursements issued than 60 days after a traveler returns become taxable to the traveler and will be forwarded to Payroll Service for tax withholdings. Funds for bills that have been passed but no reimbursement paperwork done by June 30 are reverted back to the Surplus Account.