Progression in PSCHE/SMSC/Global Issues Through Links in Other Curriculum Areas. June 2017
Links between SMSC and Early Years Curriculum EYFS - Father’s Day Links between SMSC and Early Years Curriculum Children have learned about different celebrations. They invited a key male figure in their lives to school to celebrate Father’s Day.
Links between SMSC and the English curriculum. Year 1 – World Book Day Links between SMSC and the English curriculum. The children in Year 1 made links between SMSC , World Book Day and English. They came into school dressed as their favourite book characters and wrote about who they were dressed up as and why they liked that character. Some children wrote book reviews about their favourite characters book.
Links to Geography and English curriculum. Year 2 – Refugee Crisis Links to Geography and English curriculum. The children in Year 2 made links between the refugee crisis and Geography and produced some completed longer pieces of cross-curricular writing. Learning from the story of The 3 Little Pigs, children considered how the pigs must have felt when the Big Bad Wolf destroyed their houses. They made links to the refugee crisis where people have lost their homes. Some children wrote letters to Justin Madders, our local MP, to persuade him to home more refugees. Children imaged what it would be like if they had to leave their home due to a crisis.
Links between SMSC and Geography curriculum. Year 3 – Fairtrade Links between SMSC and Geography curriculum. The children in Year 3 made links between SMSC and Geography during Fairtrade Fortnight. The children played games to learn more about Fairtrade, discovered where food comes from and completed team quizzes to test their knowledge.
Year 4 – Rainforests/Deforestation Links between SMSC, English and Geography curriculums. The children in Year 4 made links between global issues, Geography and English. Some children completed longer pieces of cross-curricular writing when they wrote persuasive letters to the zoo rangers about deforestation. Other children participated in debates discussing arguments for and against deforestation.
Year 5 – Money and Budgeting Links between PSCHE and the Maths curriculum. The children in Year 5 made links between PSCHE and Maths when looking at budgeting. Some children discussed the pros and cons of saving versus spending; some looked at pay slips to understand salaries and taxes; others children looked at people’s weekly wages to work out their annual income.
Year 6 – General Election Links between SMSC and the English curriculum. The children in Year 6 made links between the British Values, the general election and English. Some children wrote letters to the future prime minister to persuade them to protect future human rights, education and healthcare. They were inspired by the Martin Luther King ‘I Have a Dream’ speech and used this to help form the basis of their persuasive letters.
Monitoring evidenced: Multiple cross-curricular links between PSCHE/SMSC and British Values in every year group plenty of opportunities taken for longer pieces of writing to demonstrate deeper learning a clear progression of questioning throughout the key stages which are all age and stage appropriate all classes covering current global issues that are relevant to our world today This document highlights a very small selection of vast amounts of SMSC/PSCHE and global cross-curricular links seen across The Acorns.