Wireless Expansion Update and Three Year Plan Considerations Greg Redder greg.redder@colostate.edu, 1-7222 Academic Computing & Networking Services 3/31/09
Agenda Installation update Statistics requested Options for proceeding Eddy, Education, Engineering, Plant Sciences, Visual Arts Outdoor Lory Student Center Enrollment levels in buildings Options for proceeding
Installation Update Morgan: 90 % completed, 100% by end of week Clark A/C: Physical installation nearly complete. Thursday/Friday: turn up to begin! ACNS will provide signage for Clark as there is no central point of contact for wireless assistance in those buildings. Will add coverage in Eddy, Education, Plant Sciences pending UTFAB decision/plan.
Statistics Requested Eddy, Education, Engineering, Plant Sciences, Visual Arts Outdoor Lory Student Center Enrollment levels in buildings
Plant Sciences
Visual Arts All of Visual Arts Heavily utilized wireless (M109) Occupancy
Outdoor Coverage
Outdoor Utilization Monfort Quad, Lory/Clark/Morgan Plaza, Wagar Plaza, Lory Sculpture Garden
Monfort Quad Utilization (Max: 21, Avg: 8)
Lory/Morgan/Clark Plaza Outdoor Utilization (Max: 96, Avg: 41)
Wagar Plaza (Max: 18, Avg: 7)
Lory Sculpture Garden (Max: 18, Avg: 7)
Lory Student Center (Max: 116, Avg: 39)
Options for proceeding Top locations approach Problem sites Cover all but largest facilities
Top Locations Approach (Most GA rooms) Term Cost Buildings Fall 2009 $160K Eddy, Education, Engineering Spring 2010 $170K Chemistry, Plant Sci, Wagar Fall 2010 $155K NR, AZ, Shepardson Spring 2011 $142K Aylesworth, Micro, Gifford Fall 2011 $139K Yates, Glover, Mil. Sci., Pathology, Physiology Spring 2012 $129K MRB, Visual Arts, Forestry, Guggenheim Buildings not done: NESB $45K, Animal Sciences $23.5 No outdoor coverage Total if all projects completed: $895
Problem Sites (problem areas and older equipment) Term Cost Buildings Fall 2009 $164K Eddy, Education, Plant Sci, Visual Arts Spring 2010 $192K Engineering, Chemistry Fall 2010 $115K Wagar, Aylesworth, Yates, Mil Sci Spring 2011 $129K Path, NESB, Animal Sci, Shepardson Fall 2011 $129K or $100K Gifford, Physiology, Micro or Outside (Lory west to Rec Center and Oval) Spring 2012 Buildings not done: Guggenheim $10K, Forestry $15.5K, Glover $30.5K, NR 42K, MRB $50.5K, A/Z $85.5K Total if all projects completed: $829
Cover all but largest facilities…. Term Cost Buildings Fall 2009 $150K Eddy, Education, Military Science, Animal Science, Shepardson, Wagar Spring 2010 $180K Plant Sci, Vis Arts, Nat Res, Micro Fall 2010 $155K Gifford, Glover, Path, Physiology Spring 2011 $186K Aylesworth, MRB, AZ Fall 2011 $70K or $100K Guggenheim, Forestry, NESB or Outside (Lory west to Rec Center and Oval) Spring 2012 Buildings not done: Yates ($29K), Engineering ($94.5K), Chemistry ($97K) Total if all projects completed $841K
Alternative choices…? Building Approximate Cost Military Science $8,000 Guggenheim $10,000 Forestry $15,500 Animal Sciences $23,500 Education Shepardson $27,000 Wagar $28,000 Glover $30,500 Pathology $34,000 Physiology $37,500 Microbiology $38,000 Eddy $40,000 Natural Resources $42,000 NESB $44,500 Plant Sciences $47,000 Aylesworth $50,000 MRB $50,500 Visual Arts $53,000 Gifford Anatomy Zoology $85,500 Yates $29,000 Engineering $94,500 Chemistry $97,000
Term Cost Buildings Fall 2009 $160K Eddy, Education, Engineering Spring 2010 $170K Chemistry, Plant Sci, Wagar Fall 2010 $155K NR, AZ, Shepardson Spring 2011 $142K Aylesworth, Micro, Gifford Fall 2011 $139 Yates, Glover, Mil. Sci., Pathology, Physiology Spring 2012 $129 MRB, Visual Arts, Forestry, Guggenheim Term Cost Buildings Fall 2009 $164K Eddy, Education, Plant Sci, Visual Arts Spring 2010 $192K Engineering, Chemistry Fall 2010 $115K Wagar, Aylesworth, Yates, Mil Sci Spring 2011 $129K Path, NESB, Animal Sci, Shepardson Fall 2011 $129K or $100K Gifford, Physiology, Micro or Outside (Lory west to Rec Center and Oval) Spring 2012 Term Cost Buildings Fall 2009 $150K Eddy, Education, Military Science, Animal Science, Shepardson, Wagar Spring 2010 $180K Plant Sci, Vis Arts, Nat Res, Micro Fall 2010 $155K Gifford, Glover, Path, Physiology Spring 2011 $186K Aylesworth, MRB, AZ Fall 2011 $70K or $100K Guggenheim, Forestry, NESB or Outside (Lory west to Rec Center and Oval) Spring 2012
Questions and thank you!