Workshop on clinical examination with emphasis on OSCE examination School of Veterinary Medicin and Animal Science Workshop on clinical examination with emphasis on OSCE examination Organizers: Peter Holm and Susanne Nautrup Olesen Supported by Dean’s office, SUND
School of Veterinary Medicin and Animal Science Morning program 8.35 – 8.40: Welcome by Associate prof. Peter Holm, Director of Veterinary Studies 8.40 - 9.10: OSCE and other clinical evaluation forms at the Dentistry education at School of Dentistry by Associate Prof. Sally Dabelsteen, Dept of Odontology, SUND 9.10 - 9.40: OSCE and other clinical evaluation forms at the Medical education at SUND by Clinical Associate Prof., Consultant Medical Surgeon Mikael Bitsch, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen 9.40- 9.55: Break :coffee, the, water, fruit 9.55 – 10.25: Evaluation methods on clinical veterinary (companion animal) courses at the University Teaching Hospital for Companion Animals, by Prof. Annemarie Thuri Kristensen and Prof. Asger Lunddorf Jensen (Head of department), Dept of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Science, SUND 10.25 –10.50: Evaluation forms on clinical veterinary courses at the University Teaching Hospital for Large Animals by Associate Prof Julie Fjeldborg? (chairman for Dept Teaching Committee), Dept for Large Animal Science 10.50 – 11.05 Break: coffee, the, water, fruit 11.05 – 12.30 What skills do we want a graduating veterinary student to have – Introduction by Senior Lecturer, Dr. Matthew Pead (Academic Director of Professional Assessment and Development and Director of Clinical Skills Centre), followed by group work. 12.30 – 13.15 Sandwiches in the “Activity Room”
Afternoon program 13.15– 14.15 Planning an OSCE station (group work) School of Veterinary Medicin and Animal Science Afternoon program 13.15– 14.15 Planning an OSCE station (group work) 14.15 – 15.00 OSCE Logistics, planning and outcomes – How, why and when the format is used at the Royal veterinary College London by Dr. Matthew Pead Coffee and tea available while in groups 15.00 - 15.45 OSCE - evaluation at the veterinary education at SUND? Needed? Alternative examination forms? How? When? Interactive pleanary discussion lead by Dr. Matthew Pead and Peter Holm 15.45 – 16.15 Impact of practical examination, Summary and Questions, Plenary Session lead by Dr. Matthew Pead. 16.15 – 17.00 Thank you and goodbye snacks and beverages OBS! Bus leaves at 16.35