(Literally) My Notes On Your Essays Good thing – A step in the right direction on a difficult path. Comparisons are there. Class target – focus on the question and be more judgemental + can you compare and judge at the same time e.g. ’The Bolsheviks were far more effective than the tsars in their use of propaganda and censorship, especially Stalin’ then back up with knowledge. Go compare count = half a song Notes: I need to go through planning this essay with them, using the impressive knowledge sheet, the textbooks and more. Stop them story-telling. Comparative judgements needed to be covered. A paragraph just on extent of opposition (maybe a bridge too far) Now let’s see if you can match the feedback to the essays properly.
My Version Of The Essay So Far (non-formulaic intro – where’s the key bits? What are we looking for?) Lenin faced a colossal amount of opposition, not least in the form of the catastrophic Russian Civil War, but he also had the difficult task of establishing a Bolshevik government in a country that overwhelmingly seemed to support the Socialist Revolutionaries when the only free elections were held in November 1917. In light of this, it is impressive to note that Lenin led the Bolsheviks to victory in the Civil War and established a Bolshevik government that lasted until 1989. Stalin and Alexander III might have been more ruthless in dealing with opposition but this doesn’t necessarily equate to success because both sowed seeds of unrest and difficulty for their successors. Lenin faced the most opposition of all Russian rulers and he overcame it all through his use of propaganda, censorship, the secret police the army and the well-timed legislation he passed; for this reason Lenin can be judged as the most successful Russian ruler in dealing with opposition. In terms of the skilful use of the tools of government, Lenin can be judged as one of the most successful rulers, though he is eclipsed in this sense by Stalin and Alexander III who used the tools of government to great effect. Lenin cannot be judged as the most successful ruler at dealing with the opposition of the working classes, this title must go to Khrushchev but he certainly overcame the most significant opposition from the peasantry in particular. Lenin’s greatest achievement in the defeat of opposition has to come with his successful handling of political opposition.
My Version Of The Essay So Far (non-formulaic intro – where’s the key bits?) Lenin faced a colossal amount of opposition, not least in the form of the catastrophic Russian Civil War, but he also had the difficult task of establishing a Bolshevik government in a country that overwhelmingly seemed to support the Socialist Revolutionaries when the only free elections were held in November 1917. In light of this, it is impressive to note that Lenin led the Bolsheviks to victory in the Civil War and established a Bolshevik government that lasted until 1989. Stalin and Alexander III might have been more ruthless in dealing with opposition but this doesn’t necessarily equate to success because both sowed seeds of unrest and difficulty for their successors. Lenin faced the most opposition of all Russian rulers and he overcame it all through his use of propaganda, censorship, the secret police the army and the well-timed legislation he passed; for this reason Lenin can be judged as the most successful Russian ruler in dealing with opposition. In terms of the skilful use of the tools of government, Lenin can be judged as one of the most successful rulers, though he is eclipsed in this sense by Stalin and Alexander III who used the tools of government to great effect. Lenin cannot be judged as the most successful ruler at dealing with the opposition of the working classes, this title must go to Khrushchev but he certainly overcame the most significant opposition from the peasantry in particular. Lenin’s greatest achievement in the defeat of opposition has to come with his successful handling of political opposition.
Next Steps Notes: I need to go through planning this essay with them, using the impressive knowledge sheet, the textbooks and more. Stop them story-telling. Comparative judgements needed to be covered. A paragraph just on extent of opposition (maybe a bridge too far) Judgement P1 P2 P3 Conclusion/ Overall argument… Evidence
Next Steps Notes: I need to go through planning this essay with them, using the impressive knowledge sheet, the textbooks and more. Stop them story-telling. Comparative judgements needed to be covered. A paragraph just on extent of opposition (maybe a bridge too far) Judgement tools of government working classes political opposition Conclusion/ Overall argument… Evidence Grand Duke Sergei killed = Nic II People’s Will = Alex II + III Lenin’s What is to be done, not stopped by censors 1901 = N Lenin accused PG of being bourgeoisie in April Thesis 1917, not censored = PG Purges + Great Terror = S Glasnost A ii + Nic ii Cheka + Bread Peace Land = L Army + civ war = L Relaxation = twice as many books published under K than in the 1920s (like glasnost?) Land and Liberty 1876. Ineffective. Peasant Uprisings – A ii Liquidate Kulaks as a class = S Only ruler who successfully portrayed image of wanting to help peasants, genuine interest in agriculture = K July Days + Oct Rev = PG] Lenin shot by Fanny Kaplan a left wing SR Bloody Sunday = N ii Feb Rev working classes striking = n ii SRs won 370 seats and B’s won 175 seats. - L The elections were rigged and the system of voting was bourgeois. – L Troika v Trotsky – Stalin Political Testament critical of Stain = L failure 9 former members of politburo executed by 1939 = S Fundamental laws = Nicholas Stops constitution = Alex iii Malenkov manager of hydroelectric plant Kazakhstan = K Zemtsva to Third Element – A ii
Next Steps Notes: I need to go through planning this essay with them, using the impressive knowledge sheet, the textbooks and more. Stop them story-telling. Comparative judgements needed to be covered. A paragraph just on extent of opposition (maybe a bridge too far) Now that we have thought about what to include, let’s write a paragraph that is full of comparative judgements (especially at the start), backed up with evidence and not any story telling at all.