Avoiding a needs revision status


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Presentation transcript:

Avoiding a needs revision status Arizona State University Class Fees Avoiding a needs revision status Office of the University Provost

{ completeness justification budgets accounts misc. main points

part I: completeness

complete all the fields Not doing so will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Missing/incomplete fields will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

course information needs to include the PS course ID # Missing this field will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Missing/incomplete fields will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Go Here Go Here Go Here

Missing/incomplete fields will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

fall due Aug 1 spring due Dec 15 These are the dates that the form (approved at Dean’s level) is due to the Provost’s office after all revisions have been made. If your FINAL completed/approved form misses the deadline, it will automatically move into the next semester

submit early, rather than often Submitting at the last minute often does not leave adequate time for making revisions and getting those revisions approved through the dean level

Use this field if a course had a previously approved fee and is now getting a new number

Missing account numbers or missing Form A for new accounts will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Missing/incomplete fields will NOT cause your form to be returned to you for revision, but those modes won’t be approved (limit for Hybrid/iCourse is $50)

Fees and deposits not classified as one of the above groups or missing info will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Definitions Pertaining to Special Class Fees or Requests Special class fees and deposits for various purposes are defined below. Fees and deposits may not be imposed except under the following definitions, and in every case must be imposed only for expenses that are necessary for the successful completion of the course objectives. Off-Campus Field Trips or Specialized Equipment/Facilities Use Group travel costs such as gas and mileage reimbursements, but not the cost of food except under unusual circumstances, such as, trips to remote areas where food is not readily available; Admission fees to off-campus educational facilities; Rental or use fees for specialized equipment used exclusively for instruction, e.g., flight simulator, etc.; and Rental or use fees for off-campus facilities or on-campus facilities where a usage fee is normally charged, e.g., use of a bowling alley. Private Instruction One-on-one study with an instructor in special areas of study (such as music performance). Expendable Materials Materials of a specialized nature that are not readily available in retail stores; Materials that can be purchased by the department in large quantities at significant cost savings to the students; Materials that must conform to certain specifications and be identical for all students; and Expensive materials needed by each student in such small quantities that they couldn’t economically be normally purchased in such quantities. Technology Expense Fees Technology expenses must be course-specific, beyond the normally expected basic services, to be defined by each university. Selected Personnel Expenses Models hired for art classes and for clinical practice classes; Musical accompanists for music and dance classes for classes requiring them; Supervisory instruction (including travel) for in-context training classes such as on-site student teaching; social work practicum (field experience); and nursing clinical experience; Special instructional support (technological support for multimedia learning, digital/graphic design, enhanced audio/visual development, and assistants for small break-out groups, recitation sections; preparation of materials, chemicals, supplies essential for classroom instruction, and group learning facilitators such as for supplemental instruction.) Excluded are costs for graduate assistants and teaching assistants who are instructors of record; Deposits; For expensive equipment or apparatus that is temporarily entrusted to students’ care, where the deposit must be fully refundable upon the return, in satisfactory condition, of such equipment or apparatus. Fees and deposits not classified as one of the above groups will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

part II: justification

explain why students should pay a fee by briefly talking through each ABOR approved use

use the definitions page to guide your justification Justifications that don’t address all areas and/or that describe unapproved uses will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Example for expendable materials: The standard method of selling XYZ is by the ton, but students only need to use a pound, thus the department will buy XYZ in bulk and issue one pound to each student Expensive materials needed by each student in such small quantities that they couldn’t economically be normally purchased in such quantities.

Selected personnel expense does NOT cover TA’s

how would you justify the fee to a student?

or to an auditor?

part V: budget

All requests must include a detailed budget… Not attaching a detailed budget will cause your form to be returned to you for revision. Please use the one here

total cost ÷ number of students …indicating how the student fee was calculated, total cost ÷ number of students Detailed budgets not showing the total cost ÷ number of students will cause your form to be returned to you for revision.

how it will be spent, Detailed budgets not broken down by ABOR-approved use and without sufficient detail will cause your form to be returned to you for revision.

and should include any items that will be purchased with these funds. A budget that does not support the justification or includes expenses that are not ABOR-approved uses will cause your form to be returned to you for revision.

Inconsistent approved uses to your budget will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

Adding a budget that cannot be opened will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

best practice

best practice

best practice

part III: accounts

multi-class fee account forms must include ALL the accounts Missing previously approved class fees will cause your form to be returned to you for revision

for accounts with a large number of existing fees, attach a spreadsheet

add new class fees here

add class fees to be deleted here – must be accompanied by class fee form requesting deletion

how does the student benefit from the comingling of fees?

why do you want to comingle fees

part IV: misc

hybrid and iCourse fees have a maximum fee of $50

Search options

Use Wildcard *

Returns all forms on changemaker

use wildcard * search to track the status of your outstanding forms

check your pending revisions regularly

transition checklist: all submitted forms have been approved If a person leaves a job and has changemaker forms that need revisions, the forms will have to be recreated.


transition checklist: Search your department

{ completeness justification budgets accounts misc. summary

quiz: write down the top ten reasons a form is returned for revisions

top ten reasons a form is returned for revisions budget needs detail multi-class form missing all classes multi-class form does not accompany fee request budget shows how fee will be spent rather than builds up why fee is needed budget is recycled and identifies a different class missing account # no budget is attached not evident how per student fee was calculated justification is incomplete missing PeopleSoft course ID top ten reasons a form is returned for revisions

{ { completeness detailed budget timely submission approval matching justification