Division of Fire Prevention & Control Cooperator Reimbursement Process Update 2017
2017 Process Updates & Reminders Invoice Preparation Expense is being reimbursed DFPC is continuing negotiations with our federal partners Return travel should be recorded on CTRs, but are not required for reimbursement Verification of documented hours by department is required EFT payment is available Contact Harmony Altair at harmony.altair@state.co.us Assignment type determines reimbursement office Forms are not dated by calendar year Submit invoices within 30 days Submitted Invoice Preparation Expense is being reimbursed for the 2016 fire season Invoice Preparation Expense will be reimbursed through the current process for 2017. DFPC is in continued negotiations with our federal partners to agree to a minimum template for the recording of time (timesheets) for invoice processing DFPC will let cooperators know if/when there are changes to the form and/or process CTRs/STs should be completed for travel time home; verification on Individual Salary Breakdown is required. Can update OF-288 and/or OF-286 if return travel times were estimated by the incident. EFT payment is available; please contact Harmony Altair for additional information (harmony.altair@state.co.us). Set-up is through the Vendor Self Service site Harmony can email all necessary information If you need to send in a correction to an already-submitted invoice, please send in an invoice for the additional expense ONLY. Do not resubmit the entire invoice, as it may result in duplicate payment. Wildland Fire mobilizations will be reimbursed by DFPC. Colorado All Hazard Mobilizations will be reimbursed by DHSEM. The calendar year has been removed from the new forms to allow for longer periods of use when no changes are necessary. Submitting invoices within 30 days of return is a recommendation, not a requirement. Keeps invoices flowing through our office
Position Pay Rate Matrix The 2017 Position Pay Rates increased slightly from 2016. Supplemental resources are reimbursed based on the positioned they worked on the incident. Based on a 7 day work week beginning on day one of the mobilization. OT is paid at time and a half for: hours in excess of 8 hours per day for the first 5 days; days 6 and 7 are all OT. OR hours in excess of the first 40 hours worked in a 7 day work week. The 2017 Position Pay Matrix includes the appropriate OT rate for each position. Benefits may be added on to the position pay rate. We recommend using the position pay rate matrix for determining volunteer rates for departments that do not have set volunteer rates.
Personnel Resource Status Report Due by April 1st each year, or include with your first invoice of the season. NOT required for subsequent invoices. Can be emailed to wildlandfire@state.co.us or erin.claussen@state.co.us. Kept in DFPC files; not for distribution. Verifies that departments are including the appropriate benefits, such as worker’s comp. We want to know what the make-up of a department is (ie- all permanent, all volunteer, a mix, etc), but do not need a list of all employees’ pay rates.
Cooperator Incident Assignment Invoice Please submit a separate invoice for each incident in a mobilization. Single resource assignments should not be billed together on same invoice unless all individuals are assigned to same incidents; not when dates differ. Please include a copy of the final resource order. Resource order for the first assignment in a mobilization covers all additional reassignments. Financial information for additional incidents can be found on the personnel or equipment documentation. Let us know if a mutual aid deduction has been made or should be made. If there is a local mutual aid agreement that applies, please let us know. Due to the change in our financial system, your Vendor ID is no longer valid; DFPC will continue to complete this portion. Payment address must be included Your remit address directly correlates with your Vendor ID in our financial system. All invoices must be signed! If the invoice includes reimbursement for person who normally signs, another member of the department must sign instead.
Individual Salary Breakdown Required fire documentation: Signed Yellow Crew Time Reports (CTRs) – incident may keep the original OR Original Incident Time Report (OF-288) If there is no finance section to turn in CTRs to, there will not be an OF-288; please do not create one at the home unit. There should be one Individual Salary Breakdown included for each employee being billed for. Cooperators will be reimbursed for actual personnel payroll expense, including benefits. No portal to portal pay will be allowed without specific incident documentation. Verification by the department that documented return travel hours are correct is required! In lieu of submitting signed CTR showing actual return travel time. Individual should record return travel hours on CTR; DFPC reserves the right to request the CTR. Up to 4 hours of rehab time is allowable for personnel after an assignment; please identify rehab hours separately. Reimbursable personnel costs include: Salary as direct compensation to assigned personnel, for regular and OT/premium pay. Salary for backfill employees needed to cover for assigned full-time employees on their regularly scheduled work day(s). Benefits. Please identify the employee type, and give us information in regards to the employee’s schedule as documented on this form. A 10% indirect cost is allowed ONLY for supplemental and volunteer employees using the Position Pay Matrix rates. 10% of the base hours times the base hourly rate (without benefits). If adding lines, please make sure the subtotal formulas include ALL lines.
Personnel Expense Summary This is an optional form, intended to be used for invoices with multiple individuals, such as a hand crew.
Individual Travel Breakdown Per diem meal rates will be used to reimburse meals purchased. Rate is based on overnight location (found on GSA). Rate on last travel day is based on firefighter’s home unit location. No 75% of the daily rate for first and last days; please request the full per diem rate for meals purchased during travel. Meal receipts are not required for per diem reimbursement. The $5.00 incidental is reimbursable for each day on the incident, even if meals are provided, including first and last days. Personal items such as ice, soda, coffee, etc. are not reimbursable; covered by the daily $5.00 incidental. If your department has its own travel reimbursement schedule/program, it must be indicated on the form. If your department’s reimbursement program requires reimbursement of actual expense, receipt copies MUST be included. Cannot exceed GSA per diem for that day. Receipt copies are required for lodging and other travel expense reimbursement. Reimbursement for meals or lodging should not be requested when assigned to an incident where food and sleeping areas are provided. Use a shift ticket to track odometer readings for POV mileage reimbursement. Fuel is not reimbursable when requesting POV mileage. Airline baggage fees for up to 2 bags will be reimbursed with a receipt (copy). Overweight and oversized fees will not be reimbursed unless you have specific resource authorization. (Ch.10 National Interagency Mobilization Guide) Fee for overweight baggage may be reimbursed (determined upon review) for smaller airlines with baggage limits less than 50 lbs.
Travel Expense Summary This is an optional form, intended to be used when tracking multiple individual travel breakdowns.
Equipment Use Summary This form is optional. Original Emergency Equipment Use Invoice (OF-286) AND pink copies of Shift Tickets (OF-297) are required for reimbursement. All documents should be signed by both the cooperator and incident personnel. If no OF-286 is created at the incident, pink shift tickets are sufficient for reimbursement. Minimum daily guarantee for equipment does not apply on the first and last days of an incident; payment is for actual hours of travel and work. Reminder: up to 4 hours of personnel time is allowed to rehab equipment after an assignment; this time is not reimbursable for the equipment.
Fuel Summary Copies of itemized fuel receipts are required for reimbursement. Rental fuel receipts can be tracked with this summary form, but we prefer rental vehicle fuel to be included with the travel breakdown.
Equipment Transport Summary For incidents beyond 300 miles from the home unit, lowboy transportation is preferred for engines, tenders, and ambulances. Lowboys may be requested through the dispatch center when accepting an assignment. A copy of the paid receipt for private contract lowboy transport must be included with your reimbursement request. County- and/or department-owned lowboy(s) must be listed on the appropriate CRRF and will be reimbursed with an original Emergency Equipment Use Invoice (OF-286). If lowboy transportation is not available, $1.00 per mile will be allowed for driving distances greater than 300 miles from a home unit to an incident and return to home unit. Not eligible for reassignments. Eligible one-way. Odometer readings recorded on a shift ticket is the preferred method of mileage documentation, but a MapQuest printout will work, too.
Invoice Preparation Expense Disclaimer: This form and potential additional documentation may change in the future due to continued negotiations with our federal partners. Please utilize this current form until otherwise instructed. Additional information will be sent out by DFPC
Repair/Replacement Expense Repair/reimbursement requests require: incident report and authorization documentation copy of the resource order. copy of the paid invoice. copies of pre- and post-use inspections. Please do not hold an assignment invoice while waiting for repair or replacement to be completed. Send in personnel, equipment, travel, etc request for reimbursement, and include the repair/replacement in a separate invoice. Receiving an S# from the fire does NOT guarantee reimbursement from DFPC. Any items covered by department insurance should be deducted from the repair/replacement request; reimbursement will be for expense not covered by insurance. Air filters, oil changes, bulbs, windshields, etc. are considered normal wear and tear, as are most tire replacements, and will generally not be reimbursed. Damages received while in travel status, such as a cracked windshield, generally aren’t reimbursed.
Reimbursement Documentation Checklist Serves as a double check that you’ve submitted the necessary forms and fire documentation for reimbursement. Please remember to fill out the contact information. Used by reviewers if they have questions. Notifications about your invoice will be emailed to this listed contact. Scanned copies of any changes will be emailed to this listed contact. Can list multiple contacts, or notify DFPC of multiple contacts needing receipt and payment information.
Cooperator Reimbursement Process Preview Invoice previewed for completeness If documentation is missing, cooperator notified If complete, invoice moves into review; cooperator notified Coding/ Review Invoice is coded to appropriate fire funding Invoice receives in depth review Cooperator contacted if there are questions Payment Invoice submitted for payment Warrant or EFT issued If there are changes, scan of invoice is sent to the cooperator Invoice is received via mail Entered into Salesforce (DFPC’s Record Management System) Cooperator notified via email Preview Stage (the intent of this stage is not to review the invoice, but to make sure any glaring discrepancies or missing documentation is handled at the beginning) Invoice is previewed for completeness – all expected fire documentation is included (resource order, CTRs/OF-288, OF-286 and shift tickets, fuel receipts, etc) If invoice is missing any documentation, Salesforce is updated to reflect this, and the cooperator is notified via email After 3 notifications, DFPC will return the cooperator reimbursement request to the department If invoice is complete, it is moved into the coding and review stage Cooperator is notified via email Coding/Review Stage Invoice is coded to appropriate fire funding If multiple fires are included in 1 invoice, it is divided at this stage because DFPC must reimburse by fire Invoice receives in depth review by trained reviewer Cooperator is contacted if there are questions Payment Stage Invoice is submitted into CORE, the State’s Financial System, for payment Default payment method is a warrant (check); EFT is available. Invoice must be approved by Financial Services for payment to be issued Invoice is moved to “Ready for Approval” stage in Salesforce; cooperator is notified via email Once invoice is approved in CORE, invoice is considered “Paid”. Invoice is updated in Salesforce and cooperator is notified via email If changes were made to the invoice, a scan is emailed to the cooperator *Payments are issued quicker than DFPC can update Salesforce, scan invoices, and send the email…please be patient with us!
Websites DFPC website DHSEM website https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dfpc/wildland-fire-billing 2017 Cooperator Reimbursement Guidelines and forms 2017-2020 CRRF forms, rates and guidelines DHSEM website http://www.coemergency.com/ All Hazards Emergency Resource Mobilization 2017-2020 CRRF forms
Websites Continued RMACC – Incident Business website https://gacc.nifc.gov/rmcc/incident_busn_management.php# Incident Business Management 2016 Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook current Rocky Mountain IIBMH chapter supplements GSA http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/104711 Per Diem rates Mileage Reimbursement Rates
Mailing Addresses State All-Hazard Assignments Fire Assignments: CO Division of Fire Prevention & Control 5060 Campus Delivery Building 1049 Fort Collins, CO 80523-5060 State All-Hazard Assignments CO Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Logistics Unit 9195 East Mineral Avenue, Suite 200 Centennial, CO 80112 Our physical address is: Division of Fire Prevention & Control 3843 Laporte Avenue Building 1049 Fort Collins, CO 80521 For use when mailing via FedEx of UPS
DFPC Fiscal Support Staff Harmony Altair, Administrative Assistant 970-491-8538 harmony.altair@state.co.us Jill Olson, Administrative Assistant 970-491-8177 jill.olson@state.co.us Lisa Johnson, Fire Billing Specialist 970-491-7911 lisa.johnson@state.co.us Erin Claussen, Incident Business Manager 970-491-8497 (office) 303-263-5937 (cell) erin.claussen@state.co.us Additional Staff: Linda Stehle, Fire Billing 970-491-8466 linda.stehle@state.co.us Joan Johnson, Fire Billing 970-491-7538 joan.johnson@state.co.us Matias DePaoli, Fire Billing 970-491-1063 matias.depaoli@state.co.us Kari Brown, Administrative Assistant 970-491-8878 kari.brown@state.co.us