TML Gas/Oil and Water Conference Overview and Key Information When: January 8-9, 2015 Where: Austin 200 Attendees Rick Stephens Alpine City Council – Ward 5 January 20, 2015
TML Water Conference Agenda Traditional and Emerging Conservation Technologies and Tactics to Balance the Convergence between Supply, Increased Demand and Conservation Innovative Programs for Landscape Management Managing Water Use Through Efficient Water Systems: Best Practices with Aging Infrastructure and Metering Systems Update on Desalination Update on Emerging Water Supplies Rate Setting and Budgeting in a Conservation Environment
Key Points from the Water Conference In some cases up to 70% of water usage goes to irrigation Landscape Literacy = Water Savings Direct marketing of conservation approaches to high users Texas A&M AgriLife Services available in all 254 Texas Counties in cooperation with USDA Conservation approaches evolving From rate management, consumer education, water barrel rebates To NOW include leak detection, full system AMI, main replacements, treatment optimization Education and committees that include city employees and citizens key to successful water conservation and management State Water Implementation Funds for Texas (SWIFT) Loan Program funded at the State level to fund projects in the state water plan. Next Far West Texas (Region E) Regional Water Planning Group scheduled for 1:30 pm Thursday, February 12 in Alpine (exact location TBD)
TML Oil and Gas Conference Agenda How Oil and Gas Affects the Texas Economy Where Oil and Gas Comes From and How It Is Extracted The State Regulation and Permit Process for Oil and Gas Extraction Perspectives of Mineral Owners Innovations in Public Private Partnerships How Cities Are Regulating Oil and Gas The Legal Challenges Cities Can Expect if They Exceed Their Regulatory Authority Industry Perspective on City Regulation and Legal Challenges
Key Points from the TML Oil and Gas Conference Many of the presentations and focus of the discussions was on the how cities are regulating oil and gas. Key Municipal Regulation Vehicles: Zoning: Classification as land use in table of uses: regulation of aesthetics Subdivision Ordnance: Subdivision Plan; Development Plat Technical “Health and Safety” Ordnance: Drilling Ordnance containing permit requirement Nuisance Ordinances: Noise, Odor, etc Watershed Protection: Regulation in ETJ (Buffer area outside of the city limits) Moratorium: Suspend the acceptance of drilling applications
Key Points from the TML Oil and Gas Conference Primary Legal Points: Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution provides that “no…..ordinance….shall contain any provision inconsistent with the Constitution of the State, or of the general laws enacted by the Legislature of this State.” The Texas State Legislature has given the RRC authority to regulate gas and oil extraction and the TCEQ authority over water regulation Texas Natural Resource Code 92.007 provides that “this chapter does not affect the authority of a municipality to require approval of subdivision plats or the authority of a home-rule city to regulate exploration or development of mineral interests within its boundaries There are inconsistencies in how the courts have resolved the jurisdictional issues between States and Municipalities/Cities
Key Points from the Oil and Gas Conference Texas HB 540 and HB539 Filed on December 17, 2014 HB 540 would require cities to submit valid petitions to the Texas Attorney General for Review before holding an election and if the petition is not consistent with State law the election can be withheld HB 539 would require cities to reimburse the state for lost revenue related to taxes, fees, royalties and other income that result from city drilling regulations
Key Points from the TML Oil and Gas Conference The Texas Railroad Commission has many on-line resources to help cities and citizens provides more than 100 oil and gas rules Hydraulic Fracking Fluid Information must be listed on FracFocus website: Online research queries Public GIS Viewers Research and Statistics
Natural Gas, Crude, and Hazardous Liquid Pipelines