S4/5 Curriculum Evening
St Columba’s High School, Gourock 9th February 2017 S4/5 Curriculum Evening S4/5S5/6 St Columba’s High School, Gourock 9th February 2017
Planning the Curriculum Pathway Where do we want to go? University College Apprenticeship Training Job Something else
How do we get there?
Appropriate levels of study Advice on appropriate levels of study will be informed by a young person’s progress before the end of S4/5 This will be informed by a range of evidence from classwork, homework, assessment, and overall skills development Further opportunities to discuss further via S4/5 Parents’ Evening
The Subjects S5 - Five subjects for qualifications + RE S6 – Four subjects for qualifications + RE
S5/6 Proposed Options Graphic Communication N5/H Design & Manufacture N5/H PE N5/H/AH Health & Food Technology N5/H Art & Design N5/H Photography H Music N5/H/AH Practical Woodwork N4/N5 Hospitality: Practical Cookery N4/N5 Hospitality: Practical Cake Craft N5 Enterprise & Employability NPA Sports Leadership SCQF L6 Drama H RMPS H English N5/H/AH Maths N5/H/AH French N5/H/AH Spanish N5/H/AH History N5/H Geography N5/H Modern Studies N5/H Biology N5/AH Human Biology H Chemistry N5/H/AH Physics N5/H/AH Admin & IT N5/H Computing N5/H/AH Business Management N5/H
S5/6 Options Other options open to senior students include – Vocational courses at West College Scotland National Qualifications at West College Scotland (ie. Higher Psychology, Lab Skills National 5) Foundation Apprenticeships Distance learning courses Flexible Work Placements
S4S5 Key Dates S4 Reports issued – Monday 20th February S4 Parents’ Evening – Tuesday 28th February Interviews with Guidance Teacher
S5S6 Key Dates S5 Reports issued – Monday 27th February S5 Parents’ Evening – Tuesday 7th March
Supporting Achievement & Attainment Tracking Groups and Mentoring (3 rounds) Tracking meetings with PTs following Prelims Study Skills Interventions Supported Study & Easter School Programme Planning Career Pathways
Supported Study & Easter School
Further Information National Qualifications: www.sqa.org.uk/cfeforparents What you can do to support your child, visit: www.parentzonescotland.gov.uk Scottish Government videos on impact of CfE www.engageforeducation.org/cfefilms A mobile friendly site, which offers a wide range of information about career and learning opportunities in Scotland www.planitplus.net Making the most of career potential throughout life www.myworldofwork.co.uk https://www.mappit.org.uk/ Modern Apprenticeships https://workit.info/ Work Placements
Support from Pastoral Care Team
West College Scotland